English L'abri



Lectures old and new from workers and guest lecturers at English L'Abri, a residential study centre and community open to guests seeking a welcoming place to ask lifes many questions. For more information, visit labri.org/england.


  • Aren't They All Just Dead White Males? (Peter Merz)

    07/09/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    The books known as ‘the classics’ can seem intimidating, boring or culturally oppressive. However, they tend to represent the most psychologically and thematically complex, as well as the most technically accomplished and aesthetically satisfying, depictions of the reality in which we find ourselves. In spending time with these works throughout our lives, they and their authors become our teachers and friends, as we participate in ‘the great conversation’ that has been going on for centuries. We can receive solace, goodness, beauty, truth, growth in empathy for others, and experience delight and enjoyment. In pointing us toward that which is real, they can help to point us to God.This lecture is also available on all major podcasting platforms! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • Relationships Where Grace is in Place (Vera Marbach)

    21/07/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    We want to get our relationships right, particularly our romantic and family relationships, but often end up tired, discouraged, and feeling like failures.  A primary cause is when we set out to control & change others, making rules (mostly unwritten) and attempting to modify their attitudes & responses.  Understanding the difference between God's job and ours, allowing grace to replace manipulation & legislation, is a step to healthy relationships.This lecture is also available on all major podcasting platforms! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • The Race to Connectedness (Priscilla Leigh)

    20/03/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    In this lecture, Merran Paul (L’Abri Worker) engages cultural approaches to parenting. Sharing her first-hand experience as a “Christian Mum”, she presents a practical vision of Love, Authority, and Freedom for families.This lecture is also available on all major podcasting platforms! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • Redeeming Love: Authority and Freedom For the Children’s Sake (Merran Paul)

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h37min

    In this lecture, Merran Paul (L’Abri Worker) engages cultural approaches to parenting. Sharing her first-hand experience as a “Christian Mum”, she presents a practical vision of Love, Authority, and Freedom for families.This lecture is also available on all major podcasting platforms! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • The Arts as a Means to Love (Mary McCampbell)

    20/02/2023 Duration: 01h36min

    In this lecture, Mary McCampbell (Author, Associate Professor of humanities at Lee University) will look at how the arts expand our imaginations and, in so doing, embolden our ability to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Additionally, from now on this email will exist to deliver the podcast every week for those who prefer listening through email. If you prefer to subscribe and listen through another platform, feel free to unsubscribe! Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscriber

  • A Wild Whisper of Something Originally Wise (Mark Meynell)

    13/02/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    In this lecture, Mark Meynell (Author, Langham Partnership) will explore how to understand the impact of living in a secular context for Christian witnesses and show how the Arts are crucial for breaking through the intellectual barriers that secularism uses to prevent people from grasping the gospel.Additionally, from now on this email will exist to deliver the podcast every week for those who prefer listening through email. If you prefer to subscribe and listen through another platform, feel free to unsubscribe! Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship.

  • What has Christianity ever done for us? (Peter Merz)

    06/02/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    In this lecture, we will be thinking about the (still) deeply Christian nature of what we could call the soul of western culture and the importance of having a robust sense of this in light of the challenges of our time.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • When the person becomes a soul (Jim Paul)

    30/01/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    This lecture explores the way both church and Western culture have interpreted the Biblical word soul (nephesh) through a Greek philosophical paradigm, leading to a strong body-soul dualism which reduces the real person to a state of inner consciousness. This has led Christians to be disengaged from the worlds around us of nature and culture, and is the great-great-great-grandfather of transgender theory where our inner psychological sense of ourselves trumps our physicality.Click here for a PDF of the slides.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This i

  • Three Theories of Everything

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h39min

    The Bible describes reality in a unique way. All other worldviews are fundamentally different from the Biblical one, although many details can be the same. This lecture looks at the similarities and differences between Monism, Dualism and Trinitarianism and works to bring clarity concerning many questions and confusions. Purchase a copy of Ellis’ book on the same topic here.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.

