Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



This week is the final week of February and we are concluding Heart Month with the fourth and final segment of our series on Heart Health – although we are by no means done with the discussion! Over the course of the month, we’ve talked about the health effects of unresolved emotional conflicts, the magnesium and mineral deficient heart and this week, on tonight’s radio show, we will be talking about an unrecognized threat to the heart – yeast overgrowth. Yeast overgrowth – many would say? Come on, Dr. Dean – you’re pulling my leg! Nevertheless, the factors and symptoms of yeast overgrowth are known to provoke symptoms of hypertension, insulin resistance [pre diabetic condition] and suppressing the immune system – not the best climate for the heart and one that can lead to debilitating outcomes. Fortunately, there are simple strategies that you follow to reduce your risk and move into a power and positive health condition.