Beyond The Mood Board

An Alternative To The Lemonade Stand Story



That entrepreneurial origin story of yours could use a refresh. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with the standard lemonade stand tale, much like the MBA story, it’s merely acceptable rather than meaningful. Whether you call it your origin or founder’s story, the true soul that keeps your audience listening lies in the turning points. But how do you reintroduce yourself after relying on the standard opener for so long? Hint: Don’t start at the beginning. In this solo episode, I explore the questions that inform more relevant, relatable narratives, and share details on crafting origin stories that audiences can feel rather than hear.  In this episode, we cover: Why your narrative doesn’t have to start at the beginning,  Using turning points to provide an audience with access into your story, Examples drawn from fellow founders, Questions to aid you in crafting a more compelling why, and  How mistakes and everyday “messiness” leave an indelible mark on an audience. Visit Pattern of Purpose for full show