Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Stress is a response to circumstances which forces a person to act quickly change or make some adjustment to keep things in balance. The circumstance which forces a person to act is called a stressor. Stress is also defined as intense feelings created by the stimulus of certain events. When a person is stressed, his/her body automatically jumps into an action which is called a fight or flight response. Stress is further defined as an emotional and physical provocation caused by pressure from a given situation.  The good news is that everybody faces stress to a certain degree and it is normal to be stressed some of the time. It is normal to be stressed out as we are living in a world full of challenges and provocations. Stress causes our bodies to respond quickly and jump into a defensive mode. It is quite normal to fight the stressor, or just ignore it and simply run away. When we are stressed, our bodies immediately respond to the stressors by telling our nervous systems and stress hormones that it is tim