Divine Downloads



The magic that happens when you are open to information (usually from your spirit or higher self) that prompts you to take action. This information TRANSFORMS you forever. You are never the same person now that you have this wisdom.


  • Ep. 58- The Profound Potential For Whole Heart Healing When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned with Dominique Fontaine, Board Certified Health & Wellness Nurse Coach

    06/03/2020 Duration: 55min

    Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC is the Founder & CEO of Sage Integrative Wellness, LLC. She is a holistic nurse educator, Integrative Health and Wellness Workshop facilitator/speaker, board certified health and wellness nurse coach, and medicinal cannabis nurse consultant. She helps support nurses and individuals with physical and mental ailments in incorporating holistic practices and core values into their personal and professional lives. Dominique Fontaine has a huge heart and an insatiable quest to advance her education and her impact in the world as a healer. Often on my interviews, I get a visual or a word. The word that bubbled up from this moving episode of the Divine Downloads podcast was SURRENDER. Tune in and you'll see why! Dominique warms your heart as she shares her story of how she had big plans to follow her passion to further her nursing education and then life offered up alternate plans. You can “know all the things” and have all the tools to be grou

  • Ep. 57- 3 Simple Steps To Get Unstuck TODAY With Lisbeth Overton

    28/02/2020 Duration: 22min

    Today’s Divine Downloads episode is for you if you find yourself STUCK in a rut. Here's what 47 years of practice has taught me about STUCK:

  • Ep. 56- From Seed To Sale, How Registered Nurse Nate Crotteau Broke Into The Booming Hemp Market in Minnesota

    21/02/2020 Duration: 44min

    Just when I thought I knew a lot about Hemp, I learn what I don’t know!! Today’s Divine Downloads podcast is so educational and pro Earth! Whether you are interested in using a CBD product for health and wellness or considering being in the hemp business, today’s show is a must listen. Grab your ear buds and tune in! Nate Crotteau is a nurse entrepreneur who is offering a truly holistic experience for people looking for alternatives to any number of health concerns through his seed to sale company, Holistic Wellness Services. He has been able to successfully position himself as a family owned company with the expertise of a nurse to educate the public and his customers on the benefits of using hemp. My favorite Nate wisdom bits on life and business: We are able to achieve more than we know about ourselves. People can achieve a lot more if they put their mind to it and step outside the box. To connect with Nate, find him here: https://hwshemp.life/ nate@hwshemp.life 218-626-7006 https://www.face

  • Ep. 54 How to Increase Your Feel Good Vibes & Spaces With Simple Energy Tools With Healer & Designer Michael Malherek

    07/02/2020 Duration: 49min

    Are you aware of how your physical space effects your energy? I know you do! How good does it feel when you donate those “just in case” clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in 5 years? In my experience anytime I release something that no longer serves my highest good, something amazing always falls onto my path!! I’m certain you have heard how clutter in your physical environment is a big distraction and a huge energy drain! Not fun! The cool thing is it doesn’t stop there. There are loads of simple things you can do to increase the energy of your space and things you can carry on your person to keep your energy up and to protect you from getting side lined by the things and people in your personal space! Today’s Divine Downloads guest, Michael Malherek is going to give you all the deets on how to do this!  Michael’s background in design and healing brings a powerful combo of healing and art to bring you this transformational insight. Grab your earbuds and prepa

  • Ep. 53-Healing Through The Power of Vulnerability And Authenticity With Psychologist Melissa Berg

    31/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    In today’s Divine Download’s podcast episode we are breaking down all the things that many people experience and don’t often express out loud: fear, worry, anxiety, keeping up with the jones’s, worthiness, the busyness badge of honor, resistance, feeling the feels, and allowing the art of surrender to heal fully.  Melissa Berg is a dear friend and school psychologist and has a lot to say about what happens when you are afraid to be your authentic self and the liberation that comes from stepping back and allowing yourself to become the most authentic version of yourself.  Tune in to hear simple tips to keep you well, inside and out and how to BE TRUE to yourself along with a juicy guided meditation. Melissa is a licensed school psychologist and multi-passionate wellness advocate with a deep devotion for empowering women who are wanting to create a lifelong healthy lifestyle. She founded Melissa Berg Wellness to share her journey and inspire others to focus on living their most healthiest self. Her mi

  • Ep. 52-Empowering and Protecting Nurses In Business & At The Bedside With Nurse Attorney, Lorie A. Brown