  • Smuggling Jesus Back Into the Church (Andrew Fellows)

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    Andrew shows readers how secularism has reshaped church culture, changing the way many Christians and churches live and worship without being noticed. Both provocative and practical, he challenges Christians to live with radical Christ-like distinctiveness that requires both reformation by the church and revival by the Holy Spirit.Purchase a copy of Andrew’s book here.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • Defending Pluralism vs. Nurturing Solidarity? Speaking from Faith Without Destroying Society (Dr. Jonathan Chaplin)

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    Christians rightly argue for the legal protection of plural political visions and excessive regulatory bureaucratic constraints on both personal and institutional religious freedom. They do this pursuant to a theologically well-grounded commitment to religious toleration and a limited state. But how does this championing of pluralism relate to our equally compelling duty of solidarity with our fellow citizens, facing common human challenges and possibilities, needing cooperative action, and with whom we share the image of God? In an age when many claim religious grounds for extreme political positions, how can we defend religious pluralism without destroying society itself?Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which

  • The Changing Purpose of Education through History (Peter Merz)

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    This lecture will explore the way that the purpose of education has changed through time and what this tells us about how societies have viewed reality and what it means to be human. The purpose of education has always been connected to the idea of human flourishing. This lecture will explore the theme of telos or purpose in education and what this tells us about the values and goals that various societies pursue.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bo

  • Commitment: The joys of loving something in particular (Joel Barricklow)

    19/10/2022 Duration: 01h37min

    In a culture that encourages us to explore and keep our options open, we've forgotten the joys to be found in radical acts of commitment to particular things–whether that be people, places, vocations, or even to a particular idea of the good life. Joel helps us understand what commitments are and how they function in our lives. He unpacks why it’s so difficult for us to commit in this cultural moment and then offers some thoughts on why it’s still worth trying as we look at the joys found in committing. Lastly, for those who are interested in attempting a committed life, he’ll want to offer a few simple ideas of how we might view commitment as an apprenticeship.Click here to download a brief outline of the lecture.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respe

  • Deep Hospitality (Marsh Moyle)

    19/10/2022 Duration: 01h35min

    Trust is the glue of a healthy social life. This lecture will reflect on how trust grows and how questions of identity disrupt the process. Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • Imaginative Discipleship: How imagination reveals and shapes our hearts (Caleb Woodbridge)

    19/10/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    How does the renewal of our imaginations shape our Christian life and witness? How do we cultivate the renewal of our imaginations by the Spirit through the Word, for life in the world? This lecture explores the nature of the imagination and how it connects to the biblical theme of the heart, the importance of imaginative renewal for our discipleship, and suggests some steps we can take to help participate in God's redemption of our imaginations. Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other

  • Breaking through the Iron Cage: Debunking modernity’s conceptual idols (Josué Reichow)

    19/10/2022 Duration: 01h27min

    The German sociologist Max Weber used the term ‘iron cage’ to describe the modern project, founded on control and rationality. Modernity brought us a series of ideas that conceptualize reality as if we live in a closed universe (as Francis Schaeffer put it), where there is no real meaning and significance. This lecture will present some of modernity’s main concepts, challenging them from a Christian perspective. Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus

  • Normal People? The Novels of Sally Rooney (Andrew Jones)

    01/08/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    Sally Rooney is the 31 year old Irish Marxist author of 3 best selling novels—Conversation with Friends, Normal People and Beautiful World, Where Are You. Normal People was adapted into a hugely successful 12 part BBC series and a TV adaptation of Conversation with Friends is about to air this year. This lecture explores the worlds the novels create and reflect and why they resonate so deeply amongst many within the millennial generation. Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like t

  • Living in Harmony: What music can teach us about community (Jonno Saunders)

    30/07/2022 Duration: 01h46min

    Everyone wants to live in harmony. But what does it mean? Harmony is a musical term, and in music it’s about relationships, unity and diversity, and dealing with (or accepting) dissonance. We explore what music has to teach us about community life. Listen carefully!Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substack.com

  • Who do people say I am? The representations of Christ in cinema (Arthur Metz)

    29/07/2022 Duration: 01h35min

    The fact that Jesus Christ has been represented over 150 times in cinema shows us how much this question still moves us: "Who do people say I am?” This lecture shows how the representations of Jesus in cinema speak more about cinema than about Christ himself, as well as how our own views about Jesus can speak more about us than about Christ himself.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit englishlabri.substac

  • Finding our place in a groaning creation (Dr Richard Gunton)

    29/07/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    The creation has been groaning since the events of Genesis chapter 3, yet for much of the church's history, scant regard seems to have been paid to the duty that God's people might have to alleviate non-human dysfunction. What notable exceptions can we celebrate, and what is our calling today?  In a culture declaring a "climate emergency", how now should we live? This lecture shares a personal perspective and invites insights from others.Listen to and download recent lectures at englishlabri.org/podcast. For more resources, visit the L'Abri Ideas Library at labriideaslibrary.org. The library contains over one thousand lectures and discussions that explore questions about the reality and relevance of Christianity. We ask you to respect the copyright for this audio file which belongs to L’Abri Fellowship. Please note that views expressed in the lecture and discussion times do not necessarily represent the views of L’Abri Fellowship. This is a public episode. If you would like to discu

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