Listen In



Listen In with Angee Linsey is a podcast for marketing and communications professionals who want to be deliberate in how they manage their careers and lead teams. Your host, Angee Linsey, an accomplished marketing and communications executive recruiter and career coach, gives you the opportunity to listen in on her conversations with executives who share their career stories and provide insights on how to hire and be hired in this field. If you want to learn more about the executive search and coaching services provided by Linsey Careers, visit


  • Ep #21 Krista Todd Interview - VP Communications, Logitech

    28/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    When interviewing candidates or doing career coaching with an ambitious marketing or communications professional, I often hear them express frustration when not getting those stretch assignments or promotion opportunities in their current organization. There are a few things you can do to make sure you are considered for those opportunities, and our guest on this podcast spells it out. Krista Todd, VP Communications at Logitech, has not only stretched and grown within her role since joining the company a few years ago, she has been very intentional in having the right career conversations with her team to give them new opportunities as well. In this podcast, she shares a few tips to make sure your boss knows where you're trying to go, so they can help you get there. This might be something for your career action plan, so download it here. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #20 D2BD Short: Responding to Recruiter Outreach

    21/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    There you are, scrolling through your LinkedIn messages, and you get a note from a recruiter requesting a conversation to talk about an opportunity. You happen to be open to hearing about something new – you even say so on your profile. Do you respond? So often people opt out of responding because they make assumptions about the role, or aren't sure if they want to move just now. But when a recruiter who specializes in your specific field or function reaches out, this is an opportunity to build a long-term relationship with someone who could potentially change your career trajectory. In this episode, Angee shares a few ways to respond to recruiter outreach so you are thinking about the long term and not just this moment. Not all recruiter outreach is the same, so check out this podcast to learn ways to say yes, no or maybe. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #19 D2BD Short: What Success Looks Like

    14/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    When you are being intentional in your career, it also means being intentional when hiring new members on your team. In this episode, Angee shares a process that every hiring leader should go through before sending their recruiter off to find the best talent for a specific role. It's all about defining what success looks like in the first 3, 6 and 12 months on the job. The way to do this is to begin with the end in mind. Think about what the organization's goals are and what this person you want to hire will do to help achieve those goals. As you map out the work, think about what success looks like in the first 90 days, 6 months and 12 months. Imagine the one year anniversary of your new hire and looking back on all they have achieved that year. By writing down specifics, it not only helps you attract and evaluate candidates, it's a great tool for on-boarding and setting expectations as well. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers o

  • Ep #18 D2BD Short: Don't Let Your Wins Go Unnoticed

    07/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    There's a fine line between sharing your accomplishments with your boss and being a Braggy McBraggerson. In this episode, Angee shares a few tips on documenting your wins and sharing them both in real time and in a more formal/planned way. Whether shooting off a quick note to give a heads up for a big win to be discussed in the next one-on one meeting, or creating a monthly report of your accomplishments as they relate to organizational goals, it pays to be sure your boss knows what you're doing. Remember, everyone (including your boss) is busy managing their own job and may not always have visibility to those accomplishments worth sharing. This episode offers a few things you can do weekly, monthly and quarterly to make sure your wins don't go unnoticed - and it's definitely worth adding to your career action plan which can be found here. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #17 Erin Passan Interview - Managing Partner at Gagnier Communications

    31/07/2019 Duration: 23min

    Erin Passan has been a successful CCO and is now managing partner at Gagnier Communications. Over her career, she has learned some pretty valuable lessons when it comes to the importance of building strong relationships with peers across all functions within an organization. In this episode, Erin and Angee talk about why you need strong relationships with your peers beyond communications in order to get things done, get stretch assignments and get promoted. Erin shares stories of how she did it -- after an "aha moment" of finding out she wasn't doing it very well. She also offers tips for you to build those relationships -- whether it's when you first start in a new organization, or if you haven't been doing it and need a fresh start with your peers. In the end, you'll hear about what you can do today to dare to be deliberate when building cross-functional peer relationships. If you don't already have your Career Action Plan, you can get one here. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: info@linse

  • Ep #16 D2BD Short: Get Out of Your Head

    24/07/2019 Duration: 06min

    Job search can be stressful and often we end up spinning ourselves up by making assumptions and taking things personally. In this D2BD Short, Angee shares wise words from Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and how to apply them. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #15 D2BD Short: Be a Giver

