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Magnesium can do so much that it makes people skeptical that one simple mineral can be crucial for so many activities in the body. Magnesium is necessary for between 700-800 enzyme systems in the body that control thousands of chemical interactions. Magnesium is crucial for bone health but it has a much broader scope than even I imagined when I first began researching it in the late 90s. Most people think that calcium is the most important factor in bone health. Vitamin D is also a necessary component. However, it’s not well known that magnesium is required to convert vitamin D into its active form so that it can turn on calcium absorption.[1] I became aware of the pivotal association between vitamin D and magnesium after receiving emails from people experiencing magnesium deficiency symptoms after they began taking high doses of Vitamin D. Some doctors are prescribing 50,000IU of Vitamin D in the synthetic D2 form instead of the previous standard of 400IU per day. It turns out that all the enzymes met