The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald
The REAL Truth Behind Why You're Not Prospecting Enough | Dr. Jean Oursler - 1661
17/04/2023 Duration: 26minHaving the right mindset is crucial to being a successful salesperson. So why do we often get locked up in a mindset of fear, and how can we change that? In this episode, your host Donald Kelly and Dr. Jean Oursler (Ph.D. in Business Psychology from the Chicago School) are here to teach us about our “Caveman Brain” so that we can harness the way we are wired and make it work to our advantage. What is Your Caveman Brain? The amygdala is a part of the brain that controls our fear responses to our environment. Dr. Oursler calls this the “caveman brain” Our “caveman brain” exists to protect us from getting hurt or dying, so we can’t get rid of it or turn it off! We don’t have to run away from predators or protect our young from danger anymore, so nowadays, we fear things like rejection, losing our reputation, or being a pushy salesperson. How Do We Work WITH the Caveman Brain? The amygdala only knows what it sees and hears. Pay attention to the media and information you consume! Identify your
How to Encourage the Prospect to Make a Change on the First Call | David Bennion - 1660
14/04/2023 Duration: 27minToday’s guest brings his top-tier track record to the show to help you and your team convert your prospects into customers using his proven, customer-first approach. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly sits down with David Bennion, the VP Sales at, which serves over 160,000 companies and more than one million users worldwide. Bennion shares his clear-eyed, precise understanding of his team’s success and the steps it takes to get there. As a Seller, Learn to: Identify your customer’s issue, even if they haven’t identified it themselves Quantify that problem - how impactful will solving the problem be? Ask the right questions so you can truly understand where your prospect is coming from. When they trust you enough to describe their company’s pains (or even their personal ones), show empathy! Know whether your product can actually solve their problem - and learn to graciously walk away if it can’t Common Mistakes in Selling (And How to Avoid Them) DON’T just drive your company’s
5 Things You Must Do To Boost Email Open Rates & Close Deals Faster | James Boreham - 1659
10/04/2023 Duration: 33minWriting intriguing, trustworthy e-mail content in today’s market can feel like a losing game. How do you stand out from the crowd without resorting to gimmicks (which doesn’t work anyway)? Enter your host Donald Kelly and our guest James Boreham with five tips on creating e-mails that create unforgettable first impressions your clients will still be talking about years later (true story!). Current Challenges In Email Prospecting People are flooded with information. When you reach out to someone, you’re just one out of so many notifications they’re going to see that day Buyers are burned out when it comes to e-mail. E-mail prospecting is up 30% since the beginning of the pandemic, but reply rates are down 50% Do These 5 Things to Boost Your E-mail Open Rates Use short, intriguing subject lines. Most e-mails are viewed on mobile devices. On a smaller screen, only a small amount of text makes it to your prospect’s eyes before they decide whether it gets opened or goes to the trash. TRY TH
How I Use LinkedIn to Shatter My Sales Numbers | Richard Smith - 1658
07/04/2023 Duration: 25minYour social media presence can build your credibility, community, and pipeline… or break it. Most people don’t create content on LinkedIn, so they miss out on all of the opportunities that can come along with having a sizeable following on the platform. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly sits down with Richard Smith, the VP of Sales for Allego. Listen in to hear how Smith grew his social media audience to the point where his content now generates conversation, interest, and qualified inbound leads. Why DON’T People Post on LinkedIn? People don’t think they have anything interesting or novel to contribute People are happy to read and don’t feel like it’s necessary to make the extra effort to post “Head trash” – people don’t want to embarrass themselves if no one interacts, or say the wrong thing and end up in trouble professionally How to Do LinkedIn Posts the Right Way Keep your day job. Smith uses LinkedIn to generate leads for his sales job, but it took years to build his audience. It’s a ma
Three Prospecting Strategies We Adopted Coming Into 2023 | Donald Kelly - 1657
03/04/2023 Duration: 12minSpring is a time for change and renewal, which means it’s time to reevaluate the sales strategies you or your company have always used. In sales, it’s crucial to set yourself apart from the competition, and we want to show you how to do just that using efficient methods that WORK. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly takes you through the Top 3 Prospecting Strategies he and his company are utilizing in 2023. Why Do We Need New Strategies? Since the beginning of the pandemic, e-mail outreach is up 50%, but reply rates have decreased by 30% Writing a great subject line and e-mail content does no good if the person on the other end doesn’t feel motivated to reply 3 Strategies to Adopt in 2023 Create previous engagement. Before you reach out to a potential buyer, create a connection with them. Don’t just start with a cold e-mail! Use social media to gauge interest. If you work for a bigger firm, look at who follows your product on LinkedIn. That list will have prospects on it who are alr
