Worth It



Welcome to Worth It, a guide to dreaming, planning and living your ideal life through financial planning (or Life Planning, as we like to call it). The most important aspect of achieving your life goals happens to be the most difficult to grasp and the easiest to avoid. We feel your pain, and were here to help.Financial planning isnt just for wealthy, older men. Getting sound advice early on is critical to building wealth over time. That means you need financial & life structure advice now, not just once you have finally accumulated your wealth. Enter Danielle & Dustin, a brother & sister millennial team devoted to educating their generation about life planning and inspiring you to realize that you are worth it. Get your free Life Plan template and more info at www.theworthitpodcast.com.Dustin R. Granger, CEO & CFP® Danielle Granger Nava, VP & Director of Client Relations For a list of states in which the LPL Financial Registered Representatives associated with this site are registered to do business, please visit www.toujoursplanning.com. Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC (www.finra.org | www.sipc.org). Investment advice offered through GWM Advisors, a registered investment advisor. GWM Advisors and Toujours Planning are separate entities from LPL Financial.


  • 54: When to Consider Hiring an Executive Coach, with Kevin Wilkins

    29/11/2018 Duration: 51min

    Have you ever thought of hiring an executive coach? Are you curious to find out more about what an executive coach does and how they can help you? Kevin Wilkins is the founder of Trepwise, a New Orleans based growth consulting firm that offers executive coaching to businesses, nonprofits, and individuals across all sectors of life. Kevin teaches us how to choose a coach, what questions to ask, and when is the best time to think about hiring an executive coach. Learn all about how you can improve yourself with coaching on this episode of Worth It. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] Why did he start Trepwise? [6:50] When is the right time to get a coach? [12:04] Its an act of strength to ask for help [14:12] What is the first step in coaching? [17:17] How do you choose a coach? [21:29] The first step is self-awareness [24:09] How long does the coaching relationship last? [26:07] What is the time commitment of coaching? [31:24] New Orleans is an incubator for entrepreneurs [40:33] Success comes from the journey W

  • 53: How to Start a Life Tax Fund

    22/11/2018 Duration: 21min

      Are you one of the ⅔ of Americans that can’t cover the costs of a $1000 emergency? That is such a scary number, but it’s not surprising given that half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. To add insult to injury most of us are living above our means. There is a constant pressure in our society to live beyond our means. From advertising to social media to simply talking with friends and neighbors we feel a constant pressure to keep up with everyone else. But if you don’t start saving now you’ll miss out on the opportunity to feel financially secure in the future you could even miss out on the opportunity to stop working and retire. Listen to this episode to hear how easy it is to start a life tax fund, your finances will thank you and so will your future self! Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] Half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck [5:30] Some simple things you can do to better your financial situation [8:32] Start a life tax fund [10:49] What are the benefits of having a life tax fund? [15:42] What

  • 52: How to Live Life in Slow Motion

    14/11/2018 Duration: 28min

     Have you ever wanted to live your life in slow motion? We all experience those times where we wish we could slow down, but they seem to just zip by. Dustin has been reading about how to make the most of life and he has several tips to share on how to slow down and make the most of the time we have. Worth It is the podcast that helps you dream, plan, and live your ideal life and on this episode, we’re focusing on helping you live your ideal life. If you have always wanted to learn how to make the most out of the time you have, you’ll want to hear all of these helpful tips. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] How can you slow down time? [4:42] Time is the most important asset we have [6:26] How do we perceive time? [14:01] How to live life in slow motion [15:47] Stop and smell the roses [18:24] Develop a habit of enjoying each day [23:11] Stop worrying! Life seems to fly by--don’t let it escape you! The older we get the faster life seems to go by. Steven Tyler once said that life is like a roll of toilet paper,

