#nailedit With Tova & Mike



Writer and Vlogger Tova Leigh exploits her husband Mike and forces him into no hold barred conversations about love, marriage, parenting and sex with the promise of actually cooking dinner.


  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 7 - Women's Month interview with Jacqueline Gold

    03/03/2021 Duration: 33min

    This week in Till Death Do Us Pod we kicked off International Women's Day MONTH (we are basically doing a whole month about extraordinary women from different works of life and industries) with the incredible Jacqueline Gold, CEO of Ann Summers. Her story is so inspiring, from how she started off in the business, the challenges she had to overcome being a female in a male dominated industry and how her journey has impacted her as a mother. I can't even tell you how excited I was talking to her and how lovely she was. She does so much to promote women in leadership and empower a new generation of female CEOs, she is honestly the  definition of 'girl power'. Funny how her chain is mentioned in my book (didn't get a chance to even tell her this story because I was too excited) - and was one of the first places I went to when I had my sexual awakening in my 40's. I hope you loved this episode as much as we did! More amazing women to come in the next few weeks... if you haven't subscribed to the pod yet make sure

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 6 - Melissa Lucarelli, Married at First Sight Australia

    23/02/2021 Duration: 54min

    This week we interviewed the lovely Melissa Lucarelli from season 6 of Married At First Sight Australia! As you know, I was not a big fan of this series when it first aired, but Mike and I carried on watching and Mel soon became our favorite contestant with her realness, big persona and infectious laugh. In this episode we asked her everything you want to know - is the show scripted? Were the weddings real? Were the flats sets or people's actual homes and so much more. We also talked about her "role" in the show and how the women were portrayed compared to the men. For me personally this was a major issue I had with the show - the women were portrayed as over the top, manic, and unstable, whereas the men were portrayed as poor little victims. It was interesting to hear her thoughts on this as someone who was part of the experiment itself. I also think that not many people who do reality TV come out on the other side as well as Mel did. Not only did her true colors shine through on screen, it was nice to see s

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode - Life, Lockdown & The Chinese New Year

    16/02/2021 Duration: 24min

    Life in lockdown doesn’t have to be dreary, I have started planning some activities so that we have some things to look forward to in our house. It has seriously changed how I feel about everything so be sure to listen to the full episode to hear what I have planned. We have also been learning about Chinese New Year in homeschooling, well, when I say ‘we’, I mean ‘Mike’. It is quite interesting so we decided to talk to an expert to find out more;  we chatted to Karen Wang from the Confucius Institute and it was all quite enlightening.

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 5 - Dating Disasters with Christian Hull

    09/02/2021 Duration: 45min

    In this week’s episode we hooked up with Australian Comedian, Christian Hull, to talk about Dating Disasters – our unique take on a Valentine’s Special. And because Christian is Australian we had to kick off with a chat about Married At First Sight for a bit of local scoop! So back to Dating Disasters, we revealed some of our own experiences – which are hilarious – as well as a few that you guys sent in. Have a listen and tell me more of your dating disasters, there are so many fantastically ridiculous stories out there.

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 3 - 2021 Sex Trends with Dr Jess

    26/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    In this episode we are diving into the 2021 Sex Trends. Yes, people are still having sex. With the coronavirus pandemic raging on, life as we know it has changed drastically. The lockdown crisis has caused a number of challenges for people, especially when it comes to dating, relationships and sex. So seriously, who better to talk to than Dr Jess, the renowned Sexologist and Relationship Expert. Dr Jess offers loads of fun online courses too, go to www.sexwithdrjess.com to have a look at what she offers.

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 2 - Dry January for the win

    19/01/2021 Duration: 41min

    So Mike and I have been participating in Dry January, this decision was made before the UK went into lockdown and homeschooling became a terrifying reality (again!!! Thanks 2021). It has admittedly been harder than we anticipated but we can both feel the difference and it’s a good one. We did find two fab non-alcoholic solutions and in this episode we chat to spokespeople from both companies and we did a live tasting too. You want to know more right? Sarah from Sea Arch Drinks tells us more about their non-alcoholic gin and then we spoke to Dash from Three Spirit Drinks – these are very interesting plant-based concoctions which provide an actual buzz. Enjoy!

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 1 - Lazy New Year's Resolutions

    12/01/2021 Duration: 34min

    Every year people set New Year’s Resolutions, often they are completely unrealistic and forgotten about by the time February rolls in. So in this week’s episode of Till Death Do Us Pod we are looking at Lazy New Year’s Resolutions. We are not going to try to learn 25 different languages, 15 new job skills, and eliminate 5 bad habits, we are not superheroes. We have found two easy solutions to help you lose weight and look younger. We spoke to Johannes from Clearlight Saunas about the Infrared sauna that can help you lose weight, couldn’t be lazier right?? And then we spoke to Danielle Collins about a simple face yoga routine which will make your skin smoother and firmer.

