Loose Cannon

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • More information



Loose Cannon is a weekly fast paced podcast in which revue members buckle down to answer the tough questions, tackle tough challenges, toss witticisms, and learn important life lessons along the way. No podcast is the same from week to week, apart from the name and theme song obviously. Listen on your way to work, during a court hearing, or while hiding from strangers in a toilet, as we deliver humorous ad-libs from the dying spleen of the steel city.


  • Loose Cannon #50: What A Time To Be Alive


    Loose Cannon is fifty episodes old! What a time to be alive! In this weeks episode we celebrate our half centenary with a two camera setup and an in depth look into the south yorkshire mayoral candidates, with no stone left unturned. With Owen, Saquib, Tom, Jessica, Damian, Gus, & host Sam. DISCLAIMER: This episode was filmed and this audio was ripped straight from the video. If you want to see the episode as intended, you can check it out here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu9xh38YgV4)

  • Loose Cannon #49: Tip to Tip


    A discussion about the human anatomy. With Phil, Owen, Gus, Jessica, & host Saquib.

  • Loose Cannon #48: Moist Original Screenplay


    Recorded in the immediate aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal breaking, this weeks panel trudge through the wreckage. With Jessica, Owen, Saquib, & host Phil.

  • Loose Cannon #47: Taxes & Tarriffs


    It's Taxes & Tarriffs, everyone's favourite podcast about Taxes with an X and Tarriffs with two R's and two F's! In this weeks episode, we have another roundtable discussion about Taxes & Tarriffs in the news this week. Plus we open up the mailbag and answer some fan mail! With your regulars 'Rob' and 'Phil Tarriff Tarriff', and special guests Jessica & Saquib.

  • Loose Cannon #46: Slam Dunk That S**t In A Barrel


    Recorded last Saturday during our stint at the Scottish Student Comedy Festival in Edinburgh, this weeks episode is a well rounded discussion about forces of nature and social constructs. We're all very tired, can you tell? With Saquib, Jessica, Gus, and host Phil.

  • Loose Cannon #45: Carbonated Shoft Drink


    Damian is on the look out for a console at a bargain price, but time is running out. Join us on our tensest Loose Cannon episode to date, there'll be twists, turns, and revelations that could change everything. With Phil, Jessica, Sam, & host Damian.

  • Loose Cannon #44: Can’t Keep a Good Man Down


    Loose Cannon is finally back for another year! In this weeks episode: Santa, ethics, and an in-depth discussion about the best films of the past year. All of the best real life films. With Jessica, Phil, Kate, Luke, & host Gus.

  • Loose Cannon – Best Of 2017


    It's that time of year again, which is to say it's the end of the year. Thanks for supporting a another whole year of whatever stupid nonsense we get up to here at The Sheffield Revue. Loose Cannon has evolved leaps in its second year of existence, and what better way to celebrate than a compilation episode! Literally anything else apparently, but we're taking a break for a couple of months so in the meantime we've made this best of 2017 special for y'all. In this bumper episode we showcase the best Loose Cannon moments, as well as a few exclusive bonus bits and a whole bunch of rambling. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh again, or will you?

  • Loose Cannon #43B: The Festive Wintertime Experience (Part 2)


    Merry Christmas everybody, come join us as we continue our celebration of this wondrous festival of festivity with glorious splendour. Hallelujah to Jesus as we eat the Mistletoe and dance around the Turkey. O Christmas Tree. Silent Night. Coal. With Tommy, Tom, Phil, Saquib, Gus, Kate, & host Sam.

  • Loose Cannon #43A: The Festive Wintertime Experience (Part 1)


    Happy Holidays Everyone! Join us here at The Sheffield Revue for a celebration of all things festive. Snowmen, Turkey, Mince Pies, Reindeer, and much more get discussed on this wholesome, calm, & completely coherent Christmas two parter. It's just like being on the dinner table on Christmas Day! With Tommy, Tom, Phil, Saquib, Gus, Kate, & host Sam.

  • Loose Cannon #42: Thug Life Mace Expert


    What's the meaning of life? Work. In an increasingly volatile and over-saturated graduate job market making your mark is harder than ever. In this weeks episode we bring you a host of unorthodox & left field strategies to make yourself stand out from the crowd. With Tom, Gus, Saquib, & host Phil.

  • Loose Cannon #41: Good Ship Climax


    God bless America. God bless their many towns and their many regional dialects. This week we hold a game show celebrating everything beautiful and free about the greatest country on earth. With Tommy, Nathan, Saquib, & host Jessica.

  • Loose Cannon #40: We Solve Comedy


    For once we actually get our shit together and have a proper discussion about comedy. Debating whether comedy should aim for pure laughter first or seek out laughter as a by-product of something 'greater', and the balance of appealing to a paying audience and pursuing your own creative vision. We've finally cracked it. With Phil, Tom, Sam, Tommy, Luke, Gus, & Host Max.

  • Loose Cannon #39: Mighty Morphin’ Kid Snake


    We have a whale of a time as we dive into in-depth discussions on Animorphs, hip hop, our justice system, the nature of uncertainty in the universe, & bamboo. With Gus, Pierre, Tommy, Tom, Jessica, & host Phil.

  • Loose Cannon #38: Murder In View Room 4


    Sacré bleu! There's been a murder, and everyone is a suspect. Expect deceit, betrayal, a story about what happened one time at that farm, and audio clipping. With Jessica, Gus, Ingrid, Tom, & host Saquib.

  • Loose Cannon #37: Nightmare On Cannon Street


    Attention. This episode of Loose Cannon is not for the faint of heart. So turn the lights off, put your small children to bed, and prepare yourself to experience our selection of scary tales, anecdotes, and amazon reviews that will chill you to your very core. Or something. With Nathan, Gus, Kate, Jessica, Saquib, & host Phil.

  • Loose Cannon #36: The Jeremy Springer Show


    In this weeks episode, a bunch of visual gags, because we all love that on an audio podcast. Plus, group therapy, karaoke songs, Space Jam and much more. With Imogen, Jessica, Sam, Tom A, Nathan, and host Gus.

  • Loose Cannon #35: Retro Sushi Police


    In this weeks episode we learn what it takes to be a real life superhero, plus some revisionist history about the Boston Tea Party . With Jessica, Tom, Saquib, Ridwan, and host Luke.

  • Loose Cannon #???: Emergency Bonus Episode?


    Uh oh. Months ago, after a podcast recording, we found something. Something awful. We don't know how it got there or why, but we'd thought you ought to hear what we found. Normal service will be resumed... at some point? Hopefully. With ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, & ???.

  • Loose Cannon #34: Opinionated Feral Children


    Great podcast this week. Lots of laughs. Lots of discourse. Tough on crime. Tough on farmers. Ghouls. With Damian, Phil, Chad, Gus, Sean Morley, and no host.

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