Hermetic Astrology Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 204:45:20
  • More information



For years, one of the top Astrology podcasts on iTunes! Tune in to Explore the current celestial connections and cosmic interplay between various dyads such as Earth/Sky, Lunar/Solar and Fixed/Volatile. Discover how to alchemically break apart, transform and re-integrate these apparent opposites into a new whole. More at www.DreamAstrologer.com


  • Eclipse Myths

    31/07/2017 Duration: 52min

    Eclipse season is upon us! Tune in as Gary shares the wonderful Vedic eclipse myth called Samudra Manthan, as well as lessons he's learned about how to deal with eclipses. Gary also shares the Western myth of the Fisher King and illuminates the role of the Behenian (magical) and Royal star Regulus.

  • Gas Giant Magic

    27/06/2017 Duration: 51min

    Jupiter and Saturn are both visible in the evening sky and moving toward the final aspect (sextile) of their final cycle begun in Earth signs (Taurus in 2000). Tune in as Gary shares lessons he's learned about both the signs Jupiter and Saturn are transiting, as well as the magical stars involved.

  • The Heart of Aries

    25/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Today Venus moves through the Heart of the Sun at 5 Aries. Tune in as Gary shares lessons he's learned from three teachers for how to interpret, delineate and apply this event to transform your relationships, values and aesthetic experiences over the next 9 months.

  • South Node Solar Eclipse in Pisces

    24/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    Tune in as Gary explains in practical down to earth terms how this particular eclipse is configured, in terms of the planets and energies involved and how you can work with them in your life. This final eclipse in Pisces represents the final stage and finishing touches to what we can think of as the "Pisces re-model project" -as Pisces is an area that's been pretty tumultuous the last couple years, and really in flux since 2007. This theme of endings and letting go allows us to move on to the next stage of our lives. Gary then speaks to the future, of both this whole year of 2017 -as well as the longer term future, which includes the major "Capricorn re-model project" that will be kicking off next year when Saturn enters Capricorn and takes us through the end of the decade.

  • Morning Star Magic

    14/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    We have 3 morning star planets for the first time in almost a year! Tune in as Gary explains how Morning sky planets encourage self focus and exploration Jupiter is with Spica in Libra encouraging us to Dream and expand our self-development projects. Mercury is making his third pass through Capricorn, showing us little seeds of the future via the major "Capricorn re-model project" that will be kicking off next year when Saturn enters Capricorn. Meanwhile in the evening sky, Venus and Mars are adding some beautiful finishing touches to the "Pisces re-model project" that's been pretty tumultuous the last couple years, but really in flux since 2007.

  • The Heart of Capricorn 2.0

    11/12/2016 Duration: 51min

    Mercury reaches maximum elongation from the Sun today, in the same degrees where he will eventually make a conjunction with the Sun in the middle of his backward trickster medicine dance through Capricorn. Tune in as Gary reviews the basic expressions of the Capricorn archetype as a Zodiac sign and how Mercury's stirring of the Capricorn archetype and fixed star Facies offers each of us an opportunity to re-frame and renew the targets and goals we focus on in our own lives.

  • Twin Evening Stelliums

    16/08/2016 Duration: 45min

    Mercury reaches greatest elongation today, the first of three alignments with the Sun in Virgo near the star Denebola. Alongside are Venus and Jupiter. Higher in the evening sky we find Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius with the bright red star Antares. Tune in as Gary breaks down what these these two groups are about, how they represent the classic Alchemical pair of the fixed and the volatile, and how letting go of something in one area can allow something new in the other.

  • Twin Evening Appearances

    16/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    Mercury and Venus are in the process of returning to visibility in the evening sky. This means we have all five visible planets in the evening sky for the next month, an interesting counterpoint to February's morning sky alignment. Tune in as Gary shares examples from literature illustrating the basic qualities of evening, and how this applies not only to what may be appearing in your life now, and how to handle it, but also how to help it grow over the next seven months.

  • The One and the Many

    04/06/2016 Duration: 54min

    Today we have the New Moon in Gemini and this event is also part of the larger configuration of a Mutable Grand Cross which includes the superior conjunction of Venus. We can use these events and their significations as a metaphor for the Alchemical Union of Opposites via a Third and the doctrine of the Tria Prima. Tune in as Gary illustrates this process via diverse examples including the historical, philosophical, mythical, psychological and spiritual.

  • The Subtle & the Gross

    18/04/2016 Duration: 52min

    Today we have both the Retrograde station of Mars conjunct Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion, and the maximum elongation of Mercury as evening star in Taurus -which prefigures the upcoming Transit of Mercury on May 9. We can use these two events and their significations as a metaphor for the Alchemical operation of Distillation, where the subtle spiritual force of a substance is drawn out and concentrated into a healing elixir. Tune in as Gary illustrates this process via diverse examples including the historical, political, psychological and spiritual.

