Igniting Souls Podcast With Kary Oberbrunner

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 175:09:05
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Welcome to the Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner. Kary believes if you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


  • How to leverage a thinking partner

    15/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    No matter how good of a strategic thinker you are, you need someone with you. Take a peek as Joel Kessel goes through the Igniting Souls Conference with me. Joel's tips for a great strategy session like this: show up ready and start with the end in mind. Joel and I do this for the Author Academy Awards, Igniting Souls Conference, book launches and more. He helps me fill in the gaps and deliver an amazing experience. Find out more ab https://www.kesselstrategies.com

  • Start small or not at all

    14/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    So many times people want the big impact, the big income and the big influence instantly. But you have to start small or you won't start at all. As I prepare for an event with hundreds and hundreds of people signed up to attend, I am remembering some of my first events where we only had four people. But if you treat those four people like absolute rock stars then they will get excited and share and your event will grow. No one cares about how many people are in the room. They care about how valued they are.

  • Why I let other people dress me

    13/10/2019 Duration: 06min

    I let other people dress me. My wife recently picked out some brand new clothes for me and it got me thinking how when you plan a conference, write a book or start a business, you are presenting yourself. The bigger the business gets, the more I am relying more and more on other people to "dress me." A business will plateau unless you empower other people. Your book/ event/business is an extension of you. To find out more at https://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com.

  • Big mistakes I made last year

    12/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    I made some big mistakes last year at our conference. For instance, we had "regular" tickets and VIP tickets. While people were hearing empowering things on the stage, some of them had a sign on their table that said "regular." Nobody's regular.  I also set someone up to fail. I asked our photographer to take 178 VIP photos and didn't give them enough time to do it. When I realized it, I sent out an email and told everyone that I failed and offered to give them a refund or retake their photo. The point is that you WILL make mistakes. The key is are you willing to admit those mistakes and make it right?

  • How to kill plants and your heart

    11/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    There was an experiment done in a school system in which they had kids come up to them and say negative things to one plant and positive things to the other. They wanted to illustrate to kids the power of words. After some time,the plant that was spoken to negatively began to shrivel up and turn brown. I find that fascinating. Words have the power over life and death. Even the words you say to yourself. For a free training on how to be unhackable in work and life at https://www.elixirprojectbook.com.

  • I only give up on this type of person

    10/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    I don't give up on most people. I love people who don't see their greatness. But I have given upon people who are unbelievably disillusioned, even though I rarely come across these people. I don't mind if people have high expectations. But perpetual complainers and high maintenance clients just aren't worth it. They are only going to suck you down. You're never going to please them anyway. If you continue to try, it's your own fault. Find out more about how to find the right clients at https://www.dayjobtodreamjob.com.

  • How your business could grow faster for just $5

    09/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    Lately we've made a couple of new hires. Every time we hire someone, I know we're going to grow. I remember the first time we hired someone. It was a stretch. We've never hired someone and lost. Fiverr and other sites give you no excuse. I grew up thinking that it's foolish to hire someone when you can do it yourself. The next level of your success is finding the who to do your hows. Find out more at https://www.dayjobtodreamjob.com. We have a free training on how to discover your worth in the marketplace.

  • A special invite to learn more about my private mastermind

    08/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    I would like to invite you to a private training on how many successful people have shortcut the promotional path. We call it our Knowledge Circle. We started it last year as an experiment with amazing results. Get your virtual ticket at https://www.karyoberbrunner.com/knowledgecircle to find out more.

  • How to redeem the time when you're in a traffic jam

    07/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    I am not a fan of traffic jams. I like taking action and making progress. But here are a few things you can do when you're in a traffic jam: • Listen to audio books - you can actually get the equivalent of a college degree if you spend the time an average person spends driving listening to audiobooks. • Chat with others in the car - it's a great time to talk and share • Call someone - if you have a hands free device • Take notes on your phone verbally - keep your brain active • Pray or meditate • Listen to music Make the most of your time. For more on this, go to https://www.thedeeperpathbook.com or see my strategies for life at https://www.karyoberbrunner.com/opus.

