Judaism's Response To Christian Missionaries With Rabbi Tovia Singer



Judaism's response to Christian Missionaries with Rabbi Tovia Singer


  • The Slander of Israel and its Trigger for Anti-Semitism

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h13min

    Rabbi Singer exposes how leading journalists deliberately manipulate their news coverage on the Middle East conflict in order to depict Israel as an apartheid state that brutalizes an innocent Palestinian society. These biased reporters lack objectivity, and rarely portray Israel as a democratic, peace-loving nation whose citizens are the victims of relentless Arab terror. Instead, media giants like the BBC repeatedly manipulate Òfacts,Ó and as a result, its broadcasts act like propaganda, effectively turning public opinion against Israel and the Jewish people.

  • Rabbinic View of Christianity

    27/10/2006 Duration: 59min

    Is the Church playing a central role in the grand scheme of God? Why did Christianity thrive among the masses while other religions faded away? What do the rabbis say about the most popular religion in the world? In this lecture, Rabbi Singer unravels the role of Christendom in the final redemption.

  • Rabbi Singer Answer Questions from the Audience

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h15min

    Rabbi SingerÕs audiences love the freestyle question and answer period that follows each of his programs. Because both Jews and Christians attend all of his presentations, no one in the audience knows what to expect from the questions asked or from the biblical journey Rabbi Singer may lead you on with his answers which delve into areas of the Bible and history that are often not included in his lectures.

  • Bearers of the Torch! An Encounter With Mt. Sinai

    27/10/2006 Duration: 28min

    For the past 2,000 years, the church loudly declared that the unique role of the Jews as guardians of the sacred scriptures and witnesses to the divine oracles of God has ended. As if with one voice, the Church Fathers and Reformers insisted that the commandments prescribed in the Torah became obsolete, and the Jewish people are lost, wallowing in spiritual blindness because they rejected the Cross. Is this a legitimate claim? The Bible declares that the role of the Chosen People is eternal and we are mandated to be ÒwitnessesÓ for all time. What did we witness? How can we bear testimony? In this extraordinary presentation, Rabbi Singer answers these questions as he takes his audience on an unusual study exploring the unique covenantal role of the Jewish people throughout history.

  • Paul and the Christian Corruption of the Jewish Scriptures

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h13min

    While both Matthew and Paul quoted extensively from Tanach in order to support their teachings, only Paul would successfully persuade his audience. The Book of Matthew was written for a Jewish audience. As a result, MatthewÕs mission largely failed among the people he sought to convert because the Jews were repelled by his wild exploitation of Tanach. PaulÕs venture, on the other hand, was enormously successful. The minister to the gentiles was preaching to audiences that were completely illiterate, and lacked the ability to discern between genuine Judaism and Bible-tampering. Rabbi Singer demonstrates how Paul corrupted the Jewish scriptures in order to both undermine the Torah, and advance his new, sweeping doctrines that would lay the foundation for Christian theology.

  • Who was Pierced in Zechariah 12:10?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 18min

    Was JesusÕ crucifixion prophesied in the Book of Zechariah? Jews for Jesus thinks so. Learn how the Book of John went so far as to alter the ZechariahÕs own words in order to support his Passion story.

  • Kiss the Son?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 05min

    Although only one word in Psalm 2:12 was changed, the alteration was sufficient to portray the Psalmist as instructing the faithful to kiss Jesus. How could such a strange suggestion find itself in Christian translations of the Jewish Bible? Rabbi Singer reveals how an Aramaic interpolation created a very bizarre Christological text.

  • The Lord said to my Lord ÐWho does the Lord Speak of in Psalm 110?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 10min

    The deliberate mistranslation of the first verse of 110th Psalm dates back to the first century and is found in the Christian Gospels. The confusion created by the Christianization of this Hebrew text was further perpetuated and promulgated by most Christian translators of the Bible. Find out how missionaries paint Jesus in Tanach by twisting a single Hebrew word in the Bible.

  • Judaism and Christianity on Satan: Why We Differ

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h19min

    In this provocative presentation, Rabbi Singer delves into one of the most crucial theological differences between Judaism and the Church: Satan and Original Sin. Missionaries insist that man is totally depraved as a result of Satan's unyielding power in the world, and man's only hope for eternal salvation is through the Cross. Is this claim true? What does Judaism teach about Satan? Utilizing a thorough presentation of Jewish and Christian sources, Rabbi Singer examines why Judaism and Christianity differ on the subject of Satan.