  • 51: How to Know Your Worth and Charge It

    08/11/2018 Duration: 24min

      Many purpose-driven professionals and creative entrepreneurs have a hard time knowing their worth and even harder time charging it. There are some that even feel weird simply charging others for their work. So many of us struggle with imposter syndrome that we don’t really value ourselves and what we do. Even though we love what you do we still need to be able to make a living. On this episode of Worth It, Dustin and I are here to inform you why it is so important to know your worth and why you should never be afraid to charge people exactly what you're worth. Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:31] What happens when you charge your worth? [8:42] The correlation between price and satisfaction isn’t what you would guess [12:20] A story about Jean Michel Basquiat [15:18] How to decide what to charge? [19:22] Confidence keeps you moving forward What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is the feeling that you just aren’t good enough, a feeling of inadequacy or incompetence. Many successful creative professionals

  • 50: When to Hire a CFO and Scale Your Business, with Tyler J. McCall

    01/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Tyler J. McCall is a marketing strategist and coach for creative entrepreneurs. He specializes in Instagram marketing and is an expert at converting followers to fans. Tyler teaches his students how to make an impact and grow business with Instagram by using it in a genuine and intentional way. Tyler’s business has grown exponentially over the past year and in this episode, he opens up about when he realized he needed help and decided to hire a CFO. Listen to episode 50 of Worth It to hear the Instagram expert, Tyler J. McCall, as he reveals how he scaled his business by outsourcing. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] How did Tyler become an online entrepreneur? [7:42] Why Instagram? [11:05] Is Instagram for every entrepreneur? [12:56] How did he niche down? [18:54] How did he do his recent trip? [22:00] What led Tyler to set his time freedom goals? [26:20] Why did he hire a CFO? [29:12] What advice does he have for entrepreneurs who want to scale their business? [32:04] What are his dreams for his life and bus

  • 49: Clothes Through an Investment Lens

    25/10/2018 Duration: 35min

      Men’s style can be confusing these days with skinny jeans and bow ties being all the rage. But dressing for success is as important as ever. Ensuring that your wardrobe lasts more than just a season and that you look great for every occasion doesn’t have to be a burden. If you look at clothing through an investment lens and remember 3 easy tips you can create a signature look that will stand the test of time. Are you ready to discover 3 ways that you can make an investment in yourself through your wardrobe? Listen to this episode of Worth It to hear how you can turn your closet into an investment in yourself. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:45] It’s hard to dress right these days [6:52] Think of clothing through an investment lens [9:10] Clothing should show your ideal you [16:35] Fit matters [18:16] Buy high quality and low quantity [25:29] Buy timeless clothing Your clothing choices should show your ideal self They say that you should dress for success, but what exactly does that mean? You have to think abo

  • 48: How to Maximize Your HSA (Health Savings Account)

    18/10/2018 Duration: 24min

      Have you ever wondered what a health savings account is? Or maybe you know what it is, but you’re not sure if you need one. Perhaps you already have an HSA, but you’re not sure what’s so great about it. On episode 48 we discuss everything you need to know about HSA’s. A listener recently asked if they should contribute to a health savings account, and we are glad she did because this gives us the opportunity to share everything we know about HSA’s. Listen to this episode of Worth It to hear how to maximize your health savings account. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:42] What is a health savings account? [5:08] Why are HSA’s considered crown jewels of savings plans? [7:17] What are more benefits to HSA’s? [14:28] You can pay for medical expenses at a later date [17:23] What is something HSA’s can’t do? [19:55] What else can you use an HSA for? What is a health savings account or HSA? A health savings account or, HSA, is a savings account used only for medical expenses. There are a couple of ways that you can s

