Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



One of the signs of diabetes is low magnesium; it’s in all the medical texts but because we never learned about the importance of minerals in medical school, doctors do not routinely test for magnesium. And if they do, they use the wrong test. The serum magnesium test is highly inaccurate. But, luckily you can order your own Magnesium RBC test without a doctor’s prescription online at Request A Test. It’s only $49.00, but you want to have an optimum magnesium level of 6.0-6.5mg/dL. Diabetes damages the kidneys and is the leading cause of kidney disease. However, when the kidneys are impaired, doctors tell their patients not to take magnesium, which is what they actually need to heal their kidneys. Are you detecting the pattern here? Do you see the irony? In the original edition of The Magnesium Miracle, Dr. Dean did not have a specific section on Kidney Disease. That was mostly because the association of magnesium with kidney disease has for many decades been to just avoid it. Over the years the medi