Conversations With John & Lisa Bevere



Through this podcast, John and Lisa Bevere hope to challenge and position you for a successful life in Christ. For more information, or to contact us, visit


  • Best of Conversations: How to Manage Your Anger

    04/10/2022 Duration: 22min

    We have something exciting in store for this season of Conversations with John & Lisa. We'll be back shortly with new, fresh podcast content! But to celebrate passing 200 episodes, we’d like to bring you the “Best of Conversations” to share some of our most popular episodes you may have missed!Today's episode, recorded in 2019, is one of our most popular and shared episodes.Anger is a deep emotion that not many handle well—especially in marriage or in the raising of kids. But today, we want to give those of you out there who are ready to form a healthier relationship with anger the tools we used to experience breakthrough. Join John and Lisa in this honest conversation and uncover practical ways to overcome unhealthy anger in your life!Want more conversations on the every day topics that shape our lives? Check out our newest podcast called “At Home With The Beveres” and join a vibrant discussion on navigating family well!

  • Cultivating Sacred Solitude

    05/07/2022 Duration: 21min

    We are living in a world full of distractions. With all of the noise of our fast-paced, hurried lifestyles, it's critical we learn to slow down, still our hearts, and hear from God.Today on Conversations, we dive into a most needed conversation—practicing solitude. Do you have a rhythm of being alone with God? Or do you find yourself gravitating toward disconnection and escapism?There are many differences between merely isolating yourself and intentionally practicing solitude. Our hope for this podcast is that it leaves you inspired to cultivate a new rhythm of rest and connection in the secret place.

  • Long-Term Obedience

    21/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    What drives your obedience to God? Is it receiving a blessing? Does it come from feeling obligated? Or does it come from a deep love for Him? When it comes to obedience, your motivation matters. A lot. So how do you find the right motivation so you can walk in sustained, long-term obedience to God?How do you obey even when the road is marked with difficulty and sacrifice?Today, we discuss the right motivation for long-term obedience—and the blessings that come from it. May this episode help you tap into a more-surrendered and more fulfilling life!

  • Overcoming 5 Team Challenges with Lyle Wells and Meredith King

    07/06/2022 Duration: 19min

    We all participate in team structures. Whether in families, organizations, or community groups, learning to function within a team dynamic is crucial for winning in life, at work, and at home. In today’s Conversations episode, we bring some of the best teachers on leadership—our dear friends and co-MessengerX instructors Lyle Wells and Meredith King! This podcast is a sneak peek at a lesson from their new course Overcoming 5 Team Challenges. You’ll discover practical tools to help you navigate some of the most common pitfalls teams fall into so you can build a more effective, connected team. Tune in to start building toward your team’s success!

  • How to Navigate Cancel Culture (part 2)

    24/05/2022 Duration: 23min

    Is there ever a time when it's OK to “cancel” someone? The question itself can seem intense, but cancel culture presents us with some serious dilemmas that we must tackle as a church. How can we create an atmosphere that walks in both grace and truth with the ultimate goal of restoration while culture is setting a precedent of shunning and excommunicating those who make mistakes or hold certain opposing viewpoints? In this episode of Conversations with John and Lisa, we return to part two on navigating cancel culture. Whether you have questions about being canceled, are facing pressure from the mob of public opinion to cave, or need to process forgiveness, tune in to this conversation for the help you need!

  • Fiercely Loved by Lisa Bevere

    10/05/2022 Duration: 20min

    Far too many view God as an overbearing and critical father, sitting with His arms crossed in disapproval of us.If this is how you see God, it will hold you back in significant ways. You won’t want to be close to Him. You’ll struggle to spend time with Him. You’ll struggle to see yourself and others clearly.  You’ll struggle to live with the confidence that comes from knowing you are a beloved child.None of this is in God’s true heart for you! Your Father doesn’t just have love for you, He is Love for you! You are made for something untamed, wild, and limitless that can only be found in Jesus! You no longer have to live constantly striving to feel loved. You, beloved, are already fiercely loved.Today on the Conversations podcast, join us as we discuss the new Fiercely Loved 90-day devotional! It’s time to change the way you think God thinks about you.

  • How to Navigate Cancel Culture (part 1)

    26/04/2022 Duration: 25min

    Have you ever been a victim of hateful speech or spiteful intolerance and not known how to respond? Or have you ever kept silent for fear of an angry mob of keyboard warriors?It’s stunning to see how many people think canceling someone is the answer. We are living in a time when people fearlessly air their opinions online and receive the backlash of public silencing and shaming. Sometimes, this even extends into face-to-face conversations.Cancel culture is an epidemic where people are losing their ability to talk things through. In this pivotal cultural moment, what is the church to do?Today, we embark on part one of a two-part series discussing Cancel Culture and how we as Christians should respond to this growing movement.May this conversation equip you to be an agent of healing in a culture of division.

