Musleh Khan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 293:03:34
  • More information



Sheikh Musleh Khan, born in Medina Saudi Arabia is currently serving as one of North Americas youngest Imams at the renowned Sakinah Community Center in Toronto, Canada. He is also the host of Ask Musleh, which is a never ending online video series devoted to answering Islams most frequently asked questions in a practical and simplified manner.He has completed a decade of intensive studies at the University of Medina along side some of Islams most prominent scholars. In 10 years, Sheikh Musleh has acquired a broad understanding of various Islamic sciences making him one of Torontos most active Islamic advisers.He is well-known for his unique analysis of Quranic text along with his wisdom in simplifying some of Islams most complicated matters.


  • Life #20 Music - I love it. Is that a problem

    30/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the importance of music in shaping one's life and how it can impact their emotions. They explain that music can be a connection between oneself and the creator, and that it is important to avoid feeling sad or sad about a song. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a connection between music and one's emotions to avoid feeling sad and remind them of their creator's words.

  • Life #19 Loneliness - I feel it all the time

    28/03/2024 Duration: 03min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the feeling of loneliness and isolation that many people experience when feeling alone. They suggest that it is important to take advantage of isolation and use it to uplift one'sfeel and achieve goals. The speaker also encourages individuals to use their isolation to make their needs and desires rewarded and honored by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

  • Life #18 Finding peace in Allahs Qadr

    27/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the importance of finding peace in a situation where one is diagnosed with cancer. They suggest finding peace through worship, devotion, and spending time alone worshiping. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning the deen and finding comfort in Allah's will. They encourage listeners to pray for peace and find peace in their will.

  • Life #17 My friends aren't perfect, but how do I help them become better

    27/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the negative effects of negative relationships with Allah Subhanahu wacentala on one's faith and relationship with their family. They suggest finding new friends and finding a way to encourage others to live the right way. The speaker also advises finding courage and strength to have honest conversations with friends, even if they may not agree.

  • Life #16 My mental health is overwhelming. Can Islam help

    27/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    >> AI Generated: In this segment, the speaker discusses the importance of Islam's reassurance and healing process for mental health struggles. The speaker explains that Islam provides guidance on how to handle mental health struggles, including the importance of not being in a mental state or causing fear and tension. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be mindful of words and messages when talking to someone in mental health, as it is a vulnerable state.

  • Life #15 So many opinions, what should I do

    25/03/2024 Duration: 05min
  • Life #14 Parenting is hard - HELP ME

    23/03/2024 Duration: 08min
  • Life #13 The older I become, the weaker my Emaan

    23/03/2024 Duration: 06min
  • Life #12 Why did Allah put me in such a marriage

    23/03/2024 Duration: 06min
  • Manners, character and Ramadan - Resilient Hour - Friday Edition

    23/03/2024 Duration: 59min
  • Jumuah Kuthbah 22-03-2024

    23/03/2024 Duration: 29min
  • Life #12 Why did Allah put me in a marriage filled with problems

    22/03/2024 Duration: 06min
  • Life #11 When Islam becomes overwhelming, what should I do

    21/03/2024 Duration: 04min
  • Life #10 Why am I losing hope in Allah

    19/03/2024 Duration: 04min
  • Life #09 How do I know my dua's are accepted

    19/03/2024 Duration: 04min
  • Life #08 My anxiety is out of control

    17/03/2024 Duration: 05min
  • Ramadan 2024 - Life #07 I love my parents...but

    16/03/2024 Duration: 06min
  • Ramadan 2024 - Life #06 How much control does Shaitaan really have

    16/03/2024 Duration: 04min
  • Ramadan 2024 - Life #06 How do I know Allah loves me

    15/03/2024 Duration: 05min
  • Ramadan 2024 - Life #05 Why am I losing hope in Allah

    15/03/2024 Duration: 04min
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