Ezra Institute Lectures - Audio



Ezra Institute Recently Added Resources


  • The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin


    Like a precious coin, the Lord works constantly to rescue and redeem His people, and through us, to redeem our culture and world.

  • The Truth Decay of Public Sex Education


    At the heart of Ontario’s radical new sex-ed curriculum is the false belief in human autonomy and the perverse claim that children raise themselves. We may deny the reality of sin, but without Christ, can never truly free ourselves from the sense of guilt that accompanies it.

  • The Gospel and Education


    The foundation of true education is the truth that man, though fallen and sinful, is made in the image of God the creator and king. Education is a core implication of the gospel truth that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth. 

  • The Science of Faith and the Faith of Science


    Worship includes the use of our minds. A Christian cosmology maintains that the laws of nature are only laws because they are God's ordinary way of working. There is no conflict inherent between science and religion.

  • The Uniqueness of Christ and the Christian Worldview


    The Judeo-Christian worldview stands alone among every view of reality; all other worldviews ultimately eliminate distinctions, but the distinction of creator-creature makes Christianity utterly unique and ultimately, our only hope

  • Can’t We all Just Get Along?


    There is a humanistic movement towards a superficial religious unity, which amounts to little more than the abolishment of distinctions as part of a greater effort towards man-centered sociopolitical unity.

  • The Context of Education in Ontario and Canada


    Joe Boot demonstrates that historically, philosophically, economically and sociologically, the religious commitments of the Judeo-Christian worldview form the only solid foundation for the philosophy and practice of education

  • The Religious Nature of All Education


    Education is inescapably a religious exercise, shaping the hearts, minds, and faith of the next generation. The pagan and humanist program of today's state schools cannot be reconciled with the biblical mandate to train our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

  • The Cultural Mandate and Social Justice


    MOG2014 06: As King of kings, Jesus requires all creation to worship him and to serve his kingdom purposes. Our hope is the gospel of the kingdom. By the power of the resurrection Christ is restoring all creation to a condition of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

  • Biblical Principles of Social Justice Q&A


    MOG2014 05: Biblical principles of justice have profound implications for our lives and callings. Conference speakers interact with questions on: sharia law, millennialism, welfare, the tithe, political activism, and the Christian future.

  • Why Christian Culture: The Ruin and Restoration


    MOG2014 04: Culture is the use and ordering of creation for a purpose. Equipped by the word and Spirit of God, the Christian's glorious calling is to build a godly culture, seeking first the Kingdom of God.

  • Why Christian Culture: The Roots and Reign


    MOG2014 03: A culture following after Christ will pursue justice in a way that understands God as the ultimate judge and lawgiver. Our modern culture has embraced counterfeit concepts of justice which are traced historically, theologically and practically to our present day.

  • Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism


    MOG2014 02: Twentieth-century academics have slanderously represented Christian beliefs and lifestyles as evil. Christianity is seen as the root of a fundamental social injustice which the progressive state must now eradicate.

  • Recovering the Foundations of Social Justice


    MOG2014 01: Justice must be firmly grounded in biblical revelation; building a just society on any other foundation is impossible and yields only arbitrary justice. Biblical social justice is more than merely social criticism, and can be understood only in terms of the Kingdom of God.

  • The Cosmology of Compassion


    Joe Boot addresses the competing worldviews surrounding the debate surrounding abortion, and the implications for individuals and society at large.

  • Jubilee and Atonement


    Joe Boot exposes and critiques Brian Walsh's false view of Jubilee and the doctrine of the Atonement. Rather than radical equality, true liberty is the truth that God in Christ has forgiven our insurmountable debt to sin.

  • Wealth Inequality and a Clash of Theologies


    Dr. Brian Mattson critiques the Marxist economic theories of Thomas Piketty, and demonstrates that the human problem is not wealth inequality, but sin.

  • Social Justice: A History


    Scott Masson gives a historical overview of how the philosophy behind the social justice movement developed in the west and now manifests itself in our culture.

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