The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic



Have you ever noticed that what is pleasing to one body is not necessarily pleasing to all bodies? What if our bodies like to be pleasing and to gift pleasure to others and to receive pleasure? We start out with magical little bodies that turn on everybody. Babies are always having people come up to them and compliment them on their beauty and get really excited to be in their presence. What would the world be like if we stopped judging ourselves, our bodies and others? How much more fun and joy is possible on this planet if we choose to be explorers? Whose ready for an adventure??? Milica Jelenic "Pleasure Do's, Don'ts & Maybe's, List."


  • How Body Image Changes Your Sex Drive – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Have you ever considered that body image changes your sex drive? However you gender identify, your body image can have an impact on your sex drive. Would you like to have a great self esteem and improve your body image? Body image is a part of sex drive that is often overlooked. We have looked at a variety of things that affect sex drive like hormones, sensory experiences that increase sexual excitation and how to approach sex on past episodes. Are you being warmed up and approached in a way that has you feel great about your body? When you look in the mirror what do you see and how do you feel about your body? Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner on The Pleasure Zone to learn about "How Body Image Changes Your Sex Drive" and what to do about it! Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.”

  • All About Water Sports; The Kinky Kind – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host What a great time of year to talk about water sports! If you have never heard this term before it is the umbrella for all things pee related for kink. For those of you who are new to surfing and would like to know more about water sports, or if you have never surfed and would like to find out what you should know before participating, this is episode is for you! Join Milica Jelenic. Sex & Intimacy Coach and Holistic Health Practitioner on this episode of The Pleasure Zone where we will learn "All About Water Sports, The Kinky Kind" and become avid surfers in no time! Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy Coach. What is pleasure? Have you ever noticed that

  • Using BDSM For Trauma Release With Guest Gaia Morrissette


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host When BDSM is mentioned most people's first thoughts go to "that is painful" and they get stuck on the trauma that they think it can cause. Did you know that it is actually quite the opposite, that BDSM can be used for trauma release? If this sounds intriguing to you and you would like to know more about BDSM for trauma release, who does it, what you need to know and how to be safe, stay tuned! Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach and Gaia Morrissette, Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out all about "Using BDSM For Trauma Release". Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist, Gaia Morrissette believes the keys to a happy, healthy, wealthy, magical and EPIC orgasmic life is ; Sexual Wellness, Embracing the human experience and releasing fear, shame , guilt and self-loathing. Gaia supports people living with pleasure through Holistic Sexual Wellness, Trauma Recovery. She is also a BDSM Wellness expert, High Priestess

  • The Pleasure Of Submission – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host I have noticed a misunderstanding of what submission is in the kink and pleasure domain. What are some ideas that pop into your head when you think of pleasure and submission? Sometimes in bodies that have experienced trauma, especially sexual trauma, there can be a deep fear of submission, with no thoughts of pleasure connected to it all. Submission can be a gift to your own body, to all you to receive pleasure, relaxation, ease, orgasmic energy and all sorts of things you never imagined. If you are curious about what submission can offer you, join Milica Jelenic on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out more about "The Pleasure of Submission". Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~

  • Why Do I Have Low Sex Drive? – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host One of the many questions I get asked by all people who come to me is, "Why do I have low sex drive?" There are many reasons why sex drive can be low and it's not always because of hormones. If you have had medical testing and found out "everything is normal" but you still seem to have a low sex drive, then what else could it be? We will be looking at some not so obvious factors that affect sex drive, why it could be low and and what you can do about it. Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach and Holistic Health Practiitioner on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out about "Why Do I Have Low Sex Drive?" Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy Coach

  • Effective & Playful Communication In Relationships – Guest Ly Smith


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host I bet you have heard that the top reasons relationships fails is because of money, or lack of sex, In reality, all aspects of relationships can thrive and be negotiated if you you have good and clear communication skills. If you feel anxious, awkard, uncertain or afraid to have communication with your partner about the things that are important to you, the relationships will fail. In this episode of The Pleasure Zone we will find out more about: How important is communication in your relationship? How does it show up in your marriage? How do you begin and/or get through a difficult conversation? How do you make communication fun and playful Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach and Holistic Health Practitioner with Guest Ly Smith CANDY Method Coaching. Ly Smith helps coaches communicate on stages, on camera, and in front of groups with confidence with her 6-month CANDY Method coaching program. Sexy Coupons: https://www.m