  • The Unstoppable Power of the Cross

    12/04/2022 Duration: 26min

    Holy week is upon us, and fittingly, a meditation on the cross and the role it plays in our lives as followers of Jesus. Many understand the cross as a historical event—but how do we bring the realities of what Jesus accomplished at Calvary into our present-day lives? Two thousand years later, Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection are still where our faith derives its power! Today’s podcast will teach you all about the unstoppable power of the cross and how we can wield it to overcome the enemy!

  • Fasting Fundamentals

    29/03/2022 Duration: 22min

    When it comes to spiritual disciplines, most of us prioritize a select few—reading the Scriptures, praying, and being a part of a community. One practice that often gets overlooked is fasting. In this Conversations episode, we demystify fasting—breaking down popular misconceptions and taking a deep dive into common questions surrounding it. When you learn what fasting is all about, and how to engage with God through it, you will connect with Him like never before and position yourself for greater growth. We pray that this episode of the Conversations podcast helps you to develop a vision and passion for fasting.

  • Raising Healthy Kids with Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin

    15/03/2022 Duration: 24min

    Every parent wants to raise kids who fulfill their god-given potential in life. A big part of that is teaching them how to become good stewards of one of God's most amazing gifts—their bodies. In this brand new episode of Conversations with John and Lisa, you'll get the chance to hear from world-renowned nutrition experts Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, who will be sharing how to create a culture of health in your house.This special episode is pulled from the new Healthy Kids course which is taught by Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin. You can access the entire course at no cost inside the free MessengerX app. For more information about Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, check out their website

  • Joy in the Trials of Life

    01/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Do you have high joy levels?We see clearly in Scripture that joy is a fruit of the Spirit, but how do we walk in joy when our circumstances are less than ideal? The truth is, when your attitude is based on the eternal things of God, you will be able to walk in joy no matter your circumstances. This is what we’re diving into this week on Conversations with John and Lisa. Listen in and learn how to operate with joy even when it doesn’t make sense.We hope this episode empowers you to walk in joy no matter what is happening around you!For more teaching from John and Lisa, download the MessengerX app for free here:

  • Church, Life & Leadership with Craig Groeschel (part 2)

    15/02/2022 Duration: 20min

    On the last episode of Conversations with John and Lisa we started a conversation on church, life, & leadership with our friend Pastor Craig Groeschel. So many of you have reached out and told us how part one of this conversation has impacted you.We’re so excited to bring you part two of the conversation this week!In this episode, you’ll hear thoughts on raising godly children, building a marriage that thrives, and how to keep your family culture strong.We’re so excited to dive into part two of this conversation with you! We hope this episode empowers you to live and lead well!P.S. To hear more of Pastor Craig’s leadership insights, subscribe to his leadership podcast here: You can find his latest book, “Winning the War in Your Mind” ( anywhere books are sold.

  • Church, Life & Leadership with Craig Groeschel (part 1)

    01/02/2022 Duration: 39min

    It’s no secret that the last couple years have been a challenge. Through the turbulence of a pandemic, so many people have been left asking themselves, “How do I lead myself, my family, my church, my business, my life well?”Today on Conversations, we are joined by our friend, Pastor Craig Groeschel for part one of a conversation on church, life, and leadership. As a pastor, leadership expert, podcast host, and father of six, Craig shares powerful insights on the current church climate and how to navigate leadership in a crisis.We’re so excited to dive into part one of this two-part conversation with you. We hope this episode empowers you to live and lead well!P.S. To hear more of Pastor Craig’s leadership insights, subscribe to his leadership podcast here: You can find his latest book, “Winning the War in Your Mind” ( anywhere books are sold.

  • Winning at Home in 2022 (part 2)

    18/01/2022 Duration: 31min

    Recently, we polled our social media audiences to ask what kinds of questions people had about family and parenting. We were blown away by the sheer volume of questions that came in. We sat down to start answering the questions on the podcast and knew it needed to be more than one episode long.This week on the podcast, we’re diving back into these questions! We’re answering questions like:“How can I best handle my anger when I get mad at my young kids?”“How do you teach your kids to be grateful rather than entitled?”“How do you help guide your adult children?”“What do you do when your teens don’t want to go to church?”We’re excited to dive into the second half of this conversation with you!We hope this episode equips you to win at home in 2022!P.S. On January 25-26 we are hosting an online event called Ways to Win at Home. It’s a two-night online event to help you build a healthy, holy, & fun family! Register today with your gift of ANY amount and make 2022 the year you win at home!

