Make America Garett Again



You've found it! The Make America Garett Again Podcast is your home for politics, current events, and the debates that dominate your Facebook feed. We'll provide a firm understanding and a unique perspective on the issues of the day, and you'll learn to spot the hidden agendas behind everyday political discussions.Subscribe, listen, and become the smartest person at the watercooler!


  • BONUS: Pelosi's Plans & Impeachment Myths

    19/12/2019 Duration: 23min

    Christmas came early! We're releasing TWO episodes in one day!I promised I wouldn't have anything else to say about impeachment. But that was before Nancy Pelosi pulled an impressive power play after the House's vote last night.Why is she waiting to hand the reins over the to the Senate? Find out here!But first, I'll give a quick summary of Kris Anne Hall's top 4 impeachment myths.Thanks for coming back! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • "Good" Laws Gone Bad - Animal Cruelty & Medical Price Transparency

    19/12/2019 Duration: 46min

    CORRECTION: "I, Pencil" was written by Leonard Read. I'll link to it in the notes below.Welcome back!This one was recorded in the car and there was a little more background noise than usual, but this episode is still chock full of great content.Today's episode focuses on two laws everyone can get behind: Trump's executive order for clear medical prices, and a new federal law against animal cruelty.Even Trump's fiercest critics remained silent as he signed these into law. But are these laws really as "good" as they seem?We'll explain how transparent pricing will only make our healthcare system an even BIGGER mess, and discuss some ways that it could really be improved.Then we'll talk about the federal animal cruelty law, and how it is set up to be a breeding ground for corruption.Available now on all major podcast platforms. Subscribe now!

  • Throwback Thanksgiving: The Kaepernick Controversy

    28/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    Happy Thanksgiving! This podcast never shies from controversy, and this episode drags up an old one because we're not finished with it yet.Everyone has an opinion on Colin Kaepernick and his protests. But all of those opinions leave a little something to be desired.What's really at play here? Why did he push all the right buttons, and was he right to do it?We'll break it all down on this episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Sandy Hook Parents Can Sue Gun Manufacturer

    19/11/2019 Duration: 15min

    Last week, the US Supreme Court denied Remington's request to block victims' parents from suing them for the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.Progressives are thrilled and conservatives are outraged.Everyone on your Facebook feed is getting this one wrong.But with just 15 minutes, we'll cover everything you need to know about the lawsuit, this decision, and the reasoning behind it. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Thank God for the Deep State

    06/11/2019 Duration: 22min

    The world received big news today as Project Veritas dropped a devastating bombshell on the corporate media's coverage of Jeffrey Epstein. What does it mean? Why does it matter? And how does conflict actually prevent corruption?Then we'll talk about the Deep State. If we released this podcast 5 years ago, they'd call us conspiracy theorists. But now, a former CIA director says we're simply being ungrateful.What are you waiting for? Subscribe and download now! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Andrew Yang & the UBI

    24/10/2019 Duration: 32min

    We're back for another episode of the Make America Garett Again Podcast!We'll start today's episode by talking about the "Russian assets" who have driven Hillary Clinton further into madness, and why this highlights a key flaw in the way citizens treat democracy.Then we move on to presidential candidate Andrew Yang. We'll take a quick look at his brilliant campaign strategy, and we'll go through the pros & cons of the Universal Basic Income he's hoping to bring to the U.S.There's so much you can learn in today's episode. Don't miss it! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Impeach 45 - A Summary

    16/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    Welcome back for another episode! Be sure to catch the announcement at the beginning of the episode.Then we'll talk about the origins of the calls for Trump's impeachment and the twists and turns that have taken us to the latest scandal with the president of Ukraine.You'll also learn which disaster evasion technique the impeachment Democrats are borrowing from 45 himself. Subscribe and listen now! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • My Interview on "Call Me Ignorant"

    16/09/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    Welcome back! A few weeks ago, I was thrilled to speak with Stephen Ignoramous on his show, "Call Me Ignorant."We had a great time talking about my political roots, persuasion, Trump, debt, nationalism, and more.Enjoy the interview, and check out his show links as well as the books we mentioned below!Call Me Ignorant - Youtube Me Ignorant - Adams - Win Bigly Adams - How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Addendum: Jeffrey Epstein: The Saga

    03/09/2019 Duration: 02min

    I didn't want to post episode 10 without addressing the speculations that Donald Trump and/or the Clinton family may have been responsible for Epstein's untimely death.Here's why those theories don't hold water, and I'll offer another possible explanation I forgot to add in the published episode.Thanks for listening! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Jeffrey Epstein: The Saga

    03/09/2019 Duration: 50min

    You've heard plenty about Jeffrey Epstein's death over the past few weeks, but what about his life? How did he become the figure he was? How does a young math teacher turn into a world-famous multimillionaire with ominous ties to leaders all over the world?And more importantly, who was responsible for his death? We'll discuss all these questions in this episode! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Dismantling Democrat Economics

    05/08/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Today's show begins with a short word about the two mass shootings in Ohio and El Paso this weekend.Moving on, we're covering only the important highlights of the latest Democratic debates. Who moved forward? Who moved back? Why is Tulsi Gabbard suing Google? And what does this all mean moving forward into 2020?And finally, the title segment. The Democratic candidates are all proposing some pretty expensive projects: Medicare for all. Student loan forgiveness. Reparations.I'll explain how they plan to pay for them and the unintended side effects that are part of the package.