We Need to Cut Cost: The #1 Thing on Your Buyer's Mind Right Now | Mark Raffan - 1656
31/03/2023 Duration: 24minIs putting your customer first tanking your value? You’ve heard this phrase before: “The customer is always right.” No one is going to tell you to ignore your customer’s wishes completely. But sacrificing your needs (and the needs of your business) to make your quota is a dangerous game that can leave you feeling like you lost, even when you make a sale. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly and guest Mark Raffan are here to remind us, point-blank, that a successful salesperson needs to set expectations and retain value in every negotiation. There Is No “Win-Win” Move away from a “win-win” mindset. If you put too much effort into trying to get your customer to win, you run the risk of letting them win at your expense. Instead, hope for outcomes that you can both agree to Keep your goals in mind when selling. Don’t get so swept up in trying to meet your customer’s needs that you totally forget about your own (or your company’s). Take on deals that are profitable. Even when you’re trying to make q
Setting Boundaries During The Sales Cycle By Knowing When to Say No | Craig Colby - 1655
27/03/2023 Duration: 25minCommunication is key. You’ve heard this phrase before, but how does it apply to sales? Hopefully, at this point, you know from experience that selling is about more than just being an outgoing person with a great smile. If you want to be great at sales, you have to offer more to your customer. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly has a conversation with Craig Colby, the co-founder and president of OneStream Software. Colby brings his experience and dedication to the table to show us how clearly setting expectations can lead to strong, long-term relationships with customers. Why Should We Set Expectations? Your prospect might be jaded. Have you ever wondered why your customers seem defensive as soon as you start your pitch? They’ve probably had other businesses overpromise and underdeliver, and they don’t want it to happen again. Your customer is looking for a trusted expert. You’ve put in the work to learn what your product can do, and what it can’t. Your customer hasn’t. It’s the salesperson’s
The Business Development Assembly Line Sales Strategy | Andy Buyting - 1654
24/03/2023 Duration: 30minDon’t ever let anyone tell you there’s nothing new under the sun. Thought leaders don’t approach the world or their industry that way, so why should you? In this episode, Donald Kelly connects with Andy Buyting – coach, professional speaker, and best-selling author of How to Win Clients and Influence People. In this episode, Buyting introduces his proven-successful take on how to reinvent the relationship between sales and marketing which he outlines further in his 2021 book, Double Sales/Zero Salespeople. See the special offer in our Resources for a free half-hour call with one of the authors of the book! Why the “assembly line”? Division of labor: splitting any complex process into specific tasks, and allowing people to specialize on one part of the task Application in sales and marketing: Where a typical salesperson may be responsible for generating leads and prospecting all the way through making the final sale, Buyting recommends separating the tasks among dedicated people Optimize: Once you
Stop Wasting Time Chasing Accounts, Focus on Buyers Instead | Joe McNeill - 1653
20/03/2023 Duration: 23minWe are all defined by how we handle the challenges we face. The only constant in life is change, and it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – you have to learn how to adapt. Our guest today offers his solution to how sellers can approach their job during the current market so that you can successfully, and organically reach your goals. In this episode, Donald Kelly sits down with Joe McNeill, the CRO at Influ2, to talk about the current landscape, the shortcomings of how sales are currently being done, and how to shift your focus so that you can connect with the right buyers for your product. Challenges in Sales Today E-mail outreach is up +50% since 2020, but replies have decreased by 30%. Limited outreach methods are leading to limited results 72% of SDR teams are behind their pipeline goals. Some sales leaders think making more calls and sending more e-mails is the answer SDRs and AEs are not always getting support, so they are not as efficient in their jobs as they could be How to Change U
Five Things You Must Do to Have an Effective Weekly Planning Session | Donald Kelly - 1652
17/03/2023 Duration: 16minDo you know that feeling you get when you spend some time planning out the week ahead? It’s that sense of peace that lets us know we’re going to achieve our goals and nothing is going to get missed. Planning seriously increases our productivity, so why aren’t we all taking the time to do this at the beginning of each week? Whether you just can’t seem to find the time or you don’t know how to get started, Donald is here to help. Take out your Google Calendar or your favorite scheduler and let’s get to it! How to Make the Most of Your Weekly Planning Session Define your purpose for the week. Take a second to decide what you’re trying to accomplish this week. Look at your key performance indicators (KPIs), and make a plan for how you’re going to reach those things. Plan activities accordingly. Decide what things are going to go on your calendar based on your KPIs. Highlight the “money generating activities” you do each day, and fill your day with those activities first. Put in your recurring meeting