  • How Do Relationships Affect Testosterone Levels? ~ Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host In recent years there have been studies that measure testosterone levels in cis men and women who are in relationships. There are some interesting findings on how testosterone is affected by relationships and I am excited to share some of that research with you on this episode. There are many factors that affect testosterone, such as diet, exercise, stress levels etc, so it really isn't surprising that testosterone is also affected by relationships. Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out more on "How Do Relationships Affect Testosterone Levels?" Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & I

  • An Exploration Of Pleasurable Touch – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Do you have a desire to experience pleasurable touch but just aren't sure what works for you? Have you experienced touch that aroused you but was not pleasurable? Pleasure, Desire & Arousal are not the same. Would you like to know more about how to give and receive pleasurable touch? In this episode of The Pleasure with Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner, we will explore: What the difference between arousing and pleasurable touch is What some different kinds of touch are How to use different kinds of touch to learn about what pleasures you How to use different kinds of touch to learn what is pleasurable to your partner What are some of the ways and tools that can be used to deliver pleasurable touch Join Milica Jelenic for "An Exploration Of Pleasurable Touch" on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” ht

  • Creating A Curiosity Adult Play Kit – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host One of the top things I encourage couples to do is to get curious, and what better way to do that than to have your own Adult Play Kit. What are some of the things that are easy to find, and affordable that you can use to buy or make for your Adult Play Kit? If you are curious and would like an adult play kit, but you are not totally sure where to start, or what is worth investing in, have a listen. We will look at a variety of pleasure items that are must haves for your adult play kit. We will explore: What the benefits of creating an adult play kit are What are some top things to have in your adult play kit Who would benefit from having an adult play kit How to creat your own adult play kit Join Milica Jelenic, sex & intimacy coach, holistic health practitioner, to learn more about "Creating A Curiousity Adult Play Kit" on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do

  • My Identity, Not Your Authority With Guest Ziva


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Have you ever had someone say to you that you are wrong about your identity? Maybe you haven't because you fit the societal norms when it comes to identity. Who is the authority of your identity? Are you the authority of your identity, or is someone else? For someone who does not fit the societal norm, simply existing can appear like an act of rebellion towards authority. When your idenitity is denied or rejected sometimes you can feel like you have lost yoru own authority. In this episode we will explore: What is identity? What is authority? Who has authority over your identity? How do you approach the subject of identity with someone, or do you? Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner and Ziva as they dive into the topic of "My Identity, Not Your Authority" on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Ziva is an artist, entrepreneur, student and all around wild and interesting person. Sexy Coupons:

  • Queer Characters in Mythology With Guest Ziva


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host In Celebration of Pride month we are having a very fun episode talking about "Queer People In Mythology." For some of you this might come as a surprise that Queer people aren't new or invented by the leftists. Finding out about all the queer characters in mythology was one of the happiest adventures for my guest tonight. Ziva will be brining us stories of characters from Roman, Greek and Norse Mythology that go back thousands of years. Ziva is an artist, entrepreneur, student and all around wild person. Join us for a fun episode an conversation about "Queer Characters In Mythology" on this episode of The Pleasure Zone! Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy

  • Integrating Faith & Sex With Guest Matthew Brackett


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Have you ever wondered how faith & sex can be integrated? Has your faith shut down your sex life? Have you used your faith as an excuse to not have a sex life? Unveiling some of the misunderstandings about faith & sex. Topics include: What is faith? Some religious perspectives on sex Theology of the body Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner and Matthew Brackett to find out more about "Integrating Faith & Sex " on this episode of The Pleasure Zone. Matthew has 30+ years of experience in the field of education and development of the human person in personal and professional leadership. Thriving in cross-cultural organizations and environments, trilingual, Matthew has enjoyed broad international and intercultural experience in leadership, educational and consulting roles in Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico as well as having been a special Staff Officer and Chaplain in the United States Navy serving both wi

  • Top 10 Sex Myths Busted ~ Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Do you remember hearing things like, "You cannot get pregnant standing up" when you were a kid? As we grew up we realized a lot of these ideas were pure baloney, but some of these sex myths we're so entrenched in our media that many continue to believe them. I am excited to share with you some of the top sex myths I have come across and ones I still hear people defending as true. Are you ready to have some laughs and some fun facts you can share at your next party? What better ice breaker is there than sharing fun sex myths? Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner, on The Pleasure Zone as we look at the "Top Ten Sex Myths Busted". Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasu

  • The Pleasure Playbook For Sexual Bliss – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Sexual pleasure is an integral component of our lives, and "The Pleasure Playbook" can help you reach sexual bliss. If we use some fundamental tools we can achieve Sexual Bliss. Some tools include: Communication Consent Curiosity Collaboration "The Pleasure Playbook" can assist in heightening sexual pleasure for an enjoyable sexual experience no matter what kind of relationship you are in. If you are monogamous, polyamorous, practising ethical non-monogamy or something else! Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out more about |The Pleasure Playbook for Sexual Bliss". Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica

