Two Ewes Fiber Adventures: A Podcast About Knitting, Spinning, Weaving, Crochet, Dyeing-- All The Ways To Play With Yarn And



Kelly and Marsha came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many shared interests after over 30 years of friendship. The show is about our adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing and other fiber arts.


  • Ep 20b Brain Like a Shaken Snow Globe

    25/06/2015 Duration: 43min

    In the episode Marsha  contributes the B side, or flip side, to Kelly's A side of our podcast. So much has been going on that Marsha feels her brain is a shaken snow globe with all her information, stories, and ideas spinning around. Marsha gives an update on her current projects and reports on her two recent advent-ewes. The first was a weekend in Bellingham, WA where she visited local yarn shops. The second was her fabulous weekend at the annual Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon.  HEAVEN for a new spinner (or any spinner, really)!  There is knitting, spinning, fleece, yarn and all kinds of fibery goodness.  it's enough to swirl your brain! As with the 20a series this episode is unedited, due to Kelly's Washington, DC travel constraints. We recommend listening to the 20a series first and then this episode 20b. Also, new listeners might want to start with one of our more typical episodes.  Happy listening! Don't forget to visit our blog at

  • Ep 20a3: Textiles in My Travels (part 3)

    23/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    This is the third of three parts detailing Kelly's fiber adventures while she is in DC as an E. Kika de la Garza Fellow with the USDA.  She talks about what she is knitting during her travels, and she reviews the the current exhibit at the Textile Museum associated with The George Washington University.  She also talks about textiles at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  Due to length restrictions of Garageband for iPad, her portion of the episode is broken into three parts--20a1, 20a2, and 20a3.  Marsha was also traveling for fiber adventures this week and the Two Ewes hope to be able to post "the B side" of episode 20 as well!   This series is brought to you raw and uneditied because we couldn't wait until we got home to share our adventures with you!  So if you are a new listener, first of all, welcome!  But also you may want to start with a more typical episode. Also, be sure to listen to these segments in order, starting with 20a1.  Don't forget to visit our blog at http://twoewesdyeing.blogspo

  • Ep 20a2: Textiles on My Travels (part 2)

    23/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    This is the second of three parts detailing Kelly's fiber adventures while she is in DC as an E. Kika de la Garza Fellow with the USDA.  She talks about what she is knitting during her travels, and she reviews the the current exhibit at the Textile Museum associated with The George Washington University.  She also talks about textiles at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  Due to length restrictions of Garageband for iPad, her portion of the episode is broken into three parts--20a1, 20a2, and 20a3.  Marsha was also traveling for fiber adventures this week and the Two Ewes hope to be able to post "the B side" of episode 20 as well!   This series is brought to you raw and uneditied because we couldn't wait until we got home to share our adventures with you!  So if you are a new listener, first of all, welcome!  But also you may want to start with a more typical episode. Also, be sure to listen to these segments in order, starting with 20a1.  Don't forget to visit our blog at http://twoewesdyeing.blogsp

  • Ep 20a1: Textiles on My Travels (part 1)

    23/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    This is the first of three parts detailing Kelly's fiber adventures while she is in DC as an E. Kika de la Garza Fellow with the USDA.  She talks about what she is knitting during her travels, and she reviews the the current exhibit at the Textile Museum associated with The George Washington University.  She also talks about textiles at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  Due to length restrictions of Garageband for iPad, her portion of the episode is broken into three parts--20a1, 20a2, and 20a3.  Marsha was also traveling for fiber adventures this week and the Two Ewes hope to be able to post "the B side" of episode 20 as well!   This series is brought to you raw and uneditied because we couldn't wait until we got home to share our adventures with you!  So if you are a new listener, first of all, welcome!  But also you may want to start with a more typical episode. Also, be sure to listen to these segments in order, starting with 20a1.  Don't forget to visit our blog at http://twoewesdyeing.blogspo

