With Allie Alberigo And Duane Brumitt

237. C.O.V.I.D. The Acronym… And What It Means For You!



Allie & Duane share what the acronym C.O.V.I.D. mean for you. Info from Jim Dew... CEO and founder of Do Wealth Management… A certified finical planner, a finical consultant, a certified wealth adviser. C.O.V.I.D. Stands for: C – Cash What do you have on handWhat do you have that can convert to cashAccess to cash (Lines of credit, credit cards, PPP, SBA) O – Outgoing V – Variable vs. Fixed I – Incoming (how can you increases revenue, other streams of revenue D – Decisiveness (lean into your decisions, what’s your purpose) CLICK HERE for the link to the original podcast of Jim explaining the acronym.