  • Don't start your day like this

    06/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    The average person starts their day with their smart phone, thus they are reacting. I saw a team start their day recently with bells and a cheer. it re-centered everyone. It was exciting to see someone that excited about their day. Start with gratitude and enthusiasm. If you want different results then start your day differently. 

  • Why most people repel success without even knowing

    05/10/2019 Duration: 03min

    Some people believe life owes them. As if they're entitled. Maturity means you realize no one owes you anything. You go from complaining to gratitude, selfishness to selflessness, expectation to serving, and then life begins granting you things. You are a much more pleasant person. It's a mindset shift. 

  • How to get what you truly want

    04/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    You will get what you want if you want it bad enough. We've all gone through trials and tribulations, but the people who make it to the other side are the people who really want it. I am so proud of Sheri McIntyre, author of Compassionate Snob. She had a brain aneurysm. But she made it through. She is an overcomer. We've had many people who have a dream and don't give up. Need help on your book? Go to https://www.karyoberbrunner.com/book

  • How being desperate will hurt your business

    03/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    I meet people all the time who are new to the process of earning money in their business. One important lesson to learn is that there is a fine line between enthusiasm and desperation. You do need to be enthusiastic. But don't be desperate. When you're desperate, you lose attractiveness and appeal. The best way to do this is to unattach yourself from the outcome. For more on this, get your free book at https://www.dayjobtodreamjob.com

  • 5 gates that determine your ultimate purpose

    02/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    Have you ever missed greatness in someone when you first meet them? It's very common. We use labels and we forget that each person has greatness within them. I've been reading this book recently, Awakening: The Dreamer's Quest. 5 Gates That Determine Your Ultimate Purpose by Phillip B. Johnson. When I first met him, I didn't see the greatness within him. But I was wrong. His book is fantastic. Everyone has a brilliant story. We just need to take the time to get to know them and found out what it is.

  • Why your next vacation may be to a prison

    01/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    Vacation is a mindset. It doesn't matter if you go to beautiful places, life still won't be peaceful for you unless you have the right mindset. Likewise, the geography and the activity doesn't matter. You can still take a vacation in mind if you have the right mindset. To learn how to author your own Opus, go to https://www.deeperpathbook.com and get your free book and seminar.

  • Can you earn money from writing a fiction book?

    30/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    I love it when people ask if you can make money from a fiction book. "Harry Potterland" is a perfect example. All you need to do is realize that everything is made up in some way. That's why I wrote Elixir Project — to demonstrate how you can take a book and create multiple streams of income. In fact, the screenplay has just been finished. We have example after example of how people have created multiple streams of income from a fiction book.

  • Stop trying to be so smart

    29/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    I'm at Tomorrowland at Disney. It's interesting to go through some of these rides and see what people thought tomorrow would be like. Most of the time, people are wrong. Many entrepreneurs are trying to be so smart and predict the future. No one knows what the future is going to be like. Stop planning and take action. Create your own future. Share what your action step is today.

  • The plus or minus test. Which are you?

    28/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    You are either a plus or a minus. We are all made up of energy. Your body language and everything about you is either positive or negative. Positive people give a gift to others. Which one do you want to be — plus or minus. For more on this go to https://www.yoursecretname.com and get your free assessment, book and webinar.

  • What I do before I go into battle

    27/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    Before you do a big, intense session of something like a launch, conference or book, I do an intense break time. I don't believe in balance. Instead go into seasons.

  • How to create a global movement in 5 seconds

    26/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    Yesterday, I was at a theme park and saw a man pick gum off a sidewalk. When someone sees trash, they immediately clean it up. Why? Because if they don't, when people see trash, they are more inclined to throw trash down too. You and I have the power to create a global movement. It's the little "trash" and negativity that we throw around. It builds and builds and creates destruction. Before you leave the negativity, realize that stuff adds up to a habit. Instead, take the extra time to clean it up.

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