Christian Life Church :: Chester, VA



The latest messages from Christian Life Church in Chester, VA. Loving God. Loving People. Loving Life.


  • Loving People


    Last week, Pastor Dennis explained that as a local church, our mission and purpose can be summarized in three statements: Loving God, Loving People, and Loving Life. In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul talks about communion. When we are together and receive communion, we are both the Bride of Christ, representing a close loving relationship with God, and the Body of Christ, representing a close loving relationship with one another. Communion is about being together and thanking God for what Jesus did. The traditional marriage vows can teach us more about what communion and togetherness is all about. Listen to learn more.

  • Loving God


    As a local church, our mission and purpose can be summarized as: Loving God, Loving People, and Loving Life.  Sometimes things get a bit confusing because words can get used a lot and begin to lose their meaning. Love is one of those words. The Bible says God is love, but the world says the opposite; it says love is god. Biblical love is defined by the very virtue and nature of who God is. Listen to learn more.

  • One Time


    Jesus has had the biggest impact on history by far.  The Bible is the best selling book of all time. Jesus was a carpenter;  Peter was a fisherman.  Jesus asked Peter to do something differently and he caught nets full of fish; this was a game changer for him. A one time change with God can change us forever.  Jesus is asking us to do something His way, not something we have done our own way. Jesus is asking now, "Would you step forward and do things My way?" Listen to learn more.

  • Next Steps


    We, as Christian Life Church, believe Christianity is a series of next steps. Without a series of next steps, the journey can easily overwhelm us. God is the only One who can determine each person's next step, and further, we will all share three specific next steps.  Listen to learn more.

  • Every Member Is A Minister


    Part of our DNA as a local church is that we believe every member is a minister. Membership at Christian Life is based on coming to church services, and then to keep on coming; there is no membership roster.   We also believe every person has a ministry calling from God that only they can fulfill. Our calling is given by God the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  Listen to learn more.

  • Get to Not Have to


    We are a church that embraces the reality that we get to, not that we have to.  In Jesus, we exchange our own merit and standing for His merit and standing before God.  In Jesus, our spiritual nature changes and our have to dies. We believe it is an honor and privilege to worship God, and to follow His ways; not because we have to, but because we get to.  Listen to learn more.

  • Balance


    Near the beginning of each year, we like to review who we, as Christian Life Church, are.  This first message of the series takes a look at how we seek to be a church of balance in four key areas, as represented by the four ends of the Cross.  The vertical bar represents a balance between the Holy Spirit at the top and the Truth of the Bible at the bottom.   The horizontal bar represents a balance between the needs of the lost and dying world on one side, and the needs of our local church members on the other.  Listen to learn how we, as a Christian, can live a balanced life.

  • That’s Our Song


    The gospel of Jesus is the single most important factor in everything we do. Through the gospel, we have the ability to release His power and reach the world. If we get out of touch with it and forget about it, we are in trouble. The pure gospel of grace centers us, balances us, and heals us. The gospel of Jesus ties all believers together and allows us to sing the song of the redeemed.  That's our song!  Listen to learn more.

  • Authenticity Defined


    The problem with authenticity today is that it is easier than ever to be unauthentic because of social media. There is so much pressure today to perform at a certain level and be something God did not call you to be.  Authenticity defined is when you grapple with Jesus, and Jesus reveals to you who you are, and why He made you. The Apostle Paul is one of the best examples of authenticity in the Bible. Listen to learn more.

  • The Knowledge of God


    We may, at various times, battle with our thoughts and emotions, particularly when we are under pressure. Our confession creates either a positive nurturing environment for the Kingdom of God to grow, or it speaks sin and death. As we grow in our understanding and knowledge of God (who He is and how He sees us), we become better equipped to battle our thoughts and emotions, and to protect our heart, and our belief and trust in God. Our confession is the weapon God provides to battle our thoughts and emotions.  It allows us to grow in our ability to speak life. Listen to learn more.

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