Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



There are aspects of technology that I willingly embrace, but when it comes to the human body, I think we have created the perfect body and should focus on Completing what we have created rather than the limited thinking that our body is a bag of chemicals with replaceable parts. This \'chemical bag, replaceable parts\' model of medicine comes from the influence of Newtonian physics and is something that Dr. Bruce Lipton lectures on quite frequently: Dr. Bruce Lipton - Newtonian Physics When I first began practicing medicine, I had already received training in Naturopathic Medicine, so I wanted to and was able to use many alternatives to drugs. However, I began to see that other naturopathic and holistic practitioners had adopted the allopathic model in their approach. The only difference between them and allopathic doctors is that instead of using drugs when they encountered disease symptoms, they would give natural supplements. When those didn’t work, they resorted to IM and IV injections of stronger