For years, the idea of making the world more beautiful has inspired me. My journey to learn what it means to create a more beautiful world led me to realize there are two ways to add beauty to the world; making a difference in the outer world and making a difference inside ourselves. If the idea of causing more love and beauty in your heart and in the world inspires you, I'm happy you're here. I don't have all the answers, but I do dream of living in a world where love permeates everything. I believe that world is possible, no matter how it looks. It starts with us. It starts with love.
Episode 16: What if...Everything is a Gift From the Universe?.mp3
04/06/2019 Duration: 39minCan difficult or even tragic events in life carry a gift in them? What if EVERYTHING is a gift? The recent shooting in Virginia Beach, here in the US, got me thinking about this question. This question just popped in to my head and caused quite a conversation with myself. So, I decided to bring that conversation to all of you. It's not an easy question and it doesn't have an easy answer. But, in even in the face of tragedy, even when we are in the middle of struggles in our own lives, there can be a gift if we have the eyes to see it. Diamonds, one of the most precious jewels on earth, are created by extreme heat and pressure. And, so it is with us. We become those beautiful lights in the world, as we allow the suffering in our lives to purge from us all that no longer serves us. "What is to give light must endure burning." Viktor Frankl It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: Women for Women International Zainab Salbi- TED Talk: Women, War
Episode 15: Heal Yourself, Heal the World
28/05/2019 Duration: 34minWe can't give what we don't have. This episode covers the conversation of how working to heal our own inner stuff is necessary in order for us to bring that healing to the world. One of the biggest ways to bring healing to ourselves is to begin loving and accepting our inner child. That little one that is just longing to be seen by us. We can't be for the world what we can't be for ourselves. World transformation begins with each of us working on our own inner transformation. For further information about healing the inner child, check out my FB Live on accepting and loving the inner child. Healing the Inner Child FB Live I know that working to love and accept my inner child has brought such healing to my life. In the FB Live above, I share exactly how I brought healing to myself by working with my own inner little girl. This work has changed my life. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 3: How to Love Yourself and be Your Own BFF H
Episode 14: When Mother's Day Hurts- A Message of Grace and Love
12/05/2019 Duration: 35minMother's Day isn't always happy for every mother or every child. Unresolved pain lies buried in many hearts and clouds the joy that Mother's Day is meant to bring. Many mothers feel like they have failed their kids and carry guilt, regret, and heartache inside. They feel like they don't deserve flowers and a Happy Mother's Day. For those who have a strained or painful relationship with their own mother, it can be hard to want to celebrate their mother. In all these situations, what is needed most is grace, compassion, and forgiveness. For ourselves as mothers and for our own mothers. In this episode, I share my own biggest mother's heartbreak and the rocky relationship I've had with my own mother. This is a message of grace and love. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele For more goodness, visit Making Everything Beautiful on the Web! Join me LIVE every Thursday at 1pm EST on the Making Everything Beautiful FB Page!! * Intro and Outro song by Tamir Leibovich ❤️
Episode 13: The Big Impact of Little Acts of Kindness
19/03/2019 Duration: 26minEverything is connected. Everything is ultimately energy, including us. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. And, the energies of all things mingles with the energies all things. To put it very simply. You can search google for more scientific explanations, if you choose. I prefer to keep it simple. So basically, what happens in one corner of the world affects the whole world. Everything we think, say, or do has an energy frequency to it and impacts the other energy frequencies around us and ultimately spreads out into the global collective energy that is swirling in, through, and among us all. So, never underestimate the power of all the small moments of kindness and compassion that we share every day in our lives. It all adds up in that collective global energy field. And, the intention is to shift it from one of fear and conflict to one of love and beauty. We never know what someone is going through, and how our act of kindness shifted their day. Our world is held together by the tapestry of kindness
Episode 12: How Do We Respond to Acts of Hate?
15/03/2019 Duration: 15minMy response to the news of the mass shooting in New Zealand today. What can we do in the face of such hate and violence? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had something to say about that: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In times like these, we must choose to be agents of love and instruments of healing. The world is hurting. It doesn't need more hate. It needs us to respond with love and light. To bring hope and compassion. To prove that love really is stronger than hate and light really can chase away the darkness. That there is goodness still alive and well in the world. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commi
Episode 11: How Do We Heal the Conflict That We See Throughout Our World?
