Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Good and poor health is determined at the level of the millions of cells making up the human body. Magnesium, vitamins, amino acids and minerals are needed for the thousands of biochemical reactions taking place in each cell and chronic deficiency of these nutrients is the most frequent cause of cellular dysfunction. Replenishing these cells with essential nutrients supports their energy production and leads to optimal health. However, without adequate supplementation, the normal functioning of cells will eventually become impaired, resulting in poor health. Perhaps this information is not new to you and yet you are still not experiencing the health and well being you’ve been dreaming of. Perhaps in spite of your best intentions and well-placed efforts, today’s compromised environments of food, air and water [the things we all need to live] may not be delivering the proper nutrients you require for sustained and vital living. Fortunately, many of today’s complex health issues can be alleviated