    17/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    It's not always just about you when it comes to being intentional in your career. In this episode, Angee shares ways you can amplify others -- whether in a meeting, one on one, or even on social media. With examples from Adam Grant, author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, you will hear about how givers tend to gain advantages in four domains: networking, collaboration, talent development and influence. In meetings, this may mean that you give space for both introverts and extroverts to provide input and ideas. When doing a shout out on LinkedIn, you recognize teams and individuals for achieving goals, or inspire and inform others by sharing and amplifying what someone in your network has achieved. And when it comes to people who report to you, being a giver is about creating space to find potential and help those individuals build on it. If you tend to mean well but aren't consciously being a giver consistently, create the habit by including activities on your career action plan which ca

  • Ep #14 D2BD Short: The Road Less Traveled Career Path

    10/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    If your career has felt "random" in comparison to those who took the traditional path of big corporate jobs and progressive responsibility, it can feel a little daunting when in job search. How do you explain that what you've done is relevant to that next role you want? As marketing and communications professionals, we tend to be way better at telling everyone else’s story, but when it comes to telling our own, we just don’t do it quite as well. So be your own client and turn that seemingly random or interesting background into a great story. Tell it in a way that resonates for your intended audience – that being the person reading your resume or cover letter, or interviewing you. Angee shares how it can be helpful to practice how you tell your story and ways to better describe what you've done. And most importantly – stop telling yourself that your unconventional career path is a bad thing. There are many hiring leaders who value a road less traveled. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: info@

  • Ep #13 Jon Maron - A Conversation About Lifelong Learning

    03/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    It's not often a successful executive at the peak of their career decides it's time to go back to the classroom and devote time and energy to an MBA. Jon Maron, CMO of Coinme, did just that. In this episode, he shares a bit about how this decision was a game changer for him both personally and professionally. Part of daring to be deliberate in your career means continuing to learn and grow in multiple ways. Jon shares a few insights about how his decision to earn this advanced degree was a great choice for him. Additionally, he offers other ideas for life long learning that don't require the same investment in time or money, reminding us all that committing to small but important things like reading, reaching out to others to learn, taking online courses or even auditing a class will keep you fresh and expand your knowledge. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #12 D2BD Short: Helping Others Help You

    26/06/2019 Duration: 06min

    "Hey -- I'm on the market for a new job. If you hear of something, let me know!" This is a common approach to networking when in job search. It's easy to get focused on the tactical conversation of "need job - get connected to jobs" but it's usually not all that effective. And even worse, if that person doesn't know of the perfect open job in that moment, the conversation is over. In this D2bD Short, Angee shares a few more reasons why this approach doesn't always work. But what you can do is help other help you by approaching every conversation from a place of curiosity. By doing this, you have the opportunity to learn about people and places you should get on your radar --not necessarily because there is an open job right this minute, but because there may be a perfect next role for you that was never posted. © 2019 Angee Linsey Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

  • Ep #11 D2BD Short: Nurture Your Network with LinkedIn

    19/06/2019 Duration: 06min

    We are always so busy managing our jobs, we don't make time to manage our careers. In this Dare to be Deliberate Short, Angee Linsey gives you a few ideas of things you can do to nurture your network through LinkedIn. The tips she offers don't require a lot of time, but they do require commitment to create the habits that help you maintain relationships with people in your professional network for the simple reason that you value having them in your network. The key to successfully maintaining relationships with people in your network is to connect when you don't need anything. If you do that well, when you do need something, they will show up. Dare to be Deliberate Short is designed to provide ideas for actions you can take daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually to level up your communications career. To get a copy of the Dare to be Deliberate Action Plan, go to Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on Linked

  • Ep #10 Listen In: Announcing a Change

    14/06/2019 Duration: 02min

    Listen In has always been about talking to marketing and communications leaders about career related matters to help professionals in this field be more intentional in how they manage their careers. After writing her book, Dare to be Deliberate - Level Up Your Communications Career, Angee is shifting the title of this podcast to the same name and will continue to interview great leaders on topics relevant to communications professionals. In addition, she has created Dare to be Deliberate Short episodes that will be quick tips and techniques for you to be more intentional in your career. Visit: Action Plan: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #9 Peter DeTrempe: Focus on Culture when Hiring and Being Hired

    30/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Peter DeTrempe is passionate about creating a strong culture at Ascend Marketing. Values are at the forefront of how they interact with clients, employees and potential hires. In this podcast, Peter shares how Ascend created their culture and how, by doing so, they have built a very diverse team with very low turn over. Not only does he offer tips for leaders who are trying to build a quality culture, he offers a few ideas for candidates who are trying to get to the heart of the culture of an organization where they are interviewing. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #8 Greg Perotto: Moving Up Means Moving Beyond Communications Skills