  • 47: What It Takes To Be An Influencer

    11/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    All of us possess influence, but we don’t necessarily know how to use it to its fullest in the modern, digital world. This episode is a “how to” conversation about what it takes to become an influencer. If you’ve got great ideas, expertise, or simple insight into a particular area of life, you can and probably should become an influencer. There are people out there waiting to hear your voice. They truly WANT to hear YOU speak about the very things they want to learn. Listen to this episode to learn how. Here’s What You’ll Learn [0:33] Why we’re talking about what it takes to become an influencer [1:53] What does it even MEAN to be an influencer? [3:31] Questions to ask yourself to discover if you can become an influencer? [4:28] Examples of being an influencer that can stir up your creativity [7:21] 9 things it take to become an influencer: Don’t miss these! [26:10] What if you want to be an influencer “on the side” (side hustle)? [28:30] Dustin’s “Worth It Inspiration” - Dustin’s a new Elvis fan! You can b

  • 046: An Easy Guide To Understanding Your Federal Income Tax Rate

    04/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    As anyone who has ever filed income taxes can tell you, you have to know which tax bracket you’re in before you can make even an educated guess of what you might owe Uncle Sam. It’s pretty easy to figure out your tax bracket because it’s based on your income, but it’s trickier to calculate how much you’ll actually owe because of the way the U.S. tax system works. For this episode, Dustin and I created an easy-to-understand tax reference guide! Here’s What You’ll Learn [0:45] Let’s talk taxes, specifically, the tax brackets [1:30] Download our tax reference guide! [3:00] Determining your adjusted gross income [5:00] How do deductions work? [7:45] [9:00] Understanding the progressive tax rate [10:30] Tax credits are a dollar for dollar deduction [12:30] Disclaimer [14:45] Worth It Inspirations What is ‘taxable income?’ The IRS says income can be in the form of money, property or services you receive in the tax year. The two basic types of income are earned and unearned income. Earned income includes money you

  • 045: Start A Ben Franklin-Style Junto Club

    27/09/2018 Duration: 32min

      Have you ever punched someone? Not a tap on the shoulder, but a fist-clenched, teeth-gritted haymaker-to-the-jaw kinda punch. Are you thinking “how is throwing a punch living my ideal life?” Throwing (or receiving) that punch may not be ideal, but sharing the story of how it all went down might be! On this fun and informative episode, Dustin stands on the shoulders of Benjamin Franklin as he details his own experience of starting a Junto club, the benefits of deep conversation, and how you can start your own Junto club! Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:15] Before tech took over our lives, we had more meaning conversations [5:00] The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin [6:00] What is a junto club? [8:30] Establish rituals and rules [15:00] What kinds of questions should you ask at junto club? [20:45] How to effectively answer questions [23:00] Lose the script [25:00] Worth It Inspirations What is a Junto Club? Benjamin Franklin recognized the value of conversation and the importance of cogni

  • 043: Chasing The Carrot: How To Motivate Yourself To Succeed

    13/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    I am sure you have all seen the picture of the carrot tied on a stick, dangling out in from of of an animal pulling a cart. That picture makes us smile, but the thought behind that tactic is actually a very effective one. Create a system of goals and rewards. Rewarding yourself for the hard work you’ve done can be extremely valuable, especially when you had to push yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve it. Not sure where to start? Check out this episode, Dustin and I will help get you started! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:15] How to take inventory of your rewards [5:30] Think about the time you have been offered a carrot [6:15] Why you need a motivation system. [8:30] Dreaming can be a huge motivating factor [9:15] The key to a reward system [10:15] Goals vs. Rewards [11:30] Breaking down a goal [12:15] The two kinds of goals: personal and business [13:00] Creating personal goals [14:45] Creating business goals [16:45] The rewards system [21:15] Write in the reward like it’s part of the checklist [25:

  • 042: Discovering Your Perfect Client Avatar

    07/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    Have you met your ideal client yet? Do you know what they look like? What are interested in? How do they use technology? What they dream about? If your ideal client walked in the door right now, would you know them? In a world where people are tired of mass-produced products, finding your niche is more important than ever! In order to do that, you should create an avatar of that perfect client! If you are not sure how to get started, join us on this episode for inspiration as we outline OUR perfect client avatar! Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:00] What is an avatar? [3:00] Creating the perfect avatar [3:15] Why do you need an avatar? [5:15] The best businesses put their ideal client avatar in their ads. [7:45] It’s ok to have a set of avatars for different clients [8:15] Think of the people you love to serve, these may just be your avatar [10:00] Keep in mind too, your avatar can grow with your clients [11:45] The Worth It Avatars [19:00] Toujours Worth Guided Wealth Portfolios [21:00] Worth It Inspirations Wh

