Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 32 | Nick Loper | Chief Side Hustler at Side Hustle Nation | Live from Shadow Puppet Brewing in Livermore, CA



Hey Thirsty Listeners, you’ve been asking a lot of questions about side hustles (like a Pubcast or otherwise), connecting with cool people, and building some additional revenue into your life, so, this episode was made just for you! Nick Loper is the “Chief Side Hustler” at Side Hustle Nation and the host of The Side Hustle Show podcast. His mission is to help part-time entrepreneurs achieve more financial freedom by building additional streams of income into their lives. His podcast features guests that are doing this first-hand, ranging from the obvious (all-inclusive web design services) to the out-of-the-box (learning piano in 21 days). I met up with Nick at Shadow Puppet Brewing in his current home of Livermore, CA to discuss side hustles, travel, and more. Over a flight, we covered various frameworks and case studies that can help you start your own side hustle today, as we mixed in our own stories of how we got into podcasting and our own extracurricular hustles. Lots of actionable info in this one, s