  • Ep 19: The Two Ewes are Busy Bees

    08/06/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode Kelly and Marsha give updates on finished knitting projects, ongoing knitting projects, and other fiber projects that are in the the planning stages. They also talk about Marsha's spinning class, crochet, Kelly's new beekeeping adventure, and her upcoming fellowship in Washington DC. Kelly has one sleeve done and the other moving along on the purple sweater she is making.  The project uses the Cherry Vanilla pattern by Thea Colman.  She battled the sleeve slog by starting a new project!  The Ava Tunic by Jade Fletcher is a chevron striped dress or top for a little girl, size 18 mos. to toddler.  She is knitting it in Spud and Chloe Sweater in teal and yellow.  Marsha finished her Neskowin Shell by Kay Hopkins that she made as part of our Warmth of Summer KAL.  She finished the body of her Juno Cardigan by yellowcosmo and started the first sleeve. Marsha is concerned the sweater may not have as much positive ease as she had hoped, but she was limited by the amount of yarn she had. Blocking will

  • Ep 18: Crawling Through Western Washington

    24/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Marsha participated in the large Pacific Northwest LYS Tour 2015 .  The tour was five days and 26 yarn shops from Bellingham to Kent.  Marsha had limited time so picked four shops she had never visited. Her first day she visited Tolt Yarn and Wool in Carnation. This shop specializes in local yarns. Marsha bought Tracie Too in Autumn Rust from Imperial Yarn and a worsted yarn in sage green from Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool Co.  She also went to Quintessential Knits in Duvall.  The second day she went to The Knittery in Renton and Maker's Mercantile in Kent. Kelly is continuing her work on her Grape Vanilla sweater (using the Cherry Vanilla pattern by Thea Coleman .  There are also a couple of pairs of socks that get an occasional row.  Speaking of occasional rows, her SF Giants cowl, I Don't Care if I Never Get Back, is looking great!  Two rows get added after each game so this is a fun way to commemorate the season.  This project uses the Crackerjack cowl recipe by Stacey Simpson Duke. Kelly's bees have been i

  • Ep 17: What I'm Not Knitting

    11/05/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Subscribe on iTunes here, on Stitcher Radio here.   In this episode we give an update on the projects we are working on, or in Kelly's case, projects she is not working on. Keep reading to learn why. We also review the new pattern book Wanderlust: 46 Modern Knits for Bohemian Style  by Tanis Gray, published in March 2015 by Interweave Press.  The book retails for $18.99 US and $20.99 Canadian.  Kelly's Aunt Betty (efisher930 on Ravelry) joins us for the review discussion.  Check out the Ravelry group for information about a giveaway!  The Two Ewes will be giving away an e-copy of the book thanks to Interweave Press. Kelly has been very busy at work and caring for her new chicks who are now teenagers and have been moved to the garden and into their new home "The Egg Plant."  She has also been busy with her latest project--bees! She is "1hundredprojects" after all. :-)  Kelly's ongoing projects have been languishing due to grading exams, moving the chicks, and starting the bees.  However, there was the urge to

  • Ep 16: Fiber Friends and Feathered Co-Hosts

    25/04/2015 Duration: 47min

    In this episode Marsha and Kelly talk about the the Northern California Knitters Retreat (#NoCKRs on Instagram for more photos). The FABULOUS and FUN retreat was held at the St. Francis Retreat Center.  We had such a great time!  Thanks to the organizers and to Duren Dyeworks and Kicks and Giggles for donating the door prizes that we won.  Thanks also to Dizzy Blonde Studios, Miss Babs, Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting, Buffy Ann Designs, and Gnome Acres for all the goodies in our NoCKRs bags. We had fun knitting and meeting new friends. We also found treasures in the destash room and made some stitch markers. The charity for the retreat was Knitted Knockers.  Participants donated over 90 of them for women who have had mastectomies. There was a show and tell of knitwear that led us to yet another discussion of fit!  We know we said we wouldn't discuss it again for awhile, but we learned some interesting things by looking at all those sweaters.  After the retreat we enjoyed fabulous burgers at JJ's in San Jua

  • Ep 15: Fits about Fit

    11/04/2015 Duration: 53min

    In this episode Marsha and Kelly have a phone conversation about Marsha's finished knitting projects, both of their current knitting projects,  Marsha's new interest in baseball, and the ever-perplexing topic of the fit of a knit garment.  The Custom Fit patterns are a huge breakthrough and are teaching knitters a lot, but there are other components of how a sweater fits.  For example, the texture of the yarn and what the wearer is comfortable with.

  • Ep 14: The Warmth of Summer--it's coming!

