Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Boze Noze Show



LIVE TODAY! @ 4:00 pm Pacific the Boze Noze will be under your control if you call. It has been two weeks since the last live show so lots to talk about! The big news of the day is the Janus decision by SCOTUS and it just happens that we approved some mid-term market adjustments for AFSCME since the last show called for when we settled the strike last fall. Housing was a big item on the Board's agenda the last two weeks with Eugene's urban reserves project and ADU's before the Board. I also got to tour the DR Johnson Cross Laminated Timber facility last week. But, as I said, you are in control of the topic just by calling in! The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online ( just click the noze below) or on your phone by calling 646-721-9887. Just press "1" if you want to join in the conversation. If you can't make the live show and you have a question or comment for Jay Bozievich, send him an e-mail at NOW also broadcasting thru Facebook Liv