Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Governor and the Legislative leadership



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific It's the Boze Noze Show! Is it time for another convoy to Salem? The Governor and the Legislative leadership are allowing a massive inequity to develop between Portland and the rest of the state in how CARES Act COVID Relief Funds (CRF) are distributed to local governments. Local governments over 500,000 including Portland and Washington County received upfront over $170/resident. Smaller jurisdictions outside of Portlandia have been promised between $60-80/resident via reimbursement not upfront funding and with much more restrictive rules on how the funds could be spent. On top of that, the protests are now requiring the Oregon State Police to keep 100 officers of there total force of less than 800 in Portland draining law enforcement from the rural areas of the rest of the state. Governor Brown is angry that she could not get government union school employees to the head of the line for unemployment benefits while her hapless bureaucracy still has not been able to get benefits t