
013: How To Be Braver, with Suzy Walker



What does it mean to be brave? Is it about having bullet-proof confidence, or smug certainty? If so, I've been doing it wrong all my life. Reflecting on the times when I've been brave, I can't recall a single episode where I've felt bullet-proof or certain. The time I moved countries to attend grad school? I was terrified. For months, I had major imposter syndrome. The time I left my marriage? (...because, to paraphrase Cheryl Strayed, I realised I didn't love him hard enough or true enough or big enough or right). Was it the brave and right thing to do? Absolutely. Was I scared and uncertain? You bet. The time I left a well-paid, but soul-destroying career to start my own business? I was totally wracked with self-doubt. And yes, it turned out to be the bravest, best career choice ever. But still, I felt more weenie than winner at the time. I've learned one thing about bravery: Being brave doesn't mean you're not terrified. It's being terrified and proceeding anyway, in spite of the fear and uncertainty. And