  • The Value Of Rejection For Relationship Growth – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Rejection can be an excruciatingly painful experience that's hard to take in both personal and professional contexts. When you were rejected by someone, either for your career, or in a relationship did you: slink away and hide, give up, stop and walk away or did you: Acknowledge and Accept Your Feelings Reframe Your Mindset Practice Self-Care Reach Out (only if the door is open to do so) Keep Trying (but not necessarily with the same person) In this episode of The Pleasure Zone, Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach and Holistic Health Practitioner, will explore "The Value of Rejection For Relationship Growth". Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy Coach. W

  • The Many Kinds Of Monogamy – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host I bet you never considered that there are many kinds of monogamy! Likely all variations of monogamy that are being talked about these days are things people would not consider monogamy at all. In this episode we will explore different kinds of monogamy such as: Serial Monogamy Monogamish Relationship Emotional Monogamy Demi-Monogamy & Covenant Monogamy to name a few. We will discuss the conversations, contracts and commitments that are required to have the variations of monogamy work well. Join Milica Jelenic on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out more about "The Many Kinds Of Monogamy". Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy Coach. What is pleasu

  • Exploring The Complexities Of Different Relationships – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host I have noticed over the last two decades that people have been more open about discussing the different kinds of relationships they are in. All relationships can offer something different whether you are monogamous, non-monogamous, polyamorous, or in open relationships all of these can present their own challenges. In this episode, we will explore the complexities of relationships, including communication, negotiation, and navigating challenges. My favorite things to talk about are consent, communication and curiosity, and we will explore how to work with these in different relationships. Join Milica Jelenic on The Pleasure Zone to find out more about "Exploring The Complexities of Different Relationships." Sexy Coupons: “Pleasure Do’s, Don’ts & Maybe’s, List.” *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://www.inspiredcho

  • Geek Out: Pleasure & Intimacy Books With Guest Host Siris Rivas-Verdejo


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Wondering what books would be great for giving you insight into pleasure and intimacy? Have you avoided readings pleasure & intimacy books thinking they would be pronographic? In this episode Siris and Milica will be geeking out on their favorite intimacy and pleasure books. What you will get out of this show: A list of great books for resources for more pleasure Insights gleaned from the books Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intmacy Coach, Holistic Health Practictioner and Siris Rivas-Verdejo, Family and Child Coach, Speech-Language Pathologist and Therapeutic Energy Worker, while they "Geek Out: Pleasure & Intimacy Books: on this episode of The Pleasure Zone! Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo, Family and Child Coach, Speech-Language Pathologist and Therapeutic Energy Worker, , will use her gifts to guide you to connect with your body, your awareness and other insightful, nurturing change agents around the world. This will support you to have more ease with choosing,

  • How To Connect With Your Lover Through Grief – Milica Jelenic


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Whether it is a loss of a family member or friend, grief can take quite a toll on being able to connect with those still alive. If you have or are experiencing grief and are finding it difficult to connect with your lover through the grief, you are not a lone. Losing someone can be traumatic and as a result your body might want to hide or disconnect from others. Learning to your lover through grief can be a very healing experience. On this episode of The Pleasure Zone we will explore: How grief changes how we connect to others? What simple steps can we take to ensure connection? What is the value of connecting with your lover through grief? Key things to remember for yourself through the grieving process Join Milica Jelenic, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner to this episode of The Pleasure Zone to learn more about "How To Connect With Your Lover Through Grief." Sexy Coupons:

  • Love, Marriage & Sexuality In Vedic Astrology With Guest Alan Annand


    The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Chances are if you are listening to this show, you are either aware of Vedic Astrology or you are curious to find out what it is. Can we learn more about love through Vedic Astrology? Can we understand things abour marriage, and how to have a better marriage through Vedic Astrology? Is it even possible that Vedic Astrology can teach us about sex? Yes, to all of that! Join Milica Jelenic and guest Alan Annand. Alan Annand is a Vedic astrologer, graduate of both the British Faculty of Astrological Studies and the American College of Vedic Astrology. He’s also a palmist and much-published author. His New Age Noir crime novels feature an astrologer protagonist whom one reviewer has dubbed “Sherlock Holmes with a horoscope.” His non-fiction books on astrology have been praised for the quality of their research and writing. His latest book – Kama Yoga: Love, Marriage & Sexuality in Jyotish – is a complete guide to personal relationships as seen through the lens o

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