The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1046:51:49
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 155: The Perfect Day Formula: How To Own The Day And Control Your Life - With Craig Ballantyne

    24/04/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Have you ever had a perfect day? It’s a day where everything seems to be in your favor. You accomplish all of the things you want. You feel happy and fulfilled. And you go to bed at night wishing that everyday can be just like this. Aaaaah… It’s a day that has that new car smell. It’s feeling like you have the Midas touch. It’s when life is just flat out awesome. So, why can’t we have more perfect days like that? Well, the obvious answer is because a lot of crap happens in our life, and it can take our wish of a perfect day and throw it right into the garbage disposal. The less obvious answer is because we forfeited having our perfect day because we didn’t know the simple, proven steps to create it. The breaking news flash today is that we CAN construct more perfect days. But we have to decide to stop spending our days playing the game of crap-dodgeball that life is flinging at us. We have to be proactive and activate The Perfect Day Formula. And you’re about to meet just the man to help you do it. Craig Ball

  • THMS 154: The Mind-Body Healing Connection And The Power Of Movement Meditations - With Tristan Truscott

    20/04/2016 Duration: 57min

    There’s a lot more to healing than meets the eye. Whether you’re healing from a tough workout, or healing from a chronic heart condition, numerous forces have to come together make it happen. Hormones, lymphocytes, inflammatory cytokines, and several other intelligent entities in your body take action to set the ship right when things go wrong. You can either help or hinder your system from doing it’s job. And these are the facts. If you get a big cut on your arm, and you pack the cut full of crumbled up M&M’s, chances are it’s not going to heal properly. However, if you apply some fresh aloe, and you take some natural anti-inflammatories that also support recovery, like the active compound in turmeric (curcumin), you are supporting your body in normal healing. So, yes, nutrition and smart hygiene matter in recovery, but there’s something else that gets overlooked. Research shows conclusively that your mind and thoughts have a huge impact on the healing (or lack thereof) of your body. Stress, pessimism, w

  • TMHS 153: Stop Calorie-Counting And Yo-Yo Dieting, And Gain Nutritional Serenity - With Jonathan Bailor

    11/04/2016 Duration: 38min

    The first time I tried to lose weight it was by drinking Slim-Fast shakes. The marketing said, “Have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then have a sensible dinner.” I gulped down that sludge of artificial nutrition, followed the plan, and the pounds started coming off. I was happy that it was working. But my victory was short lived. Being on that plan, and focusing on calories rather than nutrition, left me with a ferocious appetite that would see me overeat at the end of the day… and then a snack… and another snack… until my will power just couldn’t take it anymore. Drinking that can of liquid denial was leaving me nutrient deficient, anxious, and ultimately blocking my weight loss efforts. You see, it didn’t matter that I was a good person. It didn’t matter that I really wanted to lose weight. It didn’t matter that I tried really hard. Not a single one of those things matter because if my goal is one way, but my plan is taking me in the opposite direction, I’m ultimately going to end up somewher

  • TMHS 152: The Anatomy Of Success

    06/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    When I was in college, there weren’t any classes on success. There wasn’t a Success 101 course. If there was, I would’ve been there. There were a lot of classes on the fundamentals… math, science, writing, and even courses dedicated to our majors (like business, engineering, computer science, and health), but there wasn’t any classes that taught us how to put it all together. I’m charged to report that even the best colleges in the world fail to teach us how to actually be successful in our chosen field, let alone in life in general. Right now it’s more important than ever to grab the study of success by the horns. Life, health, and happiness can quickly run away from you if you’re not fortunate enough to know what makes a successful life versus what allows us to just get by. Recently, I felt that my formal education experience could lend a hand by giving a framework to discuss what success really looks like. Anatomy is the study of structure or the internal workings of things. Today we’re going to be breakin

  • TMHS 151: 4 Unusual Foods That Can Help Transform Your Body

    29/03/2016 Duration: 57min

    Growing up I never really liked vegetables. As a matter of fact, I didn’t like very many foods at all outside of the staples of hamburgers, fish sticks, macaroni & cheese, and sandwiches. These things tasted great to my tiny palate, and set the template for my eating habits for years to come. It surprises people when they hear that I didn’t eat my first salad until I was 25 years old. Yep, you heard that right. No green leaf doth pass my lips, and I loved thee not. But everything changed when I learned about the power food had to change my body, and there really was no looking back after that. Since turning my health around in my early 20’s I’ve eaten more fun, exotic, and even unusual foods than you can shake a finger at. And what I’ve learned is that certain foods have actually been staples in the diets of our ancestors, but we have somehow lost sight of them in lieu of Pop Tarts and pizza. Today’s powerhouse episode is a reintroduction to the classes of foods that all of us need to add into our diets o