    29/03/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Join Marsha and Kelly as the Two Ewes Ravelry group has its first Knit Along!  We will be knitting summery items between April 1 and July 1, 2015.  More details can be found in the Ravelry Group, Meanwhile, the two talk together about their recently finished and recently started projects and Kelly provides information about wet finishing for weaving that just might help when you knit with linen or cotton. It also might be helpful for knitters who have just started weaving with a rigid heddle loom.

  • Ep 13: Live From Portland!

    14/03/2015 Duration: 41min

    Kelly and Marsha met up in Portland, Oregon for the Rose City Yarn Crawl from March 5-8. Can you believe there are fifteen yarn shops in the Portland area? We didn't have time to visit each shop but sure gave it a try. In this episode we discuss our experience of the yarn crawl, talk about Marsha's woolen spinning in the hotel room, and share information about three indie dyers we met during the crawl.  We hold off discussing project updates until the next episode. It was so much fun to put this podcast together while we were actually in the same room!

  • Ep 12: Let the Yarn Season Begin!

    02/03/2015 Duration: 50min

    Marsha and Kelly provide an update on their fiber projects--finished, current, and planned.  In addition to knitting, dyeing, and spinning, Marsha has an upcoming sewing adventure.  Kelly went to Stitches West and tells all about that adventure.  Stitches is the beginning of the Two Ewes' Yarn Season, with the Rose City Yarn Crawl next weekend and the Northern California Knitters Retreat in April.  Want to see show notes or find out about our Ravelry Group?

  • Ep 11: How to Boil a Frog

    08/02/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    Listeners have asked us about our distance walking so in this podcast we talk about our walking adventures and, not to worry, we also talk about fiber, including knitting, spinning and some weaving.We are excited that we found a way to record our phone conversation! It's almost like we are in the same room and not separated by a state! Together we discuss how we each came to the sport of distance walking, how we train, and some of the challenges and pleasures we each find in training.

  • Ep 10: Adventures Abound in 2015

    25/01/2015 Duration: 57min

    Marsha and Kelly talk about their Cast On Five challenge and all the knitting and weaving that has and hasn't happened yet!  Kelly talks about knitting lace and the progress of her Niebling piece.  Marsha talks about her spinning and the handspun and hand-dyed yarn that she has been knitting with.  The Two Ewes announce contest winners, and Marsha talks about her adventures outside of the fiber world.

  • Ep 9: Promisc-Ewe-ous Knitting

    11/01/2015 Duration: 53min

    In this episode Marsha and Kelly start the New Year off right by each starting FIVE NEW PROJECTS!  Stepping out of the comfort zone is a good thing for the New Year, right?  There is also a bit of spinning and a short segment about weaving.  There is a new contest and giveaway going on in the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Ravelry group. Win a prize! 

  • Ep 8: Pre and Post Christmas Wrap

    28/12/2014 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, recorded partly before Christmas and partly after, Kelly and Marsha don't have a theme, but instead just talk about finished sweaters and the projects they are currently working on.  It is a good way to wrap up the year!

  • Ep. 7: #knittedmemories

    07/12/2014 Duration: 52min

    Kelly and Marsha both talk about knitted items and gifts that have special memories for them.  Marsha talks about her finished custom-fit cardigan, The St. John Cardigan and the skeins of handspun and hand-dyed yarn that she has made since getting her new spinning wheel.  The Two Ewes also announce a contest for listeners to post photos of knit or crocheted items with the theme #knittedmemories.

  • Ep. 6: Here's to New Advent-ewes!

    24/11/2014 Duration: 45min

    Marsha and Kelly talk about their current knitting projects, Marsha talks about an EXCITING new addition to her fiber life, and they both share food ideas and thanks in preparation for the upcoming holidays.

  • Ep. 5: What's Under the Kilt? Kilt Hose of Course!

    12/11/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Marsha and Kelly talk about socks and sock knitting.  Their approaches to sock knitting reveal a surprising amount about each of their personalities.  Then Marsha interviews her friend Gary and her brother Mark about kilt hose. 

  • Ep. 4: And Thus Began Our Adventures

    25/10/2014 Duration: 53min

    In addition to talking about current and recently finished projects, Marsha and Kelly talk about how they started knitting, spinning, weaving, and loving the fiber arts. 

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