Learn German in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native German speakers.
CBG 2.31 | Ich miete in der Wohnung ein Zimmer
04/09/2018 Duration: 24minIn lesson 31 of Coffee Break German Season 2, Andrea and Mark present the first episode of our radio play. You'll meet the characters Miriam, Carola and Phillip who are sharing a flat together in Munich. Having listened to the radio play you'll then hear Mark and Andrea talk about the language featured in the episode.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your conf
CBG 2.30 | Review Lesson
28/05/2018 Duration: 41minWelcome to the 30th lesson in the season and it's time for some review. You won't believe how much you've learned in lessons 21-29, and in this episode Andrea and Mark will be reviewing topics such as Wechselpräpositionen, relative pronouns, modal verbs, and much more!This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break Ge
CBG 2.29 | Fährst du in die Schweiz, oder fährst du in der Schweiz?
14/05/2018 Duration: 37minCoffee Break German Season 2 is all about helping you "tighten up" your German, and this episode addresses one of the trickiest aspects of German for learners. You're already familiar with prepositions, and you're already familiar with the accusative and dative case, but did you know that there is a group of prepositions which can take the accusative OR the dative, depending on the situation? By the end of this lesson all will become clear and you'll be able to make the correct decision every time with the help of Andrea and Mark.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don
CBG 2.28 | Deutschschüler sind Leute, die Deutsch lernen
23/04/2018 Duration: 36minCoffee Break German is the course which teaches you German. Andrea is the teacher who helps Mark learn. You are the student who is learning along with Mark, and this is the lesson in which you'll learn all about relative pronouns in German! We'll learn how to use relative pronouns to combine two clauses together and how relative pronouns work with different genders and cases. All will become clear!This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural
CBG 2.27 | Wir sollten wirklich nach Zürich fahren
16/04/2018 Duration: 26minIn this lesson we're dealing with what, on the surface, seems like a tricky topic: the use of the verb sollen. We'll learn to use the verb in the Present and Präteritum, and we'll learn about the subtle differences of using each tense. Sollen is used to say what someone "should do", or "ought to do", and the key question involves whether or not you're being given advice, a suggestion is being made, or indeed you've already been given orders by someone else (e.g. doctor, teacher, parent, etc.) to do it! Complicated stuff, but we'll help you sort it all out!This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Bre
CBG 2.26 | Kommst du jeden Dienstag mit dem Fahrrad zur Deutschklassen?
21/03/2018 Duration: 29minIn this lesson we're tackling a tricky subject for learners of German: word order. In particular we're looking at where adverbs come "inside the Verbklammer". For this we'll be introducing you to a new concept: "Tekamolo". All will become clear in this lesson.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Face
CBG 2.25 | Ich habe mich sehr gut entspannt
05/03/2018 Duration: 28minIt's time to look at reflexive verbs in the past. In this lesson you'll learn to say what you enjoyed, what you complained about and what you looked forward to, and much more besides! Julia is back with a cultural correspondent segment on an area in Italy where German is spoken, Südtirol.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access
CBG 2.24 | Wovor fürchtest du dich?
20/02/2018 Duration: 28minIn this episode you'll learn to use reflexive verbs in German. In addition to being able to talk about "washing yourself" and "scratching yourself" (among other things!), you'll also learn to talk about looking forward to things, relaxing, deciding, catching a cold, getting annoyed, remembering things and complaining! Reflexive verbs are hugely important and this lesson will equip you with everything you need to know!This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review m
CBG 2.23 | Hilfst du deinen Kindern bei ihren Hausaufgaben?