  • The Squad, the POTUS, and the Laws of Power

    22/07/2019 Duration: 45min

    Drama, drama, drama. The news has been full of it over the past few weeks.Two stories in particular have dominated the headlines; I'll tell you why they don't matter.Then, Donald Trump has been chastised for his latest Twitter comments toward "The Squad" last week. But who's the real winner here?And finally, the Democratic candidates are readying for another debate. What can you expect? Who should we be watching?Find out here on the Make America Garett Again Podcast! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Why War Won't Stop

    08/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    Trump has decided to hit Iran with more sanctions as tensions continue to rise between the two countries. But what do sanctions really accomplish?And you'll see dollar signs galore as we take a look at some of the numbers from our nation's biggest arms producers. Why do politicians love war? It's all about the cash. VOSS BOOK LINK VOSS SUMMARY LINK See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • They're Making Me Do This

    24/06/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    I didn't want to do this first segment, but they forced my hand.Then: Remember the school resource officer who hid in his office while a gunman killed 17 students? Now he's facing charges for his cowardice. But will it stick? We'll discuss the 1981 case that set the precedent for events like this.Britain's NHS is facing a serious shortage of doctors, but why? And why are they forcing a 22-year-old expectant mother to have an abortion against her will?Finally, we'll wrap it up with a summary of our ongoing tensions with Iran, and I'll include a rumor that you definitely won't hear from the corporate media.This is the most info-packed episode yet. Don't miss it!

  • How Trump's Tariffs Will Break Your Windows

    10/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    In today's episode, I've got some important updates about Julian Assange and a federal court case involving Trump's wall.We'll also cover the latest social media bans and what really motivates these tech giants to ban people they don't like. (Spoiler alert: It's not just about politics.)Finally, as we inch closer to a trade war with China, Trump continues to threaten more tariffs to correct the trade deficit. Are tariffs a small price to pay for a big boost to our economy?Get these answers and more when you press play! See

  • Is Alabama's Abortion Law Missing the Point?

    28/05/2019 Duration: 45min

    Abortion. Religion. Racism.In this week's episode, we tackle all the topics you're not supposed to talk about.How could Alabama REALLY shake the abortion debate up if they wanted to?Does Trump want war with Iran or not?What did Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar say to get Republicans so excited?Get answers to these questions and more when you click the "play" button!Alabama abortion law Omar

  • 3 - Is the Julian Assange story already over?

    13/05/2019 Duration: 42min

    Julian Assange was finally arrested last month. But why? What events led to this? How is Wikileaks different from standard journalism?And most importantly: What lies ahead for Julian Assange?We'll answer these questions and more in episode 3. Subscribe and press play! See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 2 - Why is the US at war in Yemen?

    29/04/2019 Duration: 51min

    Welcome back for episode 2! US armed forces have been in Yemen for nearly half a decade, and most of your friends have no idea why.In this episode, we'll take Yemen's civil war and all the characters surrounding it, and we'll put it into context that's easy to understand. By the end of this podcast, you'll understand more about the US's relationships in the Middle East than anybody you know. Listen and subscribe now!Dick Cheney - “So?” See

  • 1 - The Official First Episode

    15/04/2019 Duration: 46min

    Congratulations; you just found your new favorite podcast. On this first official episode, we'll discuss the real reason Jussie Smollett's charges were dropped, and we'll compare him to another colorful character who wasn't so fortunate.Then, is Facebook really asking to be regulated?And finally, we'll analyze Trump's trolling of the border crisis.Subscribe and listen now!Jussie Smollett Adams regulations

  • 0.4 - Why are there so many mass shootings today?

    25/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    Welcome back for test episode 4! We'll start by asking “Why are there so many mass shootings today?” and talk about a philosopher who warned us in the 1970’s that more violence was coming.After that, we've got to “hand” it to Donald Trump for his clever attacks on a 2020 presidential candidate.It also appears that Trump is changing his mind on a trade war with China. Is this an ominous warning for the economic times ahead?Get answers to these questions and more when you press play! See for privacy and opt-out information.

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