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 22 - The Christmas Special

    15/12/2020 Duration: 26min

    Christmas is one of the jolliest times of the year, and even though it may look different this year, we can still have fun and have a laugh. In Our 2020 Christmas Special we have a look at some fab (maybe silly) gifts, ridiculous one-liners, the best movies to watch and the 2020 Christmas songs. Whatever you are planning for this festive season, we hope that you have an amazingly happy time with your loved ones x Much love, Tova and Mike

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 21 - 2020 Review

    08/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    2020 has been like one big story after another and then the corona virus and lockdown hit. It has been so all-consuming that it is like nothing happened this year other than day drinking, homeschooling and eating our feelings…which is a more tactful way of saying ‘getting fat’. This has been dubbed a ‘CoronaCoaster’ of a year! So here we are looking at all the different things that happened in 2020, including our favourite movies and programmes for the year. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 20 - Happiness & our interview with The Happiness Guy, Gordon McCrorie

    01/12/2020 Duration: 36min

    2020 has been a struggle, a bit shite really. The feelings of uncertainty are impacting our general mental health and happiness. I spoke about how I have been feeling so down and lots of you sent me DM’s to say that you are also struggling so we have decided to dedicate an episode to the topic of Happiness; what can we to that will make life feel better, what can we implement today to lift our mood, is self-care really that important? We answer all of this and more in our interview with The Happiness Guy, Gordon McCrorie. The topic is more serious than our normal podcasts but we felt that it is an important one to dedicate some time to.

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 19 - Our interview with Emma Sayle, CEO of Killing Kittens

    24/11/2020 Duration: 34min

    We have another great interview for you! This week we speak to CEO, wife, mother, liberator and feminist, Emma Sayle. Emma is most well known for being one of the UK's leading 'sex entrepreneurs' as she made her name launching the female empowerment brand, Killing Kittens. Believing that female empowerment goes from the Bedroom to the Boardroom, Emma is CEO of KK Group which comprises of Killing Kittens (exclusive parties, where people can explore their sexuality in a daring yet safe and controlled way), SafeDate (An app to help protect online daters), The Sisterhood (A philanthropic division that raises money for female charities through extreme sports and challenges) and the newly launched SISTR (online networking platform for women in business). 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 18 - Parenting Hacks & a chat with Renee from The Mom Room Podcast

    17/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    Parenting is a challenge; keeping your kids alive, fed and entertained while maintaining your sanity is a tough job. We have put together a list of some amazing parenting hacks and tips, we seriously wish we had know about some of these a few years ago. We also interviewed Renee from The Mom Room Podcast about TikTok, parenting, trolls and being a stay at home mom with a Phd. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S4 Episode 18 - Parenting Hacks & Interview with Renee from The Mom Room Podcast

    17/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    Parenting is a challenge, keeping your kids alive, fed and entertained while maintaining your sanity is a tough job. We have put together a list of some amazing parenting hacks and tips, we seriously wish that we had known about some of these years ago when our girls were still little. We also interviewed Renee from The Mom Room Podcast about TikTok, parenting, trolls and being a stay at home mom with a Phd. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 17 - A Decade of Trends

    10/11/2020 Duration: 16min

    We can all agree that 2020 has been a weird year and you probably think that this has been the strangest time of your life. Whilst we agree with you on that, we also wanted to dig up some throwbacks, some of the ridiculous challenges and trends from the past decade. So 2020 might have been a really weird one but there actually have been some crazy, silly and odd things from the past that can make us feel better about this year. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 16 - Our interview with Georgina Horne, a.k.a FullerBustFullerFigure

    03/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    In this week's episode of Till Death Do Us Pod we interviewed the lovely and hilarious Georgina Horne, a.k.a George or FullerBust FullerFigure. George describes herself as a "UK dress-loving, plus sized, big boobed, lingerie obsessed, bra fitting enthusiast who hates body snark". We chatted to her about being a blogger, body image, confidence and social media trolls. you guys are often asking me about confidence and how to feel more confident so this would be a great one for you to listen to. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 15 - Things we argue about

    27/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    When you are in a relationship, it is a given that you are going to fight. Some people fight over the funniest things like whose sofa is whose or stealing each other's chocolates and left overs. There are the more serious things we fight about like sex, money and kids - and some of these arguments happen in your head and the other person isn't even aware of it all. There are also some hilarious things that we bitch at each other about; which way is the right way to put on a toilet roll? Is it acceptable to put pineapple on pizza? Who gets to control the TV remote? 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 14 - Menopause. A fact of life.

    20/10/2020 Duration: 50min

    If you are a women then menopause is a fact or life, generally preceded by perimenopause. Bleh. Things in your body start to change from hot flushes to general crankiness and fatigue. It is such a big part of being a woman but we don't talk about it enough, the only symptom that gets any talk time are the hot flushes but there is so much more you need to know and be prepared for. In this episode we talk to Dr. Philippa Kaye about the medical side of it all and then we also chatted tp Kaye Adams on the launch of her menopause-inspired book, Still Hot. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 13 - What is Middle Age

    13/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    What is middle age? Some say it is that stage between 45-65 years of age, others think it is when you start forgetting people's names, forgetting why you walked into a room and start developing new-found enthusiasm for garden centres and the idea of a cruise. I'm  turning 45 and I am sure that Mike has been middle aged for at least 30 years, so here we are checking all the 'symptoms' of middle age to make sure we definitely qualify. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 12 - Working with family

    06/10/2020 Duration: 28min

    Mike and I have recently started working together! I shared this news on Instagram and received loads of hilarious, and horrified, responses from everyone so we thought we would do a podcast about this topic since there are so many other couples who are in the same situation as us - or have been in the past. We have researched tips on how to run a business together without getting divorced, going broke or killing each other. 

  • Till Death Do Us Pod - S3 Episode 11 - Food for Thought

    29/09/2020 Duration: 25min

    So today's episode is sponsored by DigestLive so we thought it would be fitting to have food-themed content. We have looked at some of the world's most expensive meals as well as some of the strangest delicacies. If you have ever wondered how much the world's most expensive burger costs or wanted to know more about Sardinia's maggot cheese then this episode is for you!

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