How To Achieve Sales Success Using This Story Framework | Andie Jewett - 1651
13/03/2023 Duration: 34minDon’t. Be. Boring. Every time you talk to a new client, in the back of your mind, you know you’re not the first person to ever pitch to them. You might not even be the first person to pitch to them that day. You need to stand out, and more importantly, be remembered. In this episode, Donald Kelly sits down with Andie Jewett, the Senior VP of Business Development at AMP Agency. They talk about the core elements of an amazing pitch, and how to make sure you’re not making the same mistakes as everybody else. Jewett’s Background Started in account management, with clients like Blue Cross Blue Shield and NinetyNine Restaurants Now works with AMP Agency, overseeing business development and reaching out to potential clients Most Common Pitching Mistakes - and How to Fix Them Don’t jump into your pitch immediately, placing the focus on you and your product. Do your homework so that you know your client, ask them questions, and place the focus on them. Don’t recite all your great ideas or figures one aft
Boost Your Close Rate By Selling To Your "Moose" | Kay Miller - 1650
10/03/2023 Duration: 28minThe days of the “spray and pray” method of selling are over. Nobody wants to be sold to, and bland, generic pitches are a dime a dozen. So how can you set yourself apart and improve your closing rates? Today, your host Donald Kelly asks Kay Miller, author of “Uncopyable Sales Secrets,” exactly that. Listen in to find out how you can identify, and sell to, YOUR Moose. Don’t forget to scroll down for an exclusive offer just for TSE Podcast listeners! Miller’s Background Miller broke through the glass ceiling in a male-dominated field, becoming successful in a short time Got hired by Walker Exhaust, the largest automotive muffler manufacturer in the country, and became the top salesperson in the U.S., earning her the nickname “Muffler Mama” What is a Moose? How do I Identify Mine? Your “moose” is your perfect customer. For a moose-hunter, the moose is their target. Any time spent hunting other animals is time they can’t spend moose hunting. Study your “moose”. Learn your ideal customer’s aspirati
Here's How Our Team Consistently Shattered Our Multibillion Quota | Helen Fanucci - 1649
06/03/2023 Duration: 24minIn this episode of The Sales Evangelist Podcast, Donald Kelly talks with Helen Fanucci about her timely book, Love Your Team: A Survival Guide for Sales Managers in a Hybrid World. The impacts of the pandemic continue to affect how we do business in 2023. The value of remote work can be seen and felt by workers across a variety of industries, including sales. So how do you connect with your team, ensuring their success and building their skills along the way? Fanucci’s experience as a Customer Success Sales Leader at Microsoft has given her a unique perspective, and she brings her expertise to this conversation. Three Steps for Leaders to Help Their Team Build Pipeline The 3x Rule. Have 3 times the number of customers in the pipeline than what is needed to meet the quota. Fill in the gaps. Ask your team who they’re talking to on a given account, and see how your network, connections, or position can help them get in touch with decision-makers. Use tools like Linkedin Sales Navigator. Use the to
Mindset and The Way You Think - Why You Don't Have to Work So Hard for Sales | Natasha Ho - 1648
03/03/2023 Duration: 25minWhat makes this conversation between Donald Kelly and Natasha Ho so special is not just that they’ve both found success in sales, it’s that they genuinely want others to find that same success. Listen in as they discuss the limitations many sellers create for themselves and the ways you can open up new opportunities for yourself by asking important questions. Natasha Ho’s Background After getting her degree and working her dream job, she realized she didn’t want to progress in that line of work and found a new dream She built her own business and became successful after she learned how to sell her product Sales consulting on the side led her towards a path that was ultimately more fulfilling Seeing Opportunities, Not Limitations High-Ticket buyers are like Santa Claus - you have to believe in them for them to exist. Your first high-ticket buyer could already be in your network, but you’ll never know unless you start to trust that they’re there. Identify prospects by listening. When you st
How to Start Meaningful Conversations That Lead to Appointments | Donald Kelly - 1647
27/02/2023 Duration: 15minWe know you want to set more appointments. You’ve got this - this is a skill just like any other, and you can learn how to do it. It’ll take some practice and a little bit of creativity, so there’s no better time to start. In the previous episode, Donald Kelly took you through two parts of his four-part strategy. If you haven’t heard that episode yet, it really sets the stage for this one, so go back and check it out first. Then meet us back here so you can learn to start the conversations that will lead to appointments. Set the Stage for a Dialogue - How Donald Uses the Strategy After making a list and choosing someone to reach out to, reach out with a personal touch so you can to build a connection Find the engagement path: Look for places you can connect - LinkedIn or Instagram are examples. Comment on a post asking a question, send them a video response, etc. You can mention the topic you connected over when you reach out by email, as long as it’s relevant! This can increase your reply rates It