  • 041: 6 Reasons Why The World Needs More Women Entrepreneurs

    30/08/2018 Duration: 36min

      The fact is, women entrepreneurs are a total powerhouse! 20% of million-dollar business in the United States are owned by and predominantly operated by women. Women-owned business in the United States employed nearly 9 million people and generated $1.7 trillion in sales last year! If those numbers are not convincing enough, here are six reasons why the world needs more women entrepreneurs! Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:30] 6 major reasons why the world needs more women entrepreneurs [4:15] There is an increasing number of women entrepreneurs, leading in most new business startups and higher education [6:45] #1: women are emotional, yes, but they tend to be more honest about the business. [11:30] #2 women are not afraid to admit that they don’t know everything [13:00] #3 women are relationship-driven [14:45] #4 women are level headed and make smart business decisions [18:30] #5 women are creative [22:30] #6 Women get shit done, down to business [26:00] Women think success comes from hard work, not just from b

  • 040: Building Your Net Worth Statement

    23/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    Your net worth can be an extremely useful tool in measuring your economic status and overall financial progress from year to year. Your net worth is essentially a grand total of all your assets minus your liabilities. In other words, your net worth is the figure you get when you add up everything you own and then subtract from that the value of all of your debts. Dustin R. Granger, CFP® and I have put together a simple tool that you can use to help you calculate your net worth! Check out this Worth It episode to learn more! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:15] Building your net worth statement [2:45] What does net worth mean? [6:00] Knowing your net worth is the best way to start planning for your future [9:00] Working backward from retirement to figure out exactly how much you need [9:45] Calculating your net worth statement [15:30] Calculating your liabilities [20:00] Your net worth! [21:15] Toujours Worth It Financial Planning [23:15] Worth It Inspirations How to calculate your net worth Calculating your net

  • 039: Creating Your Ideal Life, with Books & Booze Founder John Leven

    16/08/2018 Duration: 35min

      On this Worth It episode, John Leven, the host host of the Books & Booze podcast joins Dustin and I to talk about how he is able to read one hundred books a year, why he recommends liquid networking, and how he selects which books to read out of the thousands that are recommended to him. If you love to read, love a good beverage (alcoholic or otherwise), or are just looking for more ways to live your ideal life, this episode is for you! Grab a drink and enjoy! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:15] John Leven from the Books and Booze Podcast joins the show! [4:00] How the Books & Booze podcast got started [10:00] John read 100 books in 2017 - Here’s how he did it [13:15] How he selects which books to read [15:00] Have you ever tried book surfing? [20:30] Goodreads.com [21:45] Which books get reviewed on the Books and Booze podcast? [25:30] John’s system for remembering everything he has ever read [31:30] The value of curating content [34:00] John describes his ideal life The Art Of Liquid Networking John L

  • 038: Catapult Your Success With A Mastermind Group!

    09/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    The term “mastermind” was originally coined by Napoleon Hill in 1925, but small groups of people have been meeting to discuss business ideas, philosophy and untold other subjects for hundreds, if not thousands of years! Today, Dustin R. Granger, CFP® and I talk about the rich history of mastermind groups, and why you should absolutely join one (or start one)! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:45] Using the power of a small group to catapult your life [2:45] The definition of a mastermind group [5:45] What sort of group should you join? [9:00] Drink a beer and share ideas [11:30] 7 reasons to join a mastermind group [14:45] How to find the right mastermind group [18:00] Toujours Worth It Financial Planning [20:00] Worth It Inspirations What is a mastermind group? By definition, a mastermind group is a peer to peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their problems, with input and advice from other group members. Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and Grow Rich,” says a mastermind means two or more people c

