Hermetic Astrology Podcast



For years, one of the top Astrology podcasts on iTunes! Tune in to Explore the current celestial connections and cosmic interplay between various dyads such as Earth/Sky, Lunar/Solar and Fixed/Volatile. Discover how to alchemically break apart, transform and re-integrate these apparent opposites into a new whole. More at www.DreamAstrologer.com


  • Scorpio Horror Fest :-O

    16/11/2021 Duration: 01h41min

    Rachel and Andrei of Aeolian Heart join me for a discussion of Occult and Esoteric symbolism in Film. In celebration of the Lunar Eclipse on the Gorgon's Head, we explore 3 Horror classics: Jaws, Bram Stoker's Dracula & The Shining. :-O

  • Mundane Astrology w/ John Michael Greer

    05/11/2021 Duration: 01h40min

    Join Gary and respected author, scholar and mage John Michael Greer for a discussion of recent Mundane charts (including the 2017 Eclipse, 2020 and 2021 Ingress charts). These are explored not just as predictive or forecasting tools, but also for their use in magic and personal growth.

  • Libra Season w/ Sherene Vismaya

    29/09/2021 Duration: 01h32min

    Gary and Sherene discuss Mercury stationing on Spica/Chitra, the mutual reception between Venus in Scorpio and Mars and Libra, and Rahu or the North Node of the Moon entering Krittika Nakshatra, the location of the Pleiades. Connect with Sherene at ShereneVismaya.com

  • Saturn square Uranus

    26/06/2021 Duration: 01h19min

    First we address the essential nature of Saturn and Uranus and the challenges they represent to each other. Next we talk about the Saturn-Uranus cycle, its various stages and how these have played out across the backdrop of US and World History. Then we look at the current squares and what opportunities and challenges they are offering.

  • Mercury and Memory

    14/06/2021 Duration: 48min

    Gary & Sherene Vismaya of Project 40 discuss the role of Memory in the spiritual process, and the value of review and integration before moving forward. Join Sherene in the next P40, to alchemize this process and re-write your own story!

  • Mercury's Retrograde Loop in Gemini

    28/05/2021 Duration: 57min

    Gary re-visits Mercury in Gemini from pov of the Astronomical loop made in the Heavens as well as the dualism of Good/Evil in the Orphic Cosmogony

  • Mercury in Gemini

    06/05/2021 Duration: 01h51min

    Mercury has entered Gemini, where it will remain until early July. Join me for a look at what this means for the collective as well as the individual, how and where we can expect these transformative tides to move us

  • Palmistry with Kalem Turner

    16/04/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    We'll have a look into the history of the art of Palmistry, see how it works according to planetary principles like Astrology, and talk about a few ways the Planets in your chart can show up in your hand and vice versa. Also an interesting sidebar on the merits of the whole sign house system.

  • Great Conjunction Redux

    24/02/2021 Duration: 01h23s

    As Mercury joins Jupiter and Saturn in the morning sky, Gary re-visits the Great Conjunction and sheds light on the role of Pallas Athena therein, by using the classical 4 Qualities.

  • The Hidden Alchemy of the Great Conjunction

    01/02/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    Gary uses the Great Conjunction chart, in which Jupiter and Saturn are joined by asteroids Isis, Osiris and Horus, as a model to delineate the 7 Alchemical operations of the Emerald Tablet in correspondence with the vegetative cycle of the Nile and the Mythological cycle of Osiris, Isis & Horus

  • Mercury in Aquarius

    21/01/2021 Duration: 01h19min

    Gary explains classical concepts such as Triplicity dignity with his inimitable down to earth style, and gives lots of ideas of how to use the extended passage of Mercury through Aquarius for creativity, magic, personal growth, new beginnings and much more!

  • Mining the Deeper Secrets of Mercury Retrograde

    13/01/2021 Duration: 01h36min

    Far from being a simple matter of back and forth, Gary lays out 4 different astronomical dimensions in which profound shifts are happening during Mercury retrograde. We then explore the experiential manifestations of each 4, looking for what their meaning and purpose can be, and how best to use them to transform our lives.

  • Fixed Stars with Elizabeth Hazel

    10/12/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Gary interviews Liz regarding the rich content and concepts in her new publication "Little Book of Fixed Stars." Then they have a look at few couple celebrity charts together, to illustrate how the fixed stars add to chart delineation.

  • Mars in Aries Magic

    25/11/2020 Duration: 01h33min

    First Gary shares the basic qualities of Mars, and also the philosophy and ethics behind magic. Next we talk about how to arrange the chart so our magic is most powerful. And finally we discover the magic of Mars' astronomy, and why the month of December holds abundant potential for the Red planet!

  • The Alchemical Journey of Mercury

    07/06/2020 Duration: 42min

    Gary shares his astronomical insights into the ancient Alchemical text The Emerald Tablet, and demonstrates the system he discovered to track Mercury's triple alignments and correspondences between Above & Below.

  • Venus cazimi in Gemini

    02/06/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Tune in to hear Gary interpret the chart of the Sun-Venus conjunction from both a Mundane (World Astrology) and personal perspectives, using fixed stars, midpoints and aspects -including the 2nd of 3 Venus-Mars squares for this cycle.

  • Mercury and Venus out of bounds in Gemini

    21/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    Gary examines the astronomy of Mercury and Venus for clues into aspects of the Gemini archetype currently seeking expression. We also look at the chart of Transcendentalist storyteller Ralph Waldo Emerson and his writings for inspiration.

  • Venus Retrograde & Shifting Perspectives

    08/05/2020 Duration: 55min

    We re-visit Venus retrograde, this time by examining the different "dances," or dynamic loops She makes while traveling backward. Upon further examination the exceeding beautiful astronomical harmony of Venus' retrograde loops becomes an inspiration for seekers of alternate viewpoints.

  • The Alchemical Journey of Venus

    24/04/2020 Duration: 51min

    Gary describes Venus' upcoming transformation from bright evening star through invisible union with the Sun and into bright morning star in terms of an alchemical and experiential process that will transform the way you think about retrogrades

  • Magical Protection via the Stars

    09/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    Gary outlines a few opportunities for invoking protective energies from the Stars over the next couple weeks as well as how to find them in the Sky.

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