Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



You think you may need surgery. Perhaps your family physician has referred you to a surgeon or suggested that you have surgery. Maybe a friend had the same condition you do and had to have surgery, so you are afraid you will too. Don’t assume you need surgery; you may be able to return to good health without an invasive procedure. There are situations where surgery is nearly impossible to avoid. If your appendix is inflamed and about to rupture, surgery is the only treatment. The same is true for badly broken bones and medical emergencies. There will be situations where medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your health. BUT if you’ve given the non-surgical therapies a chance without success, it may be time to consider surgery. So, for the sake of clarity and the purposes of today’s radio show topic, we will assume your surgery is necessary, that you have received a second and perhaps a third opinion from highly credentialed doctors, and that the benefits out