Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
  • More information



Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning


  • Gaining comfort by relying on Bayesian probability grids

    01/02/2023 Duration: 20min

    The world of probability and data --- Send in a voice message:

  • Cyber security platforms for enterprises

    27/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    Platform and server monitoring software --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bayes theorem

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    Decision trees --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery -hearts duel

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    Marriage is the most important relationship a person can have --- Send in a voice message:

  • Api monitoring

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    Security analytics focused on api execution time, data volume and security encryption are a must --- Send in a voice message:

  • Hypothesis testing and how it fits in business

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    Why switching to thinking about hypothesis testing is valuable --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - men of valor

    17/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    We receive comfort and healing through Jesus who is capable of smiling upon us. He is capable of healing our character weaknesses and bringing comfort to our souls. We don’t need to feel alone because we can connect with Jesus as our friend. A friend understands us and He works for our welfare. He helps us from making mistakes that would bring tragedy. He saves our children from sudden destruction. He is dependable. He understands our spirit and he works to heal our wounds. He fights our enemies and shows us how to demonstrate compassion to those we do not tolerate or like. He brings peace into our lives. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Petrodollar warfare and dollar accumulation

    14/01/2023 Duration: 17min

    Why is debt important to world trade globalist --- Send in a voice message:

  • What is an interest rate swap

    13/01/2023 Duration: 03min

    Interest rate swaps --- Send in a voice message:


    13/01/2023 Duration: 09min

    Interest rate swaps are used by banks and other financial institutions as a means of hedging their interest rate exposures The reason that banks use interest rate swaps is that they help to manage their interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk that a banks net income will be adversely affected by changes in interest rates Interest rates are constantly changing, and there is always the possibility that interest rates will go up, rather than down Banks try to manage this risk by either selling or buying interest rate swaps In a typical interest rate swap, the bank sells an interest rate, which is usually based on the LIBOR, in exchange for a fixed interest rate The bank is, in effect, selling the floating rate risk from its deposit portfolio to the counterparty, who is then assuming the risk In a typical interest rate swap, the bank sells an interest rate, which is usually based on the LIBOR, in exchange for a fixed interest rate An interest rate swap is a contract between two parties, each of

  • Bible imagery - Judges of Israel

    10/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    Christ can comfort us during periods of depression by helping one feel loved and wanted. Christ can help us feel comfort when we feel alone by creating a feeling of companionship with our spirit. Christ can understand our burdens and validate our feelings. He can strengthen our character and help us bear our burdens. We can feel life is too difficult to bear, and Christ can give us the encouragement and power not to give up on life. Christ can be our friend. He can understand us and listen. He is a very good person to talk with because of His empathy gained through His atonement. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - repent and live the good life

    02/01/2023 Duration: 11min

    It would be a dream to be translated in this life and not face the sting of death, hunger or deprivation. Likewise, we will love Christ beyond words after dying then being resurrected into a glorious body of flesh and bones. All the promises of the fathers will be realized. This will be the glorious capstone of our whole mortal experience. I thank God every day for His mercy upon me and my family. I am a wealthy man being blessed with a rich posterity. Life is great. Christ is great. He is the source of my happiness and hope for a better future. I can do better. I can try harder to do good. I can become a good man. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Cybersecurity

    29/12/2022 Duration: 07min

    System imaging and remote data storage --- Send in a voice message:

  • For this cause

    24/12/2022 Duration: 56min

    Thoughts on family --- Send in a voice message:


    23/12/2022 Duration: 09min

    Outflows are caused by interest rate differentials and exchange rate changes As foreign currencies weaken against the dollar, foreign interest rates become more attractive and foreign securities become cheaper When the foreign currency strengthens, interest rates and bond prices fall This is also true for bond investors in the U S If they see the dollar strengthening, they increase their purchases of foreign securities for sale in their countrys currency When interest rates and yields in the U increase, investors in the U have less incentive to invest in foreign securities and vice versa There are also the relative returns on bond investments An investor in the U may have a higher return on bonds of a domestic corporation than on government bonds of a foreign country This is due to the fact that a diversified portfolio of corporate bonds may have a higher return than an equal-dollar amount of foreign bonds of a diversified portfolio The investor must compare the difference in the risk of the two b

  • Why will oil prices drop due to oversupply in the us?

    21/12/2022 Duration: 06min

    there are two major factors affecting the supply and demand for oil The first is the amount of oil that is produced The second is the demand for oil 1) Oil production is rising in the United States and Canada The United States is currently producing about 18.6 million barrels of oil per day Production in the United States has grown rapidly in recent years due to the unconventional oil boom called shale oil. The increase in production has led to a glut of oil The oil glut has caused a massive decline in oil prices since the summer of 2014 The price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil has dropped from $107 per barrel in June 2014 to $47 per barrel in March 2015 . Today the price of crude oil has been affect by m1 money supply increases in 2020 or in other terms inflation 2) Demand is dropping in the United States and China The United States is currently consuming about 19.8 million

  • Why is keeping cost Low the secret of success in business

    21/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    What are some good tips to keep costs low? The first thing to do is to properly understand the nature of the competition and the market. Start asking why. Be brave enough to ask the why questions. the insight to ask why€ is crucial to your success because it helps you probe deeper. It’€™s the first step in diagnosing the cause to apply action. The root cause can be different from the immediate cause. The root cause can sometimes be simple. A decision maker or the person who makes the final decision may be the root cause. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Bible imagery - Freedom of religion

    17/12/2022 Duration: 10min

    The public schools should provide both concepts of evolution and the creation theology to their students. The students should be free to read and quote the Holy Bible in school. Comparative analysis of both theories should be allowed. Evolution is not a fact, it is a theory. Evolution should be subject to scrutiny and critical thought, not accepted and taught as truth. The merits of creation should be debated and discussed in school, as well. The academic pursuit of knowledge and religious tolerance does not establish religion. The government is not to establish a religion. The court applied this standard to people deflecting the real intent of the Establishment clause. Individuals should be free to choose the religion of their choice based on the free market of ideas and doctrines. Prayer and religious discussion were not issues to be applied by the Establishment clause. Individuals have the power to establish religion. Individuals can choose which religion, religions or none of them to support. Tha

  • Bible imagery - deception does not go unnoticed

    13/12/2022 Duration: 09min

    Slavery is against the order of god. Zion is a better way. The United Nations is a war machine --- Send in a voice message:

  • Why Keynesian economics fail and why monetarist policy lead to deflation

    12/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    Thoughts on interest rates --- Send in a voice message:

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