  • Who Is The Messiah?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h17min

    In this groundbreaking lecture, Rabbi Tovia Singer carefully homes in on the fundamental underpinnings of the Jewish-Christian debate.ÊThis program begins by examining the claim that Genesis 49:10 clearly testifies that the Jewish people are never to be without a Davidic king. In essence, missionaries charge that Judaism is essentially a defective religion, lacking a king, sacrifices, or high priest as outlined in the Bible.ÊIs this claim valid?ÊFinally, Rabbi Singer probes the fundamental theological issues that separate Judaism from her younger rival.

  • Bethlehem and the Messiah - What's The Connection?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h05min

    Christian missionaries contend that the birthplace of Jesus was foretold by the Jewish prophet Micah. Is this assertion true? Does the fifth chapter of the Book of Micah indeed foretell that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem ? In this exciting lecture, Rabbi Singer carefully examines this claim and surveys the evolution of Christian systematic theology.

  • The Oral Law - Part 2

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h16min

    What is the evidence for the Oral Law? What does the Bible really say? Rabbi Singer answers these questions and explores some of Judaism's most remarkable teachings in this closing segment on the Oral Law.

  • Daniel Nine's 70 Weeks

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    There is no article of faith that is more central to the Church than the belief in the atoning value of Jesus sacrificial death at Calvary. Missionaries never miss an opportunity to point out the inability to expiate sin without the shedding of blood. Is this claim really true? In this crucial lecture, Rabbi Singer compares the concepts of sin and atonement as set forth by Christianity and Judaism utilizing a thorough presentation of their biblical sources.

  • The Trinity

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    No area of Jewish literature could be more inhospitable to the Christian doctrine of a triune godhead than the Hebrew Bible.ÊIt is on the strength of our Torah and Prophets that the Jew has preserved the commandment to worship one, single, unique Creator God Who alone is worthy of devotion.ÊWhile missionaries argue that they believe in "one" God, a cursory examination of their teachings reveals that what they maintain is indistinguishable from the Trinitarian dogma the Church has been espousing for 16 centuries.ÊLearn how missionaries engage in biblical acrobatics in order to demonstrate that the doctrine of the Trinity can be proven from Tanach.Ê

  • The Law of Moses and The New Covenant

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    Were the Mitzvoth (commandments), transmitted by Moses, intended by God to be observed for all time, or temporarily? Missionaries contend that Jews no longer need to keep the Mitzvoth because Jesus fulfilled them, and we are now under the New Covenant.Ê Are these claims valid?Ê Do they accurately portray the message of the Jewish scriptures? Rabbi Singer answers these questions in this must-listen-to program.

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 - Part 2

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    This passionate presentation of the fifty third chapter of Isaiah continues as Rabbi Tovia Singer explores what is perhaps the most misunderstood chapter in the Jewish scriptures.

  • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 - Part 1

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    There is no chapter in the Hebrew Bible that missionaries point to with greater confidence than these well-known passages that describe the Suffering Servant.Ê They insist that anyone who reads this chapter will be convinced that the prophet clearly spoke of Jesus of Nazareth.Ê In this two-part lecture, Rabbi Singer illustrates how the fourth Servant Song of Isaiah has been completely misapplied by these overzealous missionaries.

  • Sin and Atonement: Who Needs Blood?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h17min

    There is no article of faith that is more central to the Church than the belief in the atoning value of JesusÕ sacrificial death at Calvary. Missionaries never miss an opportunity to point out the inability to expiate sin Òwithout the shedding of blood.Ó Is this claim really true? In this crucial lecture, Rabbi Singer compares the concepts of sin and atonement as set forth by Christianity and Judaism utilizing a thorough presentation of their biblical sources.

  • How do Missionaries Paint Jesus Into the Jewish Scriptures?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h18min

    This is a fascinating program where Rabbi Singer demonstrates how missionaries use the Jewish scriptures for the purpose of evangelizing and ultimately converting the Jewish people to Christianity.ÊÊ He illustrates how verses in the Hebrew Scriptures are manipulated, misquoted taken out of context, mistranslated, and even invented by overzealous missionaries in order to make Tanach appear as though it is speaking about Jesus.

  • What Are We Doing Wrong And What Are They Doing Right?

    27/10/2006 Duration: 01h13min

    In this provocative lecture, Rabbi Singer explains why organizations like Jews for Jesus have succeeded in the last two decades where the church has failed in the last two millennia.ÊÊ Rabbi Singer will explore the methodology behind the intense effort to evangelize our people and examine what makes the conversion attractive to Jews that would otherwise resist.Ê What are the new techniques, and why the Jews?

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