13/03/2019 Duration: 42minIt seems as though the world has lost its mind. Everywhere we look, we see conflict. In families, in communities, in nations, and even in ourselves. What is the root cause of all this conflict that we see everywhere in the world? In this episode we will discuss what this is and what needs to be done to shift the current state of our planet. It is imperative that we start taking action to change the current path humanity seems to be on. The future of our race and our planet depends on it. It's up to us to chose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. We must be willing to bring love and healing into the hurting places of the world. And, it starts with us healing the conflict in our own hearts. Bringing loving to the parts of ourselves that are hurting. Then we can bring that healing to the world. Healed hearts, can heal hearts. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: Marie Forleo Interview with Tererai Trent *I'm not an affiliat
Episode 10: Second Chances - Life's Opportunity to Begin Again
05/03/2019 Duration: 33minWe don't always get it right the first time. Sometimes, we don't make the best choice. Even so, there are always things we can learn when we face the consequences of the choices we make. In this episode, I share some of my second chances and how every moment is a chance to begin again. Ultimately, there is no wrong choice. Each choice leads to new discoveries. New lessons about ourselves, about life, about people, about the world. Each moment is a chance to make a new choice, go a new direction, or make a new change in our lives. We are NEVER stuck where we are. "The minute you begin to do what you really want to do, it's really a different kind of life." Buckminster Fuller There are no end to the chances we get to choose again or to start over. Which, is something I am sooo grateful about! May you find as much comfort in that, as I do. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 7: In the Darkness- Living with Uncertainty Episode 8: How
Episode 9: How to Bring Closure to a Situation and Move Forward With Power
26/02/2019 Duration: 34minAre you struggling to move forward because you keep tripping over your past? How we bring closure to the events or situations in our lives impacts our ability to move forward in our lives with power. When we don't complete things in a healthy way, we bring the energy of all those loose ends with us wherever we go. They stay in our mental and emotional space. In this episode, we look at how all the incompletes in our life drain our energy and keep our future filled with past events and situations. We look at how all those things that we never dealt with are tripping us up and keeping us from moving forward. So, how can we clear the space to create something new? We take a look at this question in this episode. Cleaning up and clearing out the incompletions in our lives creates a beautiful, clear space to create new and beautiful things in. It takes courage and bravery to clean some of the really messy incompletes. But, the freedom and clarity gained in the process are, oh, so, worth it. If we want to be able
Episode 8: How to Respond with Love in Difficult Situations
19/02/2019 Duration: 35minWe often find ourselves dealing with difficult people or with situations that seem unfair. Responding with love is many times the last thing on our mind at the time. Our mind is going crazy thinking up all kinds of things to say and do to get even or get the upper hand. We feel diminished in some way and we just want to blast them! In this episode I share how we can move past our hurt and pain when we are treated rudely or unfairly and respond with grace and love. Every response puts out energy into the atmosphere of the planet. The question to ask ourselves is, "Am I blessing the planet or adding to the pollution?" I share a personal story of how this is playing out in my own life this week and how I chose to respond. Our responses matter. It takes practice to master being in control of our responses. The good news is, life gives us LOTS of opportunities to practice! If we want to live in a world of kindness, compassion, and love, we must be contributing that energy to the world ourselves. Every time we cho
Episode 7: In the Darkness- Living with Uncertainty
16/02/2019 Duration: 36minWe often find ourselves thrown into situations of uncertainty. It's such an uncomfortable place when you can't see how a situation is going to work out. Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Is there even an end to the tunnel? It doesn't feel like it when you are in the middle of a dark, scary tunnel of uncertainty. In this episode, I talk about my own dance with uncertainty that I'm currently faced with and share with you the secrets I've learned over the years that have taught me how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and move powerfully though uncertain times. Life will continue to challenge us, in order to cause us to grow. Yet, we can choose how we view the challenges and that makes all the difference in the outcome we experience. We can use these times of uncertainty to go deeper within ourselves and connect with the true source of power, joy, and abundance. "It's in the uncomfortable, the uncertain, the unpredictable, unknown, unfamiliar, unreasonable places in life, that the unbelieva
Episode 6: In the Pursuit of Happiness
12/02/2019 Duration: 27minWho doesn't want to be happy? Many of us are in a constant search and yearning for lasting happiness and are struggling to find it. It seems to be elusive. Here for a little while and then it's gone again. Where is happiness to be found? And, how do you keep it from disappearing again? In this episode, I share my own journey to find happiness and create a happy life and what I ultimately learned about happiness and where to find it. It was quite a long journey, but perhaps my story can help you shorten your own journey and get there a little faster. Life has a way of teaching us exactly what we need to learn just when we need to learn it. Maybe this is your time to learn the truth about happiness, and if so, I'm honored to be your guide. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: In the Pursuit of Happyness Movie Episode 17: It's About Time- Clock Time, Psychological Time, and Divine Time *I'm not an affiliate for anyone. These are not affilia