  • Jupiter square Saturn

    23/03/2016 Duration: 39min

    Today we have the 2nd of a series of 3 Jupiter-Saturn squares for 2015-16, which together represent the harvest phase of a 20 year cycle. Gary talks about how this cycle has its seed point in Taurus and explores what that means, how it might look in your life and what you can still do about it. Then we look forward to the next cycle which begins in only 5 years in the sign of Aquarius. This gives us a framework or context within which to understand how these squares and the current state of our lives relates to a larger long-term process of growth and maturity.

  • Twin Morning Stars

    05/02/2016 Duration: 46min

    Mercury and Venus are conjunct all month, and Gary talks about how this conjunction is experienced very differently first in Capricorn as a purification or release of energy and then later in Aquarius as an intake of new energy and ability to move ahead.There's something for everyone in this episode with a smorgasbord of traditional, classical and modern ideas. Gary explains in his inimitable down to earth fashion the difference between Morning Star and Midnight Star planets, Venus' descent, Mercury's passage across the South Node of Saturn and some of the lesser known dignities involved with Mercury in Aquarius.

  • The Heart of Capricorn

    14/01/2016 Duration: 57min

    Mercury passes by the Sun today, in the middle of his backward trickster medicine dance through Capricorn. Tune in as Gary reviews the historical expressions of the Capricorn archetype as a structuring mechanism for human society and explores the possibilities that Mercury's stirring of the Capricornian stewpot offers each of us to re-frame and renew the structuring forces in our own lives.

  • Twin Appearances

    18/12/2015 Duration: 55min

    Two planets are currently in the process of crossing the threshold of visibility. Saturn is making an appearance as morning star and Mercury is appearing as evening star. Gary discusses these two appearances via the chart of the recent Paris Agreement. We close with a discussion of Mercury's upcoming triple-alignments on the South Node of Saturn and how they afford each of us an opportunity to make the same kind of landmark turning point in our own lives.

  • Saturn square Neptune 1.0 (Saturn in the UnderWorld)

    19/11/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Tune in as Gary discusses the current Saturn-Neptune square, the two faces or sides of Saturn (which are currently in transition) and the nature of our current placement within the Saturn-Neptune cycle.

  • Aries Blood Moon

    26/09/2015 Duration: 46min

    Tune in as Gary discusses the current Lunar Eclipse in Aries, with the ruler Mars conjunct Regulus in Virgo and square to Saturn in Sagittarius. Gary also covers the Saros series chart for the family to which this eclipse belongs, which also has Jupiter in Virgo but has the Moon in Cancer -which is Pope Francis' rising sign.

  • Jupiter in phasis opposite Neptune

    15/09/2015 Duration: 54min

    Tune in as Gary discusses the heliacal rise or visible emergence of Jupiter out from under the Sun's beams, what it means for a planet to ingress a sign while invisible or under the beams, as well as what to expect from and how to handle the unbounded energies of Jupiter's opposition to Neptune.

  • Venus conjunct the Sun @ 23 Leo

    15/08/2015 Duration: 51min

    Venus makes Her conjunction with the Sun at 2:22pm EDT on Saturday August 15, 2015. This chart expresses the Solar seed of consciousness, the Shiva awareness that seeks Shakti embodiment over the next 9 months.Tune in as Gary discusses the rarely mentioned fact that this conjunction is only one of a series which activate this same part of the zodiac every 4 & 8 years and demonstrates how these conjunctions serve to re-construct a narrative in the life of an individual over time.Gary also delineates this chart via a Mundane or socio-political lens, using the Hellenistic concept of Sect to divide that chart into two camps, diurnal and nocturnal. Gary then explores this metaphor via the current political primaries in the US.

  • Venus Retrograde Extravaganza

    20/07/2015 Duration: 58min

    Venus stations Retro on July 25 and will be Rx until September 6. Tune in to to hear Gary describe both the challenges and gifts of this period, with both theory and practical examples. Venus will also be activating the Jupiter-Saturn square, -which is part of an 800 year cycle! Listen in as Gary breaks down the transition from an Earth economy to an Air economy, what that looks and feels like and how it might appear in your life.All this, and more!

  • Return of the Queen: Moon chakra

    20/06/2015 Duration: 38min

    On Saturday June 20 Venus makes the 7th visible conjunction with the Moon since Her re-appearance as Evening Star. Venus is at Her greatest brilliance and so the Goddess is restoring and balancing her crown chakra -which is associated with the Moon. Tune in as Gary sums up this 7 month journey for us and explains how we can each find our place within a burst of collective creative energy this summer!

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