    24/01/2020 Duration: 30min

    How many nurse attorneys do you know? I only know one and I have been intrigued by today's Divine Download's guest from the moment I met her. Lorie Brown is a nurse attorney and brings a vast knowledge to her work as a protector of nurses with a huge heaping of practical tools to help nurses transcend the lack mindset to one of infinite possibility. Lorie is a champion of nurses and has a heart for nurses. Today's episode will leave you inspired, empowered, and may even cause you to take action on that next step of starting a business or taking your business to the next level! Tune in to hear Lorie's Divine Download. You're going to want to write it down, it's so GOOD! My favorite takeaways from Lorie's pearls of wisdom: Nurses are the queens of workarounds Nurses are great business owners because they have the foundational skills If you build your business using your intuition, you will go much farther If you have an idea, the Universe wants speed. If you don't execute on it, someone else will Are yo

  • Ep. 51- Expanding Consciousness in Healthcare One Nurse At A Time With The One And Only, YogaNurse® Founder, Annette Tersigni

    17/01/2020 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever been out sick from work and searched the Google machine to see what creative ways you could find to change up your nursing career? I sure have! In fact, that is exactly how I met today’s Divine Downloads guest, Annette Tersigni Today’s episode is a soul session for certain. Annette Tersigni is true wellness crusader and is helping nurses wake up to attune to the best station for the union of mind, body, spirit and is creating a global army of modern nightingales in the process. Annette is a second career nurse and has so beautifully created a model that allows nurses to care for themselves with ease and take that and share it with the world through the “Sacred Remedy” and the YogaNurse® model. What she has created has never been done before. Tune in to see why there has never been a cooler time than now to be a nurse! My favorite Annette pearls of wisdom: Nurses are ministers and witnesses to suffering The practice of centering is where we always begin If you are ready to beco

  • Ep. 50- Celebrating What's Possible for Nurses in 2020, The Year of the Nurse and Midwife with Nurse-Midwife & Life Coach Ann Konkoly

    10/01/2020 Duration: 48min

    Today’s Divine Downloads is a candid and healing conversation abound what it means to be a nurse midwife and human on this life journey for Ann Konkoly. You will learn how one patient interaction and MBA class changed the trajectory of her life. Nurses bring a certain level of humanity to the care of the soul and I believe this episode is a perfect example of that. I believe a wonderful way to honor nurses for The Year of the Nurse and Midwife is to share their stories. Nurses have treasure troves of stories-how a patient impacted their own lives as much as they influenced a patient’s life. When nurses share their stories, they heal as do those who listen to the stories. Grab your earbuds and some writing utensils, you’re going to want to capture some of the wisdom and magic on paper!!! Tune in to find out Ann’s best tips for how to manage what you can’t control. This episode is like a big hug with a permission slip to go ahead and follow your passion and that it is always ok to change your mind! An

  • Ep. 49-The Top 29 Divine Downloads That Your Soul Wants You To Know in 2020 with Lisbeth Overton

    03/01/2020 Duration: 14min

    Today's Divine Downloads episode is me riffing on what I know to be true, it's kinda like Oprah's, "What I Know For Sure". In today's episode I share simple truths that have helped me transform my life. I call them Divine Downloads.  A Divine Download is wisdom, information, and insight that comes to you when you are in a receptive state (mind, body, and spirit) that changes you from the inside out. You aren't the same human once you receive this wisdom. You put your pants on differently. You show up differently. You have more confidence and trust in who you are and your life aligns with your values.  I believe this wisdom comes from your soul aka your spirit or higher self. This is the version of you with the 10,000 foot view that is all loving, all knowing, void of ego, shame, and fear. This version of yourself always sees the BIG picture and is the perfect way to guide you on your journey!  Your soul's #1 job is to groom you to carry out your mission. Your mission is the reason you are here.

  • Ep. 48- How Jeri Schulz, MSN Took her Knowledge and Love of Natural Medicine and Caring for Patients And Created Tulip Tree CBD, A Successful CBD Business That Mets A Gap In The Marketplace

    27/12/2019 Duration: 49min

    Chances are you have either heard of the booming hemp market and/or you may be dabbling in it yourself in an effort to relieve pain, insomnia, and/or anxiety. As with anything else that you plan to ingest, it’s always a good idea to do your due diligence to ensure quality and safety of the product. If you are a nurse, you need to be sure that you are not using products with THC that would cause you to test positive on a drug screen. I thought I knew quite a bit about CBD and the things to pay attention to and boy was I wrong! CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of the chemical compounds found in hemp plants. Today’s Divine Downloads podcast guest, Jeri Schulz is a wealth of knowledge on CBD and will teach you everything you need to know to provide a safe and therapeutic experience with this product.  CBD is not for everyone and it’s not a one size fits all situation. This episode is a testament to the fact that only a nurse could identify the gap in the marketplace regarding ad