  • TMHS 150: 4 Unorthodox Tips To Help You Sleep Better Every Night

    23/03/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    Albert Einstein once said, “Strange is our situation here upon Earth.” In many ways we are smack dab in the middle of realizing what we are and realizing that we have no idea what we are at the same time. Life is complex, beautiful, and definitely weird. There are so many tricky situations, questions, and answers we can sift through to try to figure things out, but sometimes a strange solution is the order of the day. When it comes to improving the quality of your sleep, the typical advice usually doesn’t bring much to the table. “Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep.” “Try not to eat before bed.” “Take this drug to help you sleep (even though one of the side effects is doubling your risk of early death).” No thanks. I like to sleep, but I like that being alive part as well. There are tons of useful tips and strategies to instantly upgrade your sleep in the bestselling book Sleep Smarter. Some of the most interesting (and albeit unorthodox) tips are highlighted here in this episode. Simply listen in, take action

  • TMHS 149: Why Great Sleep Is The Ultimate Fat Burner

    15/03/2016 Duration: 48min

    Today is a very, very special day! My new book Sleep Smarter is now available nationwide and we couldn’t be more excited. The excitement and joy is so high because we are bringing one of the most vital, yet overlooked components of health and well-being to the hearts of the masses. From brain function, to heart health, to fat loss, the quality of your sleep impacts it all. And as you’ll discover in Sleep Smarter, not only is sleep a major player in the way you look and feel, it just might be the #1 thing influencing the results you see in the mirror each day. This special launch day episode dives specifically into this topic to uncover why sleep is the ultimate fat burner. Today you’re going to be equipped with some huge takeaways that will last you a lifetime and support you on your mission of being the healthiest, fittest version of yourself. In this episode you'll discover: Why fat loss is all about hormone function. How dieters were able to lose 55 percent more body fat with one simple lifestyle change.

  • TMHS 148: Estrogen Dominance - Natural Treatments For Fibroid Tumors, Cancer, And More

    09/03/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    Millions of people worldwide are struggling with the effects of estrogen dominance. It’s a growing epidemic that’s connected to obesity, fibroid tumors, cancer and more, yet most people have no idea about it. This episode is focused on lifting the veil that’s been hiding estrogen dominance. Today we’re going to break down one of the major causes of significant health problems today, plus provide life-changing tools and strategies so that you can truly take back control of your health. In this episode you'll discover: How estrogen dominance and cancer impacted the life of my family and changed the course of my career. What enables estrogen to make cancer tumors grow (this is important!). Why there’s an epidemic of unjustified hysterectomies being done today. What some of the little known side effects of a hysterectomy are. What estrogen actually is (there’s 3 of them!). How men and women produce estrogen differently. How fibroid tumors and endometriosis work. What aromatization is and how it works. The critic

  • THMS 147: 10 Ways Sleep Can Give You A Better Brain

    02/03/2016 Duration: 01h20s

    What if you found out that a great night's sleep could make the difference in closing an important business deal? In showing up as a better parent? Or in performing at a high level in your sport or on stage? Today you're going to learn exactly why great sleep is a linchpin for the optimal function of your brain in every way imaginable. We're going to dive in and break down some of the most fascinating studies to understand how sleep affects your memory, decision making, creativity, and more. In this episode you'll discover: What learning actually is (the simplicity may surprise you!). The 10 ways sleep can give you a better brain. How sleep deeply impacts your memory. How your brain detoxifies itself at night (and why this is critical!) The shocking effect that sleep has on your ability to focus. How great sleep can help you learn faster. Why your ability to make smart decisions is heavily influenced by your sleep quality. How your "intuition" can actually be hacked by manipulation of your subconscious mind.

