Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



I’ve been studying health since my teens, and over the past five decades I’ve developed a very wide overview and perspective on our current health care crisis. Speaking with thousands of patients, clients and callers on my radio show, I’ve identified two clear causes of most health problems. They are Mineral Deficiency and Yeast Overgrowth – and most people suffer from both. Candidiasis, Candida Related Complex, Candida Hypersensitivity and Yeast Allergies are all names for what I call Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome. It’s a condition where yeast has overgrown and outgrown its natural environment in the large intestine and has invaded the small intestine. It is a health threat that remains untreated, mistreated and if it’s ever treated, it’s under treated. I call the protocol that addresses Yeast Overgrowth the Yeast ReSet because a certain amount of yeast is natural to our body and we have to hit the ReSet button to achieve the right balance. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that consistently occur together