  • Winning at Home in 2022 (part 1)

    04/01/2022 Duration: 32min

    Nearly everywhere we go we hear so many of the same questions:“How do you parent strong-willed kids?”“How and when do you talk to your kids about dating, sex, drugs, and all the other hard stuff?”“Looking back, what do you wish you had known when you were a young parent?”Today, we’re answering all these and more on the Conversations with John and Lisa podcast.We hope this episode equips you to win at home in 2022!P.S. On January 25-26 we are hosting an online event called Ways to Win at Home. It’s a two-night online event to help you build a healthy, holy, & fun family! Register today ( and make 2022 the year you win at home!

  • Heartbreak During the Holidays

    21/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    With traditions, family fun, and celebrations of the birth of Jesus, Christmas is many people’s favorite time of year.But what do you do when your Christmas isn’t so merry?Maybe you’re experiencing heartbreak this holiday season. For those who have lost loved ones or are spending the holidays apart from family and friends, this season can be tough.How do you handle the holidays when it feels like your heart is breaking? How do you care for those in your life walking through a hard time during the holiday season? This is what we’re tackling on this week’s episode of Conversations with John and Lisa.We hope this episode ministers to you, and we’re wishing you a very Merry Christmas!Also, you can find more free teaching from John and Lisa on the MessengerX app — download the app today (here: at no cost to you!

  • Finishing Strong

    07/12/2021 Duration: 25min

    Are you prepared to finish strong?It could be your year, it could be your season, it could be your life — no matter what you are finishing, you want to finish the best you possibly can.The Apostle Paul said it best when he said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,” (2 Timothy 4:7).As followers of Christ, we all want to finish well — but how? That’s what we’re unpacking on this week’s episode of Conversations. Tune in and get equipped to finish this season, and every season, well.Don’t let the end of this year just pass you by. Choose to finish strong!Also, you can find more free teaching from John and Lisa on the MessengerX app — download the app today (here: at no cost to you!

  • How Gratitude Changes the Game

    23/11/2021 Duration: 21min

    On a week when it’s so easy to become distracted by family, food, and fun, don’t forget what this week really is — an invitation to enter God’s presence with gratitude.Gratitude changes everything.You may be facing some unique challenges this holiday season. Maybe you find yourself needing a recalibration in the presence of God. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the floodgates of God’s presence in our lives. It takes our eyes off the challenges of our circumstances, and it places our focus on the goodness of our God.So how does one cultivate a heart that is truly grateful? That’s what we’re unpacking on this week’s episode of Conversations. Tune in and learn how gratitude changes the game in our lives.In the busyness of this holiday season, don’t miss God’s invitation to enter His presence with gratitude!Also, you can find more free teaching from John and Lisa on the MessengerX app — download the app today (here: at no cost to you!

  • Cultivating a Passion for the Lost

    09/11/2021 Duration: 23min

    So many of us have prayed this prayer:“God, break my heart for what breaks yours.”As children of God, we want His heart. We want to be passionate about the things God is passionate about. But here’s a question — are we truly consumed with a passion for reaching the lost?Time and time again throughout Scripture, we see that God makes the lost His number one priority. If the lost are God’s priority, it’s crucial that they are our priority.So how does one cultivate a passion for the lost? That’s what we’re unpacking on this week’s episode of Conversations. Tune in and learn how to cultivate a passion for the lost people in your life.If we are going to be people after God’s heart, we must be passionate about seeing the lost come back to God.We hope this episode helps cultivate a passion in your heart for the people God is passionate about and equips you to reach the lost people in your life!Want to learn more about how to cultivate a passion for the lost? Tune in to the podcast today!Also, you can find more free

  • How God Develops Your Character

    26/10/2021 Duration: 20min

    All of us want to do amazing things for God, but many people want the promotion before they’ve gone through the preparation process. Without making it through this process successfully, it is impossible to have character strong enough to sustain your calling.So how does God actually develop character within you? We’re unpacking this question on this week’s episode of the Conversations podcast.While seasons of character development aren’t always fun, they are directly connected to your future. How you allow God to refine you determines how successfully you walk into seasons of promise in your life.We hope this episode encourages you as you go through your own refinement process so that God can work in you character that can sustain your calling!Also, you can find more teaching on how God develops your character in The Wilderness Course in the MessengerX app — go through the course (here: at no cost to you!

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