  • Ep. 47- A Master of her Craft, Dr. Candy Campbell, The Innovation Nurse, Takes us Behind the Curtain on Blending Art and Science for Positive System Change

    20/12/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Today's Divine Downloads podcast is an extraordinary example of what one can do if they are curious and are willing to put in the work to fulfill their mission. Dr. Candy Campbell does it all. She has produced an award winning documentary and has been channeling Florence Nightingale, the Founder of Modern Nursing in her solo show for years and receiving rave reviews. She masterfully blends her improv and nursing expertise to provide interactive seminars and workshops that increase communication and build teamwork in healthcare. I can think of no better way to honor Florence Nightingale’s Bicentennial Birthday next May than a tour in Paris & London with Dr. Candy Campbell! Tune in to hear how in the world Dr. Campbell has been able to blend her acting with nursing to educate, inspire, and show us what's possible when you say yes to your passions. This episode is filled with so many delightful stories and insights. One of my favorites is the day Candy had the aha to become a nurse t

  • Ep. 46- How to Cultivate Fulfillment and Lead from your Zone of Genius with The Innate Coach, Traci Philips

    13/12/2019 Duration: 49min

    Why is that a person can check off every marker of success and remain completely unfulfilled?  What is the difference between your zone of excellence and your zone of genius? Tune in to today’s Divine Downloads podcast with The Innate Coach, Traci Philips to find out! You will walk away with tools and a big dose of inspiration on how to begin to take radical responsibility for your life using The Empowerment Dynamic™ taught by the grandfather of leadership, David Emerald. My favorite takeaways from our conversation: Your supports are right under your nose-we tend to look for what we don’t have Supports aren’t always the way you want them to be, but they are what you need them to be The path to fulfillment is to live and lead from your Zone of Genius Every person plays an important role and an effective leader needs to know who they are and how they want to show up Learn more about Traci at www.theinnatecoach.com and follow her on: Facebook: www.facebook.com/TraciPhilipsTheInna

  • Ep 45.-How A Missed Opportunity & One Patient Interaction was the Catalyst for Nurse Inventor, Brian Mohika to create Cath Wear, a Medical Device Company that is Changing the Lives of Patients

    06/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    Today’s episode of Divine Downloads is one of true grit, compassion, and dedication to truly serving patients.  Tune in to hear how registered nurse, Brian Mohika used a missed opportunity to become the catalyst for him to receive and carry out the vision of Cath Wear, a Medical Device Company that is Changing the Lives of Patients who have leg bags. Brian was an interventional x-ray tech before he became a nurse. He decided to become a nurse after witnessing how intimately nurses worked with patients and their families. He wanted to cultivate those types of relationships and went on to create a product that is changing the livelihood of patients that have leg bags. Today’s show is another reminder that where you start out is not necessarily where will you land and if you are willing to do the work and NEVER give up, anything is possible. My favorite takeaways from today’s show: Only a nurse could create a product like this. Nurses have intimate relationships with patients and

  • Ep. 44-Teaching Nurses the Art of Receiving through Nurse Retreats and Living into our Purpose with our Words and Beliefs with Board Certified Nurse and E-myth Coach Mary Turner

    30/11/2019 Duration: 43min

    Today's Divine Downloads guest, Mary Turner is a registered nurse on a mission to empower nurses with holistic healing tools so they may create lives of purpose and come to understand that receiving is just as important as giving. Mary believes that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. If you are a nurse and it’s hard for you to take time for yourself, I highly encourage you to give yourself permission to carve out 45 minutes to tune in to listen to what Mary has to say about this very important topic and how it may save your life! Tune in to find out why Mary has first hand experience of nearly "working herself to death” and how she came out on the other side. Mary is the CEO of Therapeutic Professionals, a healthcare education training and wellness company, focusing on Revitalizing the Mind, Body, and Spirit. My favorite takeaways from today’s sh

  • Ep. 43-How Emotionally Fit are YOU and is ANGER playing a role in your life or relationships with Best Selling Author and Stress & Anger Management Institute CEO, Anutza Bellissimo

    22/11/2019 Duration: 45min

    Do you know the 3 dynamics at play in one’s ability to manage anger? Are you emotionally fit and how does that play out for you in your life, work, and relationships? Lord knows there is no shortage of mis-managed anger and excessive amounts of chronic stress in the health care arena. The good news is that when you are well informed and possess skills like resilience and great interpersonal skills you will fare far better than most and you can prevent the negative impacts of chronic stress and anger in your own life. Tune into today’s Divine Download’s podcast episode to get the skinny on being emotionally fit and less angry with the lovely, Anutza Bellisimo, CEO and Founder of the Stress & Anger Management Institute To connect with Anutza, check out: thesamigroup.com 888-241-1167 https://www.linkedin.com/in/anutzabellissimo/ https://www.instagram.com/thesamigroup/ https://www.facebook.com/AnutzaGoldBellissimo #performance #emotionalintelligence #stressed #stress #emotionalhealth #anger #resilience #

