Simmons Here And Now

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 268:06:04
  • More information



Where we'll talk about books, comics, film, conventions, and other creative arts and pop culture topics.


  • Tell The Damn Story #94: Why Do You Tell Your Damn Stories?

    07/07/2019 Duration: 47min

    Writers often talk about character motivations. Basically why do they do what they do? Though that is a major question, another equally important one is, Why Do We, the Writers Do What We Do?  Alex explores that question because the answer often impacts and empowers our choices for topics, plots, characters, genres, and audience.  Sometimes, more than we suspect. Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section. Or write: 

  • Tell The Damn Story #93: Life As The Story Pool = Inspiration, Imitation, Perspiration & Innovation

    30/06/2019 Duration: 44min

    There are so many things that influence our storytelling. If we only scratch the surface we wind up repeating what's gone before, in almost the same "voice." But diving deeper into our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences helps separate imitation from innovation. In this episode, Alex shares the  process that's lead to him writing some of the most iconic characters in fiction. Click here for a Story Pool List Guide. Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section. Or write: 

  • Tell The Damn Story #92: 7 Top Sources For Good Story Ideas

    23/06/2019 Duration: 29min

    In this episode Alex identifies and underlines the 7 important sources writers explore for stories. From an item on your desk to a tragic moment in life, artist must look to the inner and outer world, in order to reflect it.  Click here for a free lis of these 7 Top Sources. Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section.  Or write: 

  • Tell The Damn Story #91: Fathers and Sons In Fact and Fiction

    16/06/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Alex and Chris celebrate Father's Day talking about the influence of fathers (and mothers!) present or not, being fathers, and the impact of fictional fathers on us, as well as infamous fictional sons and daughters, including Batman, 4 Robins, Batgirl, Spider-Man, This Is Us (yep!), Odin, Blackjack, Captain America, Raven, and Black Panther. Whew!  Happy Father's Day, everybody. Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section. Or write: 

  • Tell The Damn Story #90: Re-Entry: How Creatives Exist in More Than One World

    10/06/2019 Duration: 51min

    Alex and Chris discuss what Chris calls the "come down" from being heavily engaged in the creative process; the time when we're not quite out of our creative world and not quite in our every day world. The results can be challenging, hilarious, and sometimes a little confusing. Alex recorded this episode during his own come down from his latest creative efforts, adding an interesting twist to this episode.  Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section. Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story #89: How Do We Learn In Order To Create?

    02/06/2019 Duration: 56min

    Based on a few things that happened this past week,  on Alex's Facebook Live webinar, and on Chris attending a major writers' conference, as well as  questions from their respective students, Chris and Alex explore, "How do you learn to write a good story?"  "Where do  ideas come from?"  And facing those challenges. "How do we continue to do what we do?"  Have comments or questions for us?  Leave them in our comments section. Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story #88: Confronting Creative Darkness and Why Bother?

    26/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    For the Memorial Day weekend, Alex & Chris take a look at creative demons and angels in an unusual way.  First Chris shares some honest and painful insight into his own struggles with doubt and fears, while trying to build his career.  Then it's a look at Alex's creative battles, but through his being interviewed by Jerzy and Rob, co-hosts of the podcast LEAN INTO ART.   It's another of TTDS' revealing experiments in artistic transparency, but from an additional point of view.   Click here for Alex's interview on the podcast, Lean Into Art. Please leave your comments and questions in our comments section. Or write: Join Alex for the 1st of his summer Write Right Webinars, May 30, 2019, 7 PM EST, on Facebook Live.  Get a head start on his free writing tips by click here, WRITE RIGHT: COMPELLING CHARACTERS.

  • Tell The Damn Story #87: WHAT MUST WE DO FOR OUR ART?

    20/05/2019 Duration: 37min

    Returning tired and inspired from a weekend comic con in Philadelphia, co-host Alex Simmons goes solo for this episode.  His time at the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention left him with many thoughts about artists, choices, life and death, and what we lose and gain for our art.  Leave your comments and questions for us in our comments section. Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story #86: Why Care Who You Write For?

    12/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    In this week's episode, Alex and Chris discuss why care who you write for, yourself or an audience.  Does it make a difference as long as you tell the story in your head? Does knowing who you're trying to reach affect what you write and how you accomplish that task?  Does making that decision ahead of time affect the quality of your work, the topics you'll tackle, or the genre you'll use?  They'll share their knowledges and experiences.  Will you? If so, drop a comment in our Comments Section. Have questions for us?  Then post them too ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story #85: Spoilers Assemble! An Avengers Endgame Analysis - Pt 2

    05/05/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Part 2: Alex and Chris continue their analysis of Avengers: Endgame from the perspective of older fans and writers/creators. The result is a two-part extravaganza celebrating the writing/producer/directing/acting/behind the camera efforts to create this epic conclusion to an unprecedented 22-film tapestry of a story. Our opinions differ at times from other podcasters and YouTubers coming at this from a younger perspective (or, in one case, a Hawkeye hating POV), and we alternate between being fans of a certain age and longtime creators offering insight, but, ultimately, we hope you enjoy  our take on a masterful example of creatives all working together to Tell The Damn Story. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Then post them in the comments section below ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story #84 Spoilers Assemble! An Avengers Endgame Analysis - Pt. 1

