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Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Does your nervous system make you nervous? Or better yet - are you concerned that your nervous system might betray you? Then read on and be prepared to \'revise\' what you\'ve been \'thinking\' about brain function and aging and provide your body with what it needs to keep your brain function high and vital! It turns out you can influence how powerfully and adequately your brain function remains intact throughout your lifetime. For example, physical exercise seems to slow the loss of nerve cells in areas of the brain involved in memory. Such exercise also helps keep the remaining nerve cells functioning. On the other hand, consuming two or more drinks of alcohol a day can speed the decline in brain function. And, using therapeutic, highly absorbed magnesium and mineral supplements have significant implications for health, longevity and cognitive function. In 2011, the University of Adelaide Press published a comprehensive study titled Magnesium and the Central Nervous System. In it the editors pro