  • Ep. 42- Mastering the NCLEX © and rocking strategies for nursing success with Master’s Prepared Nurse, Damion Jenkins, lead creator at The Nurse Speak

    15/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    Today’s Divine Downloads podcast with Damion Jenkins is going to have you cheering from the stands! Damion’s journey exemplifies that what you put your mind to, you can achieve, as long as you have the right tools and support. Damion is a 2nd career nurse and has used his struggles along the way to support nurses excel in passing the NCLEX © and setting nurses up for success throughout their careers. Damion Keith Jenkins is a Masters Prepared Registered Nurse, NCLEX Prep Expert, Nurse Content Writer, Educational Consultant and he has a real passion for nursing education! Damion is the owner and operator of The Nurse Speak, LLC. – a nursing education and consulting company & blog. He specializes in providing individualized NCLEX Prep tutoring services for new graduate nurses - especially those who have experienced unsuccessful attempts. Damion's mission is to increase the number of nurses entering into profession by helping them to develop strategies for NCLEX success! Damion has helped hundreds

  • Ep. 41- How Registered Nurses Joey Ferry and Taofiki Gafar-Schaner are disrupting the status quo for providing safe patient care with their Invention, Safe Seizure Pads

    08/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. — Norman Vincent Poole Today’s Divine Downloads podcast is the quintessential example of Nursing Innovation, Science, Creativity, and why innovation begins at the bedside. Nurses are in a powerful position to be able to change the trajectory of patient care, satisfaction, and outcomes. Tune in to today's episode to see how. If you are a nurse working at the bedside and you know that work arounds are queues for improvement, THIS is the Divine Downloads podcast that will INSPIRE you til’ the cows come home. Tune in to see how a serendipitous conversation between two nurses evolved into a business, a product, a boon for patient safety, and a huge win for nurses. My favorite takeaways: Innovation begins at the bedside Workarounds are queues for improvement Share your idea with one other person, see if it’s viable Always ask questions If your hospital wants info on Safe Seizure Pads, email us@frontierhealthreso

  • Ep. 40-The power of Nursing Certifications and how to become a successful Flight Nurse with Skydiver, Flight nurse, and Author, Robert Harris, BSN

    01/11/2019 Duration: 47min

    Are you a thrill seeker with a deep desire to help people? Without a doubt, today's Divine Download's podcast guest Robert Harris is all that and more.  Robert has been able to match his passions with his nursing expertise in Emergency/Transport Medicine to bring you the tips and tricks on how to become a successful flight nurse in his first book, "The Flight Nurse Bible: A Field Guide To Awesomeness" Life has afforded Robert many lessons and wisdom he shares in this interview:  Certifications get you invited. Never apologize for being qualified. Your humility should shine through. Practice the "Slow Roll"- be aware of your voice tone and speed and take a breath He has more energy than you can shake a stick at and holds 7 nursing certifications. Grab your earbuds and prepare to be inspired! To connect with Robert and to purchase his book, check out:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-p-harris-rn/ Robert P. Harris RN BSN CFRN CTRN TCRN CEN CPEN C-NPT CCRN RPHARRISRN@yahoo.com|619-618-5339 The F

  • Ep. 39- How to Boost your Happy Hormones, Transform Your Sleep, and Sleep Like a Boss with Sleep Solutions Expert and Registered Nurse, Joselyne John

    25/10/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    I know I know. Sleeping is just another thing "to do" on your list. Like food, I believe sleep is sacred and I have not always had an easy time with sleep. I have never been one to nap and I have so much energy and my mind tends to go into overdrive when my head hits the pillow! Can you relate?  Here's the rub on sleep, sleep deprivation is a problem and prolonged sleep problems can lead to negative health consequences. The QUALITY of sleep matters. How does yours measure up? I know if you are a nurse, you can appreciate the sleep struggle; especially if you work alternating shifts. Trying to get the circadian rhythm to function when when your days and nights are backwards can be a challenge to put it mildly!  In today's episode of Divine Downloads you are in for a real treat on how to take a different approach to your sleep. Today's guest, Joselyn John knows that Sleep is Health and she knows well. She had a bit of a crisis that was the catalyst for her to literally wake up and really start to expl

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