    05/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    Alex and Chris offer a spoiler-rich analysis of Avengers: Endgame from the perspective of older fans and writers/creators. The result is a two-part extravaganza celebrating the writing/producer/directing/acting/behind the camera efforts to create this epic conclusion to an unprecedented 22-film tapestry of a story. Our opinions differ at times from other podcasters and YouTubers coming at this from a younger perspective (or, in one case, a Hawkeye hating POV), and we alternate between being fans of a certain age and longtime creators offering insight, but, ultimately, we hope you enjoy  our take on a masterful example of creatives all working together to Tell The Damn Story. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Then post them in the comments section below ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story Episode #83: From Russia to the U.S. And Back. Telling The Story Through Comics

    28/04/2019 Duration: 49min

    They came to the U.S. to see how we tell stories about social justice through comics.  In this episode Alex and Chris interview several artists (Anastasia, Alexey, and Mitia) from Russia.  For a little over a week they toured the country meeting independent  and main stream comic artists and publishers.  That in itself is quite a story.  But even more amazing is their efforts to reflect through their comics, some of the same issues we face all over the world, even here at home.  Art truly is the bridge. * This was not recorded in a studio, but from several different locations.  Also, since english is not the first language for all the participants  (plus Chris and Alex are not bi-lingual), so you'll have to listen more closely.  Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM

  • Tell The Damn Story #82: What's Behind 13 Years of Producing the Kids Comic Con?

    20/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    Movies based on comics are a billion dollar business. Comics are a million dollar business, especially with racy adult material. And many comic conventions bring in thousands of dollars, catering to a pop culture fan base. So how does a little con in the Bronx, with almost no budget, catering just to kids and families, survive for 13 years? On this episode Chris interviews KIDS COMIC CON co-founder, Alex Simmons, and this year's KCC'S Events Manager, Maureen Britt. The goal? To learn how to Alex the team of volunteers have managed to produce these shows that draw over 700 children and their families -- with  no serious funding. Listen and learn. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM

  • Tell The Damn Story #81: From "What if" to 13 Years: Getting to "Yes" with Your Creative Endeavors

    14/04/2019 Duration: 54min

    Alex Simmons and Chris Ryan discuss how to keep going when there are roadblocks thrown in front of your creativity. They speak of pop culture phenomena and their own projects, from brand new ideas to works in progress to 13 years of the Kids Comic Con! Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM

  • Tell The Damn Story: What Do Avenger #80: Endgame & Kids Comic Con Have In Common? Marketing!

    07/04/2019 Duration: 48min

    Chris and Alex are comparing a multi-billion dollar property (with a multi-million dollar promotion budget), with a grassroots kids comic convention in the Bronx?! Yes.  They're set to discuss both and more in this episode of Tell The Damn Story. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM

  • Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #79: How Do You Face Creative Depression?

    31/03/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Alex and Chris discuss numerous aspects of creative depression from "The Mean Editor" interior voice to worrying about aging, to time, to dealing with collaborators and publishers who do not share your vision. And they suggest ways to deal with each in what threatens to become “a very special episode” of Tell the Damn Story. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Post them in the comments section below ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #78: How Hard Is It To Give Credit Where Credit Is Due?

    24/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    Being a freelance artists (writer, illustrator, dancer, etc.) can be a hard road to travel.  It's not just about the quality of your craft. It's also about the level of your business skills, and the ethics of the business world.  In this episode Alex and Chris reflect on that and the hard times many comic artists have faced over the past 80 years.   The financial worth of comics have grown from five cent newspapers fillers, to multi-billion dollar intellectual properties. Where did and do the creators fit in that whirl-wind of wealth?  Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Post in the comments section below ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #77: Choosing To Write Outside Life Experience (Race, Religion, and More)

    17/03/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode Alex and Chris verbally cruise the choppy waters of the right to write debate.  Should writers tell stories about life experiences (race, religion, etc.) that they haven't lived.  If so, what are their responsibilities? What harm can come out of it?  What good? Will Chris and Alex have the answers, or just raise more questions? Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Post in the comments section below ... Or write:   

  • Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #76: Chris Ryan Interviews Mystery Author & Ex-Journalist, R.G. Belsky

    10/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    A little while back, Chris attended the Deadly Ink Writer's Conference in central New Jersey.  There he met and interviewed several other talented authors to get a glimpse of their process for telling the damn story.  So listen up as he shares some process and experiences of mystery writer and ex-journalist R.G. BELSKY. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you will? Post in the comments section below ... Or write:

  • Tell The Damn Story-Unplugged #75: An Interview With "Black Lightning" Creator, Tony Isabella

    03/03/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    In this episode, Alex has to roll solo as he sits down with one of the comic industries best talents, writer/creator Tony Isabella. Tony worked for both Marvel and DC Comics starting back in the seventies, and is best known as the creator of the popular character, "Black Lightning." But there's more to his long and formidable history.  And there's a lot more to the story behind those years, and the other characters he's written or created. So sit back, listen, laugh and learn about his creative path from Cleveland to Hollywood. Post your comments or questions in the comments section below ... Or write to us at:

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