Gentlemen, Relationships, Choice ~ Andrew Rigg & Liam Phillips

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Inspired Choices Network If you were no longer living a life of obligation and duty, what would you choose? What if being a gentleman wasnt what you thought it was? What if being a gentleman was vastly different to what the world teaches? Every man can be a FINE GENTLEMAN. Andrew Rigg & Liam Phillips


  • The Final Orgasm! with Andrew & Liam


    How many of us who go into relationship already have a backdoor to get out? What if we could create relationships, sex and copulation without a back door and be totally present with our partner whenever we have them without any expectation. Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, for their Final show and enjoy the presence of that orgasmic energy that relationships can truly be. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:"

  • What’s Sexy for a Man? With Special Guest Alun Jones


    So, you’re a guy and you know what’s sexy and what turns you on. But do you really? Are you buying into what other people tell you is sexy? There’s so much judgment about what is and isn’t sexy? What if it’s an energy that has absolutely nothing to do with looks or what clothes are being worn (or not worn)? What judgments are we using to limit the sexiness we can appreciate, acknowledge, and know we be in EVERY area of our lives? What if that’s part of the pleasure that we can have with a man’s body? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, along with their special guest, Alun Jones, as they discuss what’s truly sexy for a man. You can find out more about Alun here - Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:"

  • What’s Your Deal Breaker in Relationship?


    Are you willing to have a primary relationship where the person is poisoning or infecting you with their stupidity? Is such stupidity a deal breaker? From the point of view of the TWO FINE GENTS, a relationship is basically a contract you have with another. So, if that contract no longer works for you (ie. you have reached the deal breaking point), what are your options? Do you continue with the relationship in the hope that s/he will change? Or do you call it a day and end the relationship? The choice is yours. Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, as they discuss the deal breakers of relationship. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:"

  • A new year and a new man


    So, it's a new year and we’ve made all these wonderful resolutions about what we’re going to do, what we’re going to be and who we’re going to do (oops, did I really type that?). What if these new years resolutions are simply a way of making yourself wrong year after year? What if there was another way to make the changes in your life that you’d truly like to have? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, as they discuss some totally different ways to create the life you’d truly like to have. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • What to do when you’ve been an arse.


    We’ve all been there. You know, those times when you thought you were right about something and insisted so to your lady. And, then you’ve realized that you were simply wrong. On approaching your lady, she just doesn’t want to know you. You made her feel so stupid or you just made out that she was stupid. What do you do in this situation? Do you buy her flowers? Take her out to dinner? Or buy her something else as an apology? Maybe there is a different way. Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew, as they discuss some totally different ways of making up to your lady after you’ve been an arse! Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • A Woman’s Point of View on Gentlemen ~ Guest Eri Rigg


    What exactly is a woman’s point of view on gentlemen? Is it the same as the man’s point of view of gentlemen? Or is it vastly different? Do they let gentlemen know what their point of view is about gentlemen? Or is it hidden? Eri Rigg is married to Andrew Rigg and they have often discussed what it is to be a gentleman. Eri has some specific insights into what it’s like to be with a gentleman and how you can create an amazing relationship for yourself. Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew, and their special guest, Eri Rigg, as they discuss a woman’s point of view on gentlemen. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • Handling the Demon Bitch from Hell, Part 2!! ~ Andrew & Liam


    Many men throughout the ages have bought the point of view that woman are the fairer sex and not capable of being mean. Men are not taught to deal with this energy other than by using resistance and reaction... What if there were other ways to deal with a demon bitch with out resorting resistance? Liam and Andrew continue their discussion about handling demon bitches from hell. In the first show, we covered many things about how to deal with a demon bitch from hell. But, more importantly, we offered eight (8) tools that would allow men to deal with such ladies. In this second show, we’ll continue to discuss and offer more tools on how to deal with such women. It's a fun exploration into an often unsaid reality. Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew as they continue to explore the often unacknowledged topic of dealing with a woman who is demon bitch from hell. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • Handling the Demon Bitch from Hell! ~ Andrew & Liam


    Many men throughout the ages have bought the point of view that woman are the fairer sex and not capable of being mean. Men are not taught to deal with this energy other than by using resistance and reaction... What if there were other ways to deal with a demon bitch with out resorting resistance? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew as they discuss the ways of dealing with a woman who is demon bitch from hell. Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • The Sexualness of Being a Gentleman, Part 2


    Liam and Andrew continue their conversation on the Sexualness of Being a Gentleman. There is a certain energy that a gentleman be's. It's sexy, alluring and incredibly wonderful to be around! How many gentlemen turn that off around other men instead of turning it up? How many gentlemen turn it off when the relationship gets boring? How many gentlemen turn it off when they are married? What if by turning the sexualness of being a gentleman up so you could contribute more to the men and the women in your life? Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • The Sexualness of Being a Gentleman


    There is a certain energy that a gentleman be’s. It’s sexy, alluring and incredibly wonderful to be around! How many gentlemen turn that off around other men instead of turning it up? How many gentlemen turn it off when the relationship gets boring? How many gentlemen turn it off when they are married? What if by turning the sexualness of being a gentleman up so you could contribute more to the men and the women in your life? Would you like to get the clearings for FREE – simply sign up here:

  • Do men always think about sex?


