With Allie Alberigo And Duane Brumitt

268 | An Interview With The Creators of



Listen as Allie & Duane interview them about their unique way of helping school owners "Get Karate Students" Jon Evans Jon Evans is definitely not your typical "guru" and he didn't start off in the martial arts industry. His background is in marketing and sales. By simple chance, Jon was blessed to discover the martial arts industry while his son was training to be a blackbelt, first helping the school his son attended to double in size in less than 6 months, and then moving on to help hundreds of martial arts schools across the world. Jon has one of the best (if not the best) track records in the martial arts industry and has helped hundreds of schools all around the globe get more students. Jon is the founder of, the co-creator or the Student Magnet™ Program, and owns a software business called The Follow Up Ninja. Travis Klabon Travis Klabon entered into the business side of the martial arts industry after spending many years building and coaching several success