Episode 5: Somebody Left the Planet Today
08/02/2019 Duration: 19minWe all need a wake-up call from time to time. I had one such experience today, on my way home from work. In this episode, I share an incident that happened on my way home from work today and the thoughts that flooded my mind all the way home. I knew I had to get this message out ASAP. We hold back sharing ourselves because we are afraid, or don't think we are ready, or whatever other excuse we might be letting stop us from giving our treasures to the world. But, the idea that we have all this time is an illusion. We all have a last day on this planet. And, for someone on my way home from work today, February 7, 2019, time is up. They left the planet today. We simply do not have time to play small anymore. The stakes are high. The stakes are real. I don't want to leave this planet without having said what I needed to say. Without having given what I came to give and share. “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled,
Episode 4: Starting Over- How to Create Something Beautiful From Brokenness
05/02/2019 Duration: 33minAre you in a place right now, where you feel like your life has crumbled into shambles around your feet? Maybe, a little time has passed since you were in that place, but you haven't moved forward past the pain. Maybe its a divorce (that was me), maybe the loss of a loved one through death, maybe your career has suddenly ended and you aren't sure which direction to go with your life. Whatever the situation, it can feel difficult to move forward. When something or someone who was a significant part of our life is now gone, a hugantic hole suddenly appears in our normal daily existence and it leaves us feeling confused and lost. We aren't sure how to do life anymore, now that it looks so different. We need to recalculate. In this episode I share my own personal story of how I created something beautiful from brokenness. It starts with us. It starts with Love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 2: Intrinsic Value- How Do You Measure the Worth of a Person? Episode 3: How t
Episode 3: How to Love Yourself and Be Your Own BFF
30/01/2019 Duration: 35minSometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Many of the conversations we have with and about ourselves are critical and judgmental. If you find yourself struggling to be patient and loving with yourself, then today's episode could be the beginning of healing the rift in your relationship with yourself. In this episode I discuss how we can learn to love and appreciate ourselves and I give two powerful exercises that will transform yourself into your own BFF. Mirror Work- from You Can Heal Your Life by Louse Hay Working With Your Inner Child I used these with myself to create a loving and beautiful relationship with ME! And, you can do it, too. Making the world a more beautiful place starts with all of us working to make our inner space beautiful. As we bring more love to the parts of us that are hurting, we experience healing. As we heal ourselves, we heal the world. It starts with us. It starts with love. With Much Love, Darlene Michele Links mentioned in this episode: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise H
Episode 2: Intrinsic Value- How Do You Measure the Worth of a Person?
30/01/2019 Duration: 30minHave you ever felt unworthy or not enough? I think I can safely say we all have at one time or another. I've spent most of my life feeling this way about myself. And, only in recent years have I been able to shift the way I see my value and worthiness and honor my place in this world's story. In this episode I examine the question, "How do we measure the worth of a person?" It's sooooo easy to place our value in what others think of us or other external things, like a job or financial status. But, those things shift and change. Causing us to feel insecure in ourselves and our lives. Can our value really come from these places? Does our value come and go with the changing conditions in our lives? No. Our value is not found in anything outside of ourselves. Our value is inherent in who we are. We are worthy just because we exist. We must see that who we truly are is of a spiritual nature. We are ultimately spiritual beings dwelling in our human bodies for a little while. When we connect with that part of us tha
Episode 1: I'm Launching a Movement
30/01/2019 Duration: 26minDo you have a dream that consumes your heart and mind? One that excites you and it's all you can think about? Has that dream been poking and prodding you for years to do something with it? To push through all the fearful reasons why you think you can't make it happen? Has it finally become loud enough that you can't ignore it anymore? Is it practically shouting at you to "stop playing small and get out there already!"? If that's you, then you're in good company because that's me, too! In fact, this podcast is the beginning of me, finally taking action to work toward my dream of creating a world filled with more love and beauty. In this introductory episode, I share the mission of Making Everything Beautiful and how our world desperately needs us to show up in a bigger way. I talk about love being the most powerful force that exists and how spreading more of it, is the only hope for humanity. I share the two levels that we must focus on to bring more love to the world, the inner world of our own hearts and th