  • TMHS 146: The Thyroid And Gut Health Connection - With Dr. Jillian Teta

    24/02/2016 Duration: 55min

    There is an absolute epidemic of people struggling with thyroid problems, yet it's a quite story that most people never talk about. Today we are targeting one of the biggest health issues facing our world today. Thyroid problems can be the underlying cause for everything from tremendous weight loss hardships to extremely low energy levels (aka chronic fatigue.) Today brings the hope of many breakthrough moments for so many people who've been living a quite life of desperation. There are solutions available. And it starts with finally understanding the underlying cause. Not only are you going to uncover what's at the root of most thyroid problems, but you're going to have a comprehensive approach to testing, an entirely new understanding of how your diet relates to your thyroid function, and how things like exercise and stress also play a strange, key role that you may have never realized before. We are fortunate to have on renown physician Dr. Jillian Teta to help us understand the remarkable thyroid and gut

  • TMHS 145: Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss - With Abel James

    22/02/2016 Duration: 46min

    I have a confession to make… I don’t like our society’s obsession with losing weight. As crazy as it might sound coming from someone who’s helped thousands of people lose weight, it hurts my heart a little bit every time I hear someone say they want to lose weight. Here’s why... Measuring our health by measuring our pounds on the scale has led our culture in the wrong direction. You can eat processed, calorie restrictive “health foods”, over-exercise to the point that you are catabolizing your muscle tissue, and feel bad and hungry all the time, but if you’re losing weight, that’s okay. As a matter of fact, if you’re losing weight, you’re healthy. This may come as a little bit of a surprise, but just because you lose weight on the scale it does NOT mean that you are healthy. There are many poor states of human health that come coupled with a loss of weight on the scale. And on the other side, just because your weight is higher than you may want it to be, it does not mean that you are UN-healthy. This whole we

  • TMHS 144: Mind Over Medicine - With Dr. Lissa Rankin

    17/02/2016 Duration: 59min

    Many of us take our health for granted until it's suddenly taken away. When our health begins to slip out of our fingers, it can be a tremendous wake up call in our lives. Some people receive the call and their life is transformed for the better. Something inside of them changes. They begin living differently. They make changes. They heal. Many other people we've known and loved have faded away quickly. They believe that nothing else can be done. They give up. There is an intermingling of these two groups of people for sure, but it's pretty clear in the research that those who recover have something very powerful in their favor. And that is the power of their mind. When you talk to physician and New York Times bestselling author Lissa Rankin about the power of the mind to heal the body, she isn't just talking about something metaphysical, she is talking about a physical transformation that takes place, and it's based on what you believe. In today's remarkable episode you're going to learn what role your mind

  • TMHS 143: How The Quality Of Your Sleep Impacts The Health Of Your Relationships

    10/02/2016 Duration: 48min

    When you're sleep deprived, you're not yourself. No... I mean really not yourself. There's a big impact on your brain, hormones, and we'll just say "emotional stability" that a lack of sleep can play. So much so that top researchers have dove in to discover just how socially messed up poor sleep can make us. Today you're about to discover how your sleep impacts the health of your relationships in ways that you could never have imagined. Even though some of the research is a little unsettling (and a whole lot surprising), it really shouldn't come as that big of a surprise to us. We all know that other people (but not you, of course) who get grumpy, irritable, and even out-right mean when they are tired. Other people (but not you, of course) can end up being unreasonable, argue for no reason, and even act more negative and pessimistic when they're sleep deprived. We've all seen it, but we may not of caught it because weren't paying attention to the details surrounding the situation (namely that the person is ti

  • TMHS 142: How To Stop The Stress Cycle And Become An Urban Monk - With Dr. Pedram Shojai

    03/02/2016 Duration: 51min

    When it comes to stress, you've got three basic options today. One, you can crumble under the weight of the stress, succumbing to things like heart disease, obesity, and depression that are all linked to chronic stress. Two, you can run from the modern world and hideout in the mountains (grow a beard), in a monastery (shave your head and/or grow a beard), or even in a naturalist colony (renounce all of your clothing and/or grow a beard). Three you can step up and do something to ensure that you are breaking the cycle of stress by learning how to enjoy our modern advances without being overrun by them. That's what The Urban Monk is all about. Dr. Pedram Shojai is here to share some of the most powerful insights you'll ever hear for taking back control of your mind and overcoming stress in a hyper-stressful world. As you'll discover today, modern day stress is like death from 1,000 cuts. It's a slow cooking of your health and vitality that can leave you tired, sick, or something far worse. Today it's time to ta

  • THMS 141: How To Create Healthy Habits For A Lifetime

    27/01/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    The life that you have right now is a result of your habits. It's not the things that you do every now and then, it's the things you do consistently that tell the real story of your life. So, if your habits are so important, how do you actually create the habits that you want and move away from the habits that aren't serving you? That's what this powerful episode is all about. Eng's Principle says, "The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change." Therefore, we must strive to make the things we want to act on each day easy, automatic, and something that comes as natural as breathing. It's true that some people feel so compelled to exercise that they will fall into depression if they don't have it. It's become easy to them; second nature even. We can all program into our mental software the information that makes our hardware consistently take action in the direction we want. And it starts by learning how we build habits in the first place. In this episode you'll discover: Why we feel so weird when our sc