My Number One Strategy to Book More Appointments In 2023! | Donald Kelly - 1646
24/02/2023 Duration: 14minWhether you’re a brand new BDR or you’ve been in sales for a while, we know you care about bringing your best in your professional life. If you didn’t want to improve, you wouldn’t be here, right? Today is your lucky day - on this episode of The Sales Evangelist, Donald Kelly is going to share the strategy he has developed to help you get more appointments booked than ever before. This is a 4-part strategy, and in this episode, Donald will take you in-depth into two of the parts to help you get started. Part 1 - Relevance Analyze your ICP - Trigger #1 Donald looks for is a business leader who is new to the role - these people are likely to want to make changes Trigger #2 is whether the target has been active on LinkedIn in the last 90 days Cold e-mails fail if the salesperson doesn’t understand the person/business they’re emailing if they do not present a point of reference, and if the e-mail isn’t relevant Find a focused list of people you can reach out to - people who will be interested in what y
Secrets I Have Learned From Interviewing Consultants and Sales Leaders | Derrick Williams - 1645
20/02/2023 Duration: 23minSometimes the most interesting conversations are between experts on parallel paths sharing their journeys and noticing what their paths have in common. This conversation between Donald Kelly and Derrick Williams (Founder and Principal of 3Link Consulting) is an example of just that - they both have a keen sense of sales trends that has been honed over years of work in the industry. Williams is as knowledgeable as they come, but like Donald, he’s always learning more from the best and most educated voices in sales today. They discuss Williams’ new project, The Sales Consultant Podcast, and cover some of the salient pieces of information that have started to reveal themselves as important as Williams has been going through his first round of interviews. Whether you’re new in the field or have years of experience, check out the new podcast, and become a fly on the wall in a conversation between leaders in the field. A Throughline: Focus on the Fundamentals Communicating Value - Know how to open calls, a
How I Utilize Personalized Video to Build a Community and Generate Leads | Jarrod Best-Mitchell - 1644
17/02/2023 Duration: 34minIn this episode, Donald meets with Jerrod Best-Mitchell, a passionate seller who has dialed in using video to make connections online. Best-Mitchell is a master of his craft - he has sent 6000 personal videos on LinkedIn so far and has gained so much knowledge in the process. Listen in so you can learn how to up your personalized video game so you can generate leads, and build connections and community. Why use video? Videos are the quickest way to build relationships and trust with strangers. Letting someone get to know you is what begins building community. And community is the direction sales are moving in 2023 and 2024. Personalized videos may take a bit longer, but if you can isolate a few people to reach out to with short, engaging videos, it can increase your response rates and make you more efficient as a seller. But all videos are not created equal - Best-Mitchell has great tips to make your videos count. In sales, and especially when you’re starting as a BDR or SDR, the way to be successful is to s
My Journey From Being An Athlete to Professional Selling | Michael Schill - 1643
13/02/2023 Duration: 30minIf you are ready to take control of your own destiny, get ready to hear the conversation with someone who has done exactly that. In this episode, Donald meets with Michael Schill, a former athlete who learned his skills in sales from NYT Bestselling Author and Real Estate mogul, Grant Cardone. Schill is now the founder of his own organization, Full Circle Agency. Listen in as he discusses how he got to where he is today, the lessons he has learned, and how he makes sure he will achieve his goals for the future. Schill’s Background He played football for Florida State University, where he learned the discipline it takes to improve - if you don’t show up and train, you don’t win. Academics were also a huge focus for him - Schill graduated with a BA in Exercise Science from FSU. He received a world class education working with Grant Cardone, training extensively in sales and learning how to solve the problem every product faces: building awareness. A Few of Schill’s Core Tips for Success Have a schedule. The
Top Strategies to Build Your Confidence in Sales | Wesleyne Whittaker-Greer - 1642
10/02/2023 Duration: 28minConfidence is key in life, but ESPECIALLY in sales. In today’s episode of The Sales Evangelist podcast, our host Donald Kelly meets with Wesleyne Whittaker-Greer to discuss different ways you can increase your confidence as a seller. Strategies For Building Your Confidence Talk to yourself like you’re your own best friend. Practice selling. Be open to constructive criticism. If you want to connect with Wesleyne or learn more about building confidence, you can connect with her on her LinkedIn. You can talk to Donald and drop him a message on LinkedIn, Tik Tok, and Instagram at donaldckelly. You can also join TSE’s space on Circle to talk to Donald and other sellers looking to improve their craft. This episode is brought to you in part by Scratchpad. Scratchpad is the first Revenue Team Workspace specifically designed to adapt to each salesperson’s workflow, so you don’t have to change your habits. Get Scratchpad free at Credits As one of our podcast listeners, we value your opinion and al