    19/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    Hootsuite's VP, Global Corporate Marketing, Brand and Communications, Greg Perotto joins me to talk about those "softer" skills that are needed to move to the senior ranks on the marketing and communications ladder. Business acumen, being an influencer and self-awareness top his list. Listen in as Greg and Angee talk about some examples of how Greg coaches his team to step up for new challenges and times when things didn't go the way he had hoped. Take away a few ideas of how to sit down with your leaders so they can be champions for you to achieve your career goals. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Ep #7 Jason Leonardelli: Being Deliberate Can Mean Taking a Break

    22/06/2018 Duration: 26min

    Jason Leonardelli was doing what appeared to be "all the right things" in his career. He was rated as a top performer and leaders requested him by name for assignments. But he was working non-stop at the detriment of his health and happiness and knew he needed to take that step many people only wish they could do -- take a year off work to pursue other interests. In this podcast, Angee and Jason talk about what it looks like to plan a career break and be open to the adventures that are often unplanned. Jason shares what he did to prepare, how he spent time on both "bucket list" adventures and how he knocked out some home projects that always fell to the bottom of the list. As the months passed during his sabbatical, he got real with his values, preferences, motivators and strengths and discovered that the thing he thought he would walk away from forever, was actually the thing he loved to do. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn Produced b

  • Ep #6 Andrea Dhamer: Keeping Your Network Alive

    20/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    In this episode, Angee Linsey speaks with Andrea Dhamer, communications leader, partnership and engagement strategies and business development expert. Andrea recently moved back to Chicago after spending years internationally and on the East Coast. She knew that in order for her to find the right type of role, she needed to get to know influential communications leaders in town. During our conversation, Andrea shares how she intentionally set a plan to expand her network, and very effectively started having some fantastic conversations with people who kept introducing her to more and more people. It's all about coming in with curiosity rather than "an ask." We talk about how it can be done -- and can even be fun. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

  • Ep #5 Tracy Imm: Helping Others Be Better Communications Leaders

    05/03/2018 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, Angee Linsey speaks with Tracy Imm, Director of Public Affairs for the Maryland Insurance Administration, as well as author, college instructor, speaker and coach. Both Angee and Tracy share a belief that people can do work that they love by being deliberate in their career choices and how they focus on continuous learning and growth. During the conversation, Tracy not only shares several great tips on how to move toward the executive suite as a communications professional, she also has recommendations for other resources to be the best you can be at managing your career with intention. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

  • Ep #4 Marta Newhart: Leaders Building Leaders in Communications

    10/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    In this episode, Angee Linsey interviews Chief Communications Officer Marta Newhart. During the conversation they cover topics including what being a leader means to Marta, what she looks for when building future leaders and what it takes to grow your career to the top job in communications. Marta shares how out thinking, out working (smartly) and having grit are some of the keys to rising above the middle ranks. She knows when her leadership is helping others achieve their career goals when they come looking for more -- more opportunity, more ways to make a difference, how to do things better so the organization achieves its goals. Some of her best advice is about believing you can make a difference, being truly self aware, and focusing on what matters so that you are spending your time on the right work. When you do that, your team knows what is important and everyone wins. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

  • Ep #3 Steve Astle: Mentors and Champions Can Change your Career

    09/11/2017 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, Angee Linsey interviews Steve Astle, SVP and Managing Consultant at Text 100 in San Francisco. During the conversation, they cover topics including the value of a combined career in both agency and corporate settings at the senior level, as well as the importance of having mentors and champions. During the interview, Steve challenges the notion that you can just ask for someone to be your mentor, instead giving a great case for how mentors choose you. Listen In for more on how to cultivate those key leaders in your career so that you have an advocate when you're not in the room, and a guide to help you with a variety of career considerations. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

  • Ep #2 Mia Di Miceli: An "Executive Handler" Goes Out on Her Own

    09/11/2017 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, Angee Linsey interviews Mia DiMiceli, a communications consultant specializing in executive and transformational communications. During the conversation, they cover a range of topics around what it means to move from being an employee to creating a consulting business that focuses on partnering with businesses in transformation, or helping executives engage their target audiences. During the interview, Mia shares some of her experiences on how to work closely with senior leaders and how to help them shape their executive brand, both internally and externally. Listen In to Mia's advice on how to make the shift to independent consulting, and how to help executives get comfortable communicating their brand and promise to deliver. Visit: Email: @LinseyCareers on Twitter Linsey Careers on LinkedIn

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