Shattered Conception



Shattered Conception is an important resource for women who are navigating their way through unfathomable grief after losing a much wanted pregnancy or baby. This podcast offers strategies for relief from the profound emotional pain of grief and trauma of infertility, birth trauma, postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, miscarriage(es), terminations, late pregnancy loss, stillbirth and infant death. Additionally it is a podcast for wellness and finding ways to incorporate different healing modalities to create ways of supporting the mind, body and spirit into a softer way of living. This podcast is hosted by Dr. Ivy Love Margulies, a licensed clinical psychologist, death midwife (aka bereavement doula), Reiki healer, mindfulness teacher, ritual facilitator and licensed funeral director. If you are looking for emotional support, information on trauma and normalization of your grieving experience, this show is a needed tool for your emotional tool box!


  • 3. Mindfulness in the Therapeutic Process with Elizabeth Winkler, MFT

    10/02/2019 Duration: 50min

    Elizabeth Winkler, MFT incorporates mindfulness and meditation in her therapy work to help accelerate her client’s productivity, personal growth, ability to create better personal relationships and deepening the therapeutic process exponentially. Elizabeth calls mindfulness the “bullet train to freedom.” She works in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles with individuals, couples and families. Two years ago Elizabeth founded and created a mindfulness process called “Heart Surgery”. She has taught the Heart Surgery process to many children around the nation, and recently brought Heart Surgery to Sierra Leone, Africa for Tiffany Person’s nonprofit organization, Shine On Sierra Leone. Additionally, Elizabeth has provided therapy on BRAVO and OWN Oprah’s Network, and is a featured blogger on Laura Wasser’s divorce platform, IT’s Over Easy, and has brought her mindfulness teachings into classrooms, homes, to athletes across the country, mothers, children. Elizabeth shares her struggle with her own postpartum experiences a

  • 2. Sound Frequencies as "Medicine" with Elizabeth Krasnoff, M.A.

    28/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    Elizabeth W. Szatmari-Krasnoff, MA is currently in the Ph.D. program of Transformative Studies with a focus in Consciousness Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her current inquiry is to study the effect of sound on self-regulation of the autonomic nervous system. She is a certified Energy Healer through the Academy of Intuition Medicine Master Certification Program (MIM), and has a Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate from the Globe Institute. Additionally, she completed her training with the Heartmath Institute. Her masters degree is in Depth Psychology and Mythology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute. She was diagnosed at a young age with 50% hearing loss and has experienced the grief of two miscarriages after the birth of her son.   Elizabeth has found music and sound frequencies incredibly healing emotionally, physically and spiritually. She calls music the "language of consciousness". Music, sound, thoughts and emotion are processed in the same part of our brain - by using music

  • 1. The Healing Benefits of Hypnotherapy with Amy Budden, C.Ht.

    28/01/2019 Duration: 44min

    Amy Budden is the founder of Connect The Mind ( and a certified hypnotherapist and meditation teacher. Amy uses scientifically validated techniques based in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), along with music, sound and light frequencies, to effortlessly train the brain to relax the body and reset the nervous system. Her particular way of incorporating music and hypnotherapy heals the body and the mind to achieve greater states of heart coherence and positive emotions.   Amy's technique is known as the "magic nap" because she teaches a meditation state that is a deep dive without much effort. She also shares her personal story using meditation to help her cope with the devastating experience of having 8 miscarriages before her youngest daughter was born. She is an invaluable resource for women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and helping to improve egg quality and implantation results. Currently, she has several clients over the age of 45 using their own eggs for IVF!

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