    Is it really true that men always think about sex? There is no show description this week. Come and join us if you want to know more. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. He he he… Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • When the boredom sets into a Relationship


    Relationships become boring when they are not being created. Most people we meet tell us that the real boring part is the maintenance. What if maintenance was not boring but could actually create something greater? Come join us and play with energies that can create and invigorate your relationships! Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • Gentlemen and Entities with Andrew & Liam


    Gentlemen and entities - Yep, we are weird. We are willing to look at all aspects of being a gentleman. Have you ever had a voice in your head telling you what to do? Have you ever followed that voice instead of going with your own knowing? How many of you actually married someone and after the marriage they turned into someone else? Entities? Come find out... Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:"

  • Gentlemen & Agreements; Guest – Matt Bochsler


    What is a gentleman’s agreement? What are the rules and regulations for being a gentleman in this reality? Would those rules and regulation limit you, as a man, from showing up as you would like and as you truly be? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew and our special guest, Matt Bochsler, as we discuss the rules and regulations of being a gentleman and how you can use those to your advantage without limiting the other. This promises to be a ride into some hitherto unknown territory as the gents explore this realm of rules, regulations and agreements. http:// Would you like to get the clearings for FREE - simply sign up here:

  • Fighting For Love


    Most guys have been taught that in order to create a great relationship they have to fight for love and during our conversation about this show, we realized that women are also taught to fight for love. Is fighting working for you? What does it create? More ease or more fight? How often have you been told that if you want someone, you have to fight for him or her? We all know what happened to Romeo and Juliet in the end. Is that how you’d like your relationship to end up? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew, as they discuss more on the “mindfield” of love.

  • Being the Difference You Be


    What if the difference you be is the one thing that you bring to any relationship that is totally unique? You have away of being in the world that no one else has and that is a huge contribution if you are willing to be it and not judge it. If you are a gentleman then you be that from being you, if you are looking for a gentleman in your life then inviting a man to be everything he can be will be huge contribution for more gentlemen to show up. Come play with us... Come play with the TWO FINE GENTLEMEN, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, as they explore being the difference you truly be.

  • The Gentleman and the Rogue


    Are you a gentleman? Or are you a rogue? A gentleman is a man who opens the doors of possibility and a rogue is one that closes them. A gentleman will always invite you to more and greater. While a rogue will enforce his point of view on you. Ladies, which sort of man do you desire? A gentleman? Or a rogue? Join the TWO FINE GENTS, Liam and Andrew, to find out more about the gentleman-rogue dichotomy.

  • Relationship and Dis-Ease


    Holy cow, what a topic! We know any time the word disease is mentioned we would like to leave the room. Oh, and anytime the word relationship is mentioned anyone with a Y-chromosome starts to get a bit edgy. How many of actually see relationship as disease? How many of actually use to disease to create relationship? If you are laughing at this or resisting it, you need to listen to this show it, will change those points of view and create ease and fun with your body and the bodies of others! If you were no longer living a life of obligation and duty, what would you choose? What if being a gentleman wasn’t what you thought it was? What if being a gentleman was vastly different to what the world teaches? Every man can be a FINE GENTLEMAN. Get ready to listen to find out how you, as a man, can be a gentleman and you, as woman, can find the gentleman of your dreams! What does it really mean to be a gentleman? Is it about opening doors for a lady? Or is it something so totally different that it invites others to a

  • Gentlemen Gentiles: A Heathen’s Guide To Pleasuring A Man’s Body with, guest, Alun Jones


    What is it that men desire when it comes to pleasuring their body? Any idea? Have you ever even considered it? If you’re a man reading this and you don’t have a sexual preference for men, these questions still apply to you. Do YOU know what your body enjoys? How much time have you spent exploring it for yourself? If you don’t know what brings pleasure and joy to your body, can you really expect anyone you’re playing with to know? How much and how often were you made wrong and told off for exploring your body and, as a result, you spend little or no time at all just being with your body, caressing it, playing with it, and exploring it without trying to get it over as quickly as possible and without feeling ashamed at the end? Guys, what if there’s more to pleasuring your body than five minutes of frantic manipulation ending in a quick explosion that is just about relief rather than prolonged orgasmic pleasure? What if we could be a gentleman not just to our genitals but also to our whole body? What else would

  • Creating Space for Your Relationship(s) with guest, Lisa Benitz


    Would you like to create the room to invite greater, more satisfying relationships into your life with out divorcing? Have you found relationships are often like a prison where you have no space to be you? Not sure how to change the energy? The TWO FINE GENTS, Liam Phillips and Andrew Rigg, will have fun discussing with their amazing guest, Lisa Benitz, some simple techniques that would allow you to create the space of you while enjoying a relationship and creating more with the energy of desire. About Lisa Benitz Lisa is a gifted Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Feng Shui Master, Interior Specialist by trade, Writer, Empowerment Coach, Speaker and Energy Worker with a 20+ year track record working in residential and commercial spaces. Lisa has consulted on million dollar renovations, new builds, as well as worked her magic with existing spaces and transformed homes to prepare them for sale. Lisa is known for her integrative approaches bringing balance and results with measurable impact. Lisa writ

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