Hack The Entrepreneur: Passive Income |business Ideas | Marketing

501: Building and Selling Six Figure Information Products | Mark Webster



Try it for yourself. LinkedIn is offering a free $100 FREE ad credit to launch your first campaign. Simply visit https://linkedin.com/hack Get your free shipping consultation and Shippo Pro Plan free for 6 months! Go to https://GoShippo.com/hack My guest today is product creator, affiliate marketer, and an entrepreneur. Back in 2014, him and his business partner were running a digital marketing agency when they realized something -- they didn't like working with clients. So taking what they'd learned on their own projects and seeing what worked for clients, they began a two year process of building niche sites to replace their client income. Their goal was to build a portfolio company that owned upwards of 100 niche website -- which you'll learn how this turned out in this episode. During this time they also decided to begin documenting what they were learning, so they started Authority Hacker, a website (and now podcast), showing others how to build profitable websites. Most recently, the Authority Hacker t