  • TMHS 140: The Only 5 Exercises You Need To Create An Amazing Physique

    20/01/2016 Duration: 01h20s

    Confucius said, "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." This statement couldn't ring anymore true when it comes to changing our body's appearance. It can be one of the easiest things in the world if we simply take the complexity out of it. That's what today's show is all about. Today we're going to dive in and talk about the only 5 exercises you need to create an amazing physique. No fancy cardio machines with a lot of buttons, no complex programs, and no excuses. By mastering these 5 things you can create the most incredible physique possible. But the real benefit is in the details. You'll learn some of the big do's and don'ts, why they actually work (the science), and specific benchmarks you need to target to make sure you're getting the most out of them. Take actions to focus more on these 5 exercises and the results will speak for themselves. In this episode you'll discover: Why omega 3's are so important for our health (and the best source to find them!). Why mastering bodyweigh

  • TMHS 139: Winning The Weight Loss Race Together - With Drew Manning

    13/01/2016 Duration: 43min

    There are not a lot of positive messages in the media today. Even when great information that provides a lot of real world value for people shows up, it's often disguised in sensationalized story; something that makes you watch but doesn't necessarily make you think. I'm so proud of the friends in my life who, as of late, have been making their way onto major network television. They are great people and great teachers who are sliding their messages of positivity and health into the mainstream and it's really amazing to witness it all. No one is more fitting for this mission than my friend Drew Manning. Drew has been on my show before and absolutely blew me away with his story. He started off as a typical gym-going, strict diet-eating, protein shake-guzzling "fit" person working as a personal trainer. He eventually found that he couldn't relate in a deep way to a lot of his clients' weight struggles, so he decided to run an experiment to change that. Drew took it upon himself to gain over 70 pounds in the cou

  • TMHS 138: The Golden Rules For Accomplishing Your Biggest Goals This Year - With John Lee Dumas

    06/01/2016 Duration: 41min

    If you're planning on making some big things happen this year, it's time to lace 'em up and get started! There's no one in the world I know better to teach you about setting and accomplishing goals than John Lee Dumas. John is, in fact, a living legend. He's been featured in many major magazines, he's an in-demand speaker, he has one of the most downloaded podcasts in the history of Apple Podcasts, he's an extremely successful entrepreneur who's had the unique opportunity to interview thousands of other entrepreneurs, he's a budding philanthropist, and just a really great guy at the end of the day. John has been able to accomplish so much, in such a short amount of time, because of the way that he structures and executes on his goals. It's not an accident; it's a system. And today, to help you take every area of your life to the next level, he's here to share that system with you. This year is yours if you're ready to plan effectively and take action. So, let's get this party started! In this episode you'll d

  • TMHS 137: How To Instantly Shift Your Mindset And Master The Art Of Living - With Bob Proctor

    30/12/2015 Duration: 50min

    Bob Proctor is a phenomenon. He has inspired tens of millions of people by teaching them why they need to start living up to their potential and how to do it. Whether it's in your career, relationships, health (Bob is 81 and accomplishing more each day than people half his age!), finances, or any other area, Bob's specialty is helping you to uncover what's been holding you back and providing a clear map on getting where you want to be. Bob will tell you, there isn't anything that makes him particularly special. There are just a few key principles that he applies everyday that has led to his overwhelming success. Today you're going to learn exactly how Bob thinks, and some extra valuable tips to help you make this your best year yet. In this episode you'll discover: Why we are encouraged to use our imaginations very early on, but then quickly taught to suppress it. How you actually get to choose everything you do (even if you don't realize it!). What mindset shift you must make if you're going to start living

  • TMHS 136: Making Healthy Food Affordable For Everyone - With Gunnar Lovelace

    23/12/2015 Duration: 41min

    One of the biggest arguments against adopting a healthier lifestyle is the additional expenses you have to undertake. When someone makes the leap to buying organic and natural foods and personal care items, when they get to the register and look down at their receipt, their jaw just might drop right onto the conveyor belt. I've been there... a time or 72... When I first made the decision to change the way I was eating, my grocery bill effectively doubled. I justified it for years saying that it will pay me back in dividends with my health. And in many ways it did. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a better way (with an easier onramp) to make switching to a healthier lifestyle much for fun and less stressful for those who are motivated to do so. I know that many of us are the exception and we'll invest the extra money to get things we feel are much healthier. For most people, however, it just isn't worth the extra expense when you're just trying to get by, let alone thrive in our world today. Well, Gunnar

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