Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Heart rhythm disturbances [arrhythmias] are electrical disruptions of the rhythm of the heart. Depending on the disruption the heart may begin to beat too slow, too fast, irregularly, or not at all. Allopathetic medicine says there is no cure and only offers drugs and surgery for the symptoms. Because of her own heart palpitations, Dr. Carolyn Dean searched for an effective treatment for many years. The protocol she developed for herself is one she created based on nutrients that support the structure and function of the cardiovascular system – namely highly absorbed magnesium – and well-absorbed multiple minerals plus proper hydration with water and trace mineral sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt. You may already be aware that magnesium is a co-factor in almost 800 enzyme reactions and thus essential for many crucial physiological functions, such as heart rhythm, vascular tone, nerve function, muscle function muscle contraction and can also be referred to as a natural ‘calcium antagonist’. Giving your heart th