Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Lock down defiance, Mandatory Vaccinations and more...



Live today at 4 PM on the Boze Nose Show, our governor and OSHA need to make decisions based on data not conjecture as we have nine months of data from contact tracing to indicate what the true area risk for Covid transmission are as there is no support for restaurants being a major source of transmission. Vaccinations and the possibility that they may become mandatory. Can you be fired if you refuse? Being that Oregon and Washington are a right to work state, that answer is yes. Along Came Trudy in Springfield is open despite governor Brown's restrictions and as a result has lost their liquor license and will be fined $500 per each day she stays open. All this and your phone calls at 646-721-9887 and if you miss any the programs, all shows are archived and are available on iTunes, player.FM and