Rich Cleaner Podcast

Legend Brands' Brandon Burton : Using The Latest in Restoration Technology and Standards Can Make You A Rich Cleaner - #003



Brandon shares what being a "Rich Cleaner" means to him and why you have the power and ability to improve people's quality of life After 18 years with Legend Brands, being in the industry for 23 years, and working with more than 6,000 cleaning and restoration professionals, Brandon reveals what he's discovered about having a successful, thriving cleaning and restorations business Brandon discusses the latest cutting-edge technology and tools you can use to increase your efficiency and get more business What to look for in Mobile Technology... and...2 needs you MUST satisfy if you want avoid being overwhelmed and have happy clients An easy 24/7 referral system you can implement today with a mobile phone (This works even if you don't understand technology) Brandon tells you what you need to know about Third Party Administrators so you can make informed decisions A look inside Legend Brands new restoration technology that gets a lot more out of a lot less! (This new equipment is much more efficient. In fact, co