05/02/2018 Duration: 34minWe've already covered the topic of family in Coffee Break German, but in this lesson you'll learn how to talk about your extended family, and deal with possessive pronouns in the nominative, accusative and dative cases. Is it mein, meine, meinen, meinem or meiner? By the end of this lesson, you'll know!This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the l
CBG 2.22 | Mein Vater wohnte lange in einem kleinen Dorf
22/01/2018 Duration: 29minSo far in Coffee Break German we've learned to use haben, sein and some modal verbs in the Präteritum. In this lesson Andrea and Mark look at other verbs in the Präteritum which are not used commonly in spoken German, but you'll find them in any story you read. You'll also learn about some irregular verbs in this tense, including kommen and gehen, and Julia is on hand to tell us about two very famous German writers: Goethe and Schiller.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural
CBG 2.21 | Als ich ein Kind war, durfte ich nicht so viel fernsehen
08/01/2018 Duration: 28minIn this lesson you'll learn to talk about rules and regulations in the past using the Präteritum of the modal verbs dürfen and müssen. By the end of the lesson you'll know how to talk about what you were or weren't allowed to do as a child.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Facebook page here.If yo
CBG 2.20 | Als ich 10 war, wollte ich Astronautin werden
13/11/2017 Duration: 32minThis lesson marks the end of the first half of our second season of Coffee Break German. Mark and Andrea take the opportunity to review the topics covered in lessons 11 to 19 with lots of new examples, helping you build your vocabulary and practise the grammar points at the same time.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the
CBG 2.19 | Wie alt warst du, als du Deutsch lernen wolltest?
30/10/2017 Duration: 25minIn the last lesson we looked at the Präteritum, the past tense form which is commonly used with verbs such as sein, haben and so on. In this lesson, we'll be taking the Präteritum a little further and learn how to talk about what we wanted to do and what we were able to do in the past, using können and wollen. This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence
CBG 2.18 | Wie alt warst du, als du ein Handy gekauft hast?
16/10/2017 Duration: 36minThis episode of Coffee Break German introduces the verbs sein and haben and how they are used in the past. In fact, these verbs use a different tense, the Präteritum, or "imperfect" as it is often referred to in English. You'll learn to conjugate the imperfect of sein and haben and how to use it in a variety of situations.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your
CBG 2.17 | Ich habe die Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht, weil der Hund sie gefressen hat
04/10/2017 Duration: 25minIn this episode we're focusing on the use of weil with the Perfect Tense and you'll be learning to give excuses as to why you arrived late and why you haven't done your homework! This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Facebook page here.If you'd like to find out what goes on behind the scenes here at
CBG 2.16 | Schokolade schmeckt vielen Leuten
22/09/2017 Duration: 29minIn this lesson we're looking further at the dative case and specifically at verbs which need the dative like geben, schicken, schenken, antworten and helfen. You'll also be learning to use the dative forms of the personal pronouns. This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Facebook page here.If you'd lik
CBG 2.15 | Mark fragt, ob Heidelberg schön ist
04/09/2017 Duration: 25minThis lesson focuses on the topic of asking questions, both "open" questions using the W Fragewörter, and more closed questions which are more likely be answered by ja or nein. You'll learn to ask questions using various words, all of which begin with the letter W, and you'll also learn to use reported speech involving questions. Julia is back with another Kulturbeitrag in which she talks about celebrating birthdays in Germany. Learn how to gossip in German! In this lesson we'll be looking at reported speech and how this works with dass. You'll learn how to say who said what to whom, of course using the correct grammatical constructions.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and p
CBG 2.14 | Mark hat bemerkt, dass diese Lektion schwierig ist
21/08/2017 Duration: 24minLearn how to gossip in German! In this lesson we'll be looking at reported speech and how this works with "dass". You'll learn how to say who said what to whom, of course using the correct grammatical constructions.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Facebook page here.If you'd like to find out what
CBG 2.13 | Wie viel Schokolade isst du jede Woche?
07/08/2017 Duration: 26minIn this episode of Coffee Break German we'll be learning how to translate "much", "many", "some", "few", and lots more quantifying words - something learners often find difficult. By the end of this lesson you'll be able to talk confidently in German using the words viel(e), wenig(e), etwas, manche, and say how much chocolate you eat, how many glasses of water you drink, or how many portions of fruit you have.This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review material
CBG 2.12 | Ich denke, dass Deutsch eine wunderbare Sprache ist
24/07/2017 Duration: 25minIn this lesson of Coffee Break German we'll be taking the "dass" structures a stage further and looking at other verbs which can be used in this context. You'll learn to use a number of verbs with this structure and you'll also learn some important rules involving grammar and word order. This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes, published every two weeks. Lessons 21-40 will be published during 2018. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Acces