Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • Who is Jesus? - Audio

    10/03/2008 Duration: 1930h00s

    Jesus asked His His Disciples that crucial, pivotal question. And, I am convinced Jesus is asking us today, "But who do YOU say that I am? What would be YOUR answer? Dr. Randy shares with us probing, biblical comments about how the people of that day responded and how the Disciples answered that question!

  • Where Is Your Faith? - Audio

    23/02/2008 Duration: 2007h00s

    The faith of Jesus' Disciples had to be tested. So it is with the 21st Century believer. As God tests our faith, He directs His question to each one of us: Where is Your Faith? We must decide!

  • Human Temptation/Godly Response! - Audio

    04/02/2008 Duration: 2133h00s

    God prepared Jesus for what He was about to face in His Ministry. Our Lord was victorious over satan's temptations and reponded to the devil with three Godly responses. Jesus' victory over satan teaches us how the child of God can be victorious over satan in our constant encounter with temptation.

  • Life is NOT a CHOICE! - Audio

    28/01/2008 Duration: 2253h00s

    Life is NOT a CHOICE! As taught by the Word of God, Human Life is SACRED. God is the CREATOR of all life. Human life begins at CONCEPTION. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for your life. Listen to Dr. Cheek as he shares these important TRUTHS from God's WORD!

  • The Baptism of God's Son - JESUS! - Audio

    16/01/2008 Duration: 1993h00s

    When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River, three things took place: (1) Heaven was opened, (2) Jesus is pleased, and (3) Jesus' Ministry begins. Join Dr. Cheek as he shares with you both what the Baptism of Jesus meant for the Son of God and what it means for the current believer today.

  • Jesus: The Formative Years - Audio

    06/01/2008 Duration: 2180h00s

    Five characteristics illustrate the attributes of the life of Jesus in His formative years. We can learn so much for life in this 21st Century as we look as these years between the manger and the time Jesus began His formal ministry following His baptism by John.

  • Practicing the Presence of God in 2008! - Audio

    30/12/2007 Duration: 2139h00s

    We Practice the Presence of God in our lives on a daily basis by implementing four spiritual precepts in our spiritual walk with God. Dr. Cheek enumerates these precepts to help believers understand the priority of VOWING to God these precepts will be priority for us in the new year.

  • From the Manger to the Cross - LOVE! - Audio

    24/12/2007 Duration: 1494h00s

    Come to the Manger and experience complete, total AGAPE - God's unconditional, "in-spite-of" LOVE for you and me. Come and worship with me as we journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

  • From the Manger to the Cross - JOY - Audio

    17/12/2007 Duration: 1623h00s

    On this Third Sunday of Advent, we light the "JOY" candle. Joy is not a human emotion. It is a spiritual gift from God at your salvation. The unbelieving world can only experience "happiness." Apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ the world can never experience Spritual JOY! Such joy comes only through a personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ. Come...go with Dr. Cheek as he takes us on a journey that begins at the manger and will end at the Cross and the Empty Tomb. Join with all of us as we, together, experience the JOY of the the Shepherds out in the field on this very holy night - the birthday of our Savior and Lord, Jesus, the Messiah!

  • From the Manger to the Cross - PEACE! - Audio

    09/12/2007 Duration: 1555h00s

    The Peace of Advent is to understand the coming of Jesus Christ, to a world in turmoil, is the peace, which is never comprehended by mortal man. This PEACE transcends all human understanding to achieve a PEACE that knows total rest in the arms of Jesus Christ, despite one's circumstances. Listen as Dr. Cheek shares with you the essence of a PEACE found only in our journey from the Manger to the Cross - a personal walk/relationship with Jesus Christ!

  • From the Manger to the Cross - HOPE - Audio

    02/12/2007 Duration: 1311h00s

    As we worship the Lord on this First Sunday of ADVENT, we remember the prophecy, the HOPE, which can only be found through an intentional, personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Dr. Cheek gives us three aspects of Hope as we look at the Manger, the Cross and the Hope of all Mankind.

  • From the Manger to the Cross - Audio

    25/11/2007 Duration: 1808h00s

    One cannot come to cross withour first kneeling at the manger. In this sermon, Dr. Cheek, shares the reason why Jesus Christ as the LIVING WORD must be the FOCUS of our Christmas Celebration! The WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us! Today continues the series of Living Christlike in the Extreme as we make this Christmas an EXTREME CELEBRATION. In doing so, our message series changes to, "From the Manger to the Cross." Come...go with us on an unforgettable spiritual journey as we follow Jesus Christ from the manger to the cross and beyond.

  • True Authority - Audio

    05/11/2007 Duration: 1562h00s

    Law Enforcement Appreciation Day at Olive Springs. Our Speaker, Lieutenant T. R. Alexander, Cobb County Police Department.

  • A Crazy Man With a Big Boat! - Audio

    21/10/2007 Duration: 1938h00s

    Five spiritual beliefs, given to us through the account of Noah building the Ark, to leads us in the example of living a life of EXTREME FAITH in Jesus Christ! The world thought Noah to be crazy! God knew him to be FAITHFUL!

  • Goliath Meets David - Audio

    15/10/2007 Duration: 1998h00s

    The humanly impossible was made possible through the power of God! What "giants" are you standing against today? Learn the precepts from David and be equipped to fight those overwhelming adversaries in your life!

  • Confident Faith in the Midst of a Hot Furnace! - Audio

    08/10/2007 Duration: 2261h00s

    Do you have the EXTREME FAITH of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego, which affirms, without doubt, God will take care of you even in the midst of the fire? Here are five characteristics of EXTREME FAITH that will help you as you face life's battles.

  • The Battle Belongs to the Lord - Audio

    01/10/2007 Duration: 2008h00s

    For the believer, our understanding of spiritual warfare must be that the battle belongs to the Lord in all things! The VICTOR for the battle is JESUS CHRIST!

  • Putting on the Whole Armor of God - Audio

    24/09/2007 Duration: 2038h00s

    Suiting up for spiritual warfare means that we must put on the WHOLE armor of God.

  • Give it Up! Let it Go! Throw it Down! - Audio

    20/08/2007 Duration: 1136h00s

    Don't let satan gain a stronghold over you. Understand the spritual precept of "submission," "obedience," and victory as did Moses with the Rod of God from Exodus 4:1-5.

  • Shake, Rattle, and Roll! - Audio

    14/08/2007 Duration: 2479h00s

    The "dry bones" in our life can be revived with the life-giving BREATH of God! We must understand this spiritual precept of how to "Shake, Rattle and Roll" if we are going to live our life CHRISTLIKE in the EXTREME for Jesus Christ!

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