  • 037: Finding Your Ikigai: How To Discover Your Purpose And Passion In Life

    02/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    Ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy) is a wonderful Japanese concept made from two Japanese words: iki, meaning “life” and kai, meaning “effect, result, worth or benefit.” Combined: “a reason for living.” Beautiful, Isn’t it? Ikigai is the idea of seeking a purpose in everything you do in life - Hobbies, friendships, work, community, and travel all add to your ikigai. There is no need to visit a Buddhist temple in Bali to “find yourself.” Instead, Dustin and I want to use this episode to help you find your reason for living, aka your Ikigai! Grab your headphones and a pen, your purposeful future awaits! Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:15] What is Ikigai? [5:30] #1. What do you love doing? [7:30] #2. What are you good at? [10:15] #3. What does the world need from you? [12:15] #4. What can you get paid for? [14:30] What does it mean when two of the questions overlap? [15:15] What does it mean when three of the questions overlap? [18:30] Your Ikigai: this is your meaning of life [19:30] Toujours Worth It Financial Plannin

  • 036: Investment Wisdom You Can Bank On, Part 3

    28/06/2018 Duration: 21min

    Sir John Marks Templeton (November 29, 1912 – July 8, 2008) was an American-born British stock investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is credited with giving this investment wisdom in February 1994: “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria.” Today, Dustin R. Granger, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and I break down exactly what that phrase means, and how it can help show what is happening in the financial market! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:22] Who was Sir John Templeton? [3:15] Bull Market explained [3:45] Bear market explained [5:00] Bull markets are born on pessimism... [8:00] ...grows on skepticism... [9:15] ...Matures on optimism... [11:00] ...Dies on euphoria [14:30] Toujours Worth Software - Guided Wealth Portfolios [16:10] Worth It Inspirations “Bull markets are born on pessimism… Bear markets/sentiment always bottom at some point and this creates a perfect entry to buy a stock at the cheapest price possible. The first rule of investment is

  • 035: Create, Don’t Compete,

    21/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    The idea of competition is engraved in our minds. We believe that we have to compete for the same jobs as others. If someone has a job, that means you can’t have the same job. And if a company has a certain market share, that means you have to compete with that company to “win” a piece of their share. What if instead of competing, we focused on creating. On this episode, Dustin and I share a few well-known examples of people who created instead of competing, and how the world was changed as a result! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:30] Create, don’t compete [3:45] You can put your unique spin on the subject [5:00] The action superstar [7:00] The second smartphone [9:30] The abundance mindset [18:45] Everyone should have blinders on [20:45] Supporting others requires a change in mindset [22:30] Allow your brain to rest [26:15] Toujours Worth Software - Guided Wealth Portfolios [27:15] Worth It Inspiration The action superstar Before he became famous, Arnold Schwarzenegger auditioned for several roles and was tol

  • 034: 5 Things You Should Do To Prepare For A Recession

    14/06/2018 Duration: 28min

      The recession of 2008-09 may have occurred nearly a decade ago, but it’s still a painful memory for many entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, economic downturns are a fact of life when you’re running a business. But there are steps you can take now to prepare your business to weather a storm and emerge even stronger. On this Worth It Episode, we will share 5 tips you can use to help you prepare for a recession. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:30] Preparing for a recession [5:15] #1 - Be financially prudent before the crisis [8:45] #2 - Be indispensable [9:30] #3 - Diversify your income [10:45] #4 - Change your mindset [14:30] #5 - Take advantage during the recession [19:30] Toujours Worth Software - Guided Wealth Portfolios [21:15] Worth It Inspirations Tip #1: Be financially prudent before the crisis It’s a great idea to start planning before the crisis hits. We recommend saving enough cash to cover 3-6 months of expenses. If you have children, saving for more than 6 months is a wise idea! It’s also a prudent idea

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