F O R W A R D Dreamspace.vision Podcast

Forward The Dreamscape by Serenity Alyanna Edward 2015-08-13



YouTube [mp3t track="ForwardDreamscapeSerenityAlyannaEdward-20150813.mp3"] The Dreamscape by Serenity Alyanna Edward (audio only) This was the first night my wife Serenity Alyanna Edward came up with the idea. This recording was made a few minutes of her waking up from the dream(space) and wanted to get a recording of it before she forgot it. At first, the title was going to be DreamScape, changed to DreamSpace, and now Forward. Serenity is speaking from the protagonists point-of-view. WP 20150813 001 Recorded on Thursday night, August 13, 2016 at 22:07 CDT (201608132207). Speaking of dream, listen to this one on YouTube. The idea is now called 8 BUCKS, original title was FORWARD.