Note To Beautiful Self

Breast Cancer Awareness: We Are The Cure



Co-Host Suzanne Kronisch, who recently completed her 2nd 39.3 Mile Avon Walk, welcomes Eloise Caggiano, Program Director for the Avon Walks for Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Survivor to SpaTalk. In January 2005, at the young age of 33, Eloise was diagnosed with breast cancer. With no family history of cancer and a healthy and active lifestyle, the diagnosis was a true shock. After five surgeries, four months of chemotherapy, and losing both her left breast and her signature long hair, Eloise came through the experience successfully thanks to the great care of her doctors as well as the endless love and support of her friends, family and coworkers. Now approaching her four-year “cancerversary”, Eloise is proud to be putting both her professional expertise and personal experience to good use at the Avon Foundation for Women, which provides her with a fulfilling career and the ability to use her own breast cancer battle to help others. In addition to her official role, Eloise walks at least part of every one o