Pv Twenty-somethings



Sermons, panels, and more from PV Twenty-Somethings meant to help people fall deeper in love with Jesus.


  • The Fear of the Lord in the Face of Persecution: Revelation 1:9-20 (Revelation: Faith at the End of Time)

    08/09/2023 Duration: 45min

    How can we endure persecution? How can we withstand cultural pressures from the world around us? What does it mean to fear the Lord? How can the fear of the Lord lead to greater love for Jesus? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers these questions and more from Revelation 1:9-20!

  • The Beginning of the End: Revelation 1:1-8 (Revelation: Faith at the End of Time))

    01/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    Listen in as Caleb Eissler kicks off our sermon series in Revelation by helping us learn the context and genres of Revelation so we can understand this incredible book. Revelation is a book of Gospel-hope meant to help Christians trust in Jesus no matter what comes. Caleb shows this theme throughout the message. To close, he share 5 observations from Revelation 1:1-8 that help us understand the purpose and theme of the book.

  • Relationships Ask Anything Panel

    11/08/2023 Duration: 01h23s

    To close out our relationships series, the Twenty-Somethings Advisory Team (Caleb Eissler, Jay Minnick, Jane Minnick, Kelly Broadway, and Nick Monroe) led an ask anything panel to answer live audience questions related to the message series. Topics ranged from things like finances in marriage, to emotional boundaries, to dating advice, to divorce, to sex, and more. Listen in as we close out our summer-long relationships series!

  • Sex: Pastoral Prayer + Sermon (Relationships)

    04/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    This message has one simple and important goal: to show the world the Bible's positive, joyful, passionate, sensual, and sacred view of sex between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. Listen in as Caleb Eissler shows how the world's broken and tiny view of sex is nothing compared to the Bible's glorious view. During the message, Caleb tries to remove some of the confusion or mystery surrounding the Song of Songs as he seeks to show that it is a profound book about God's good gift of sex. Caleb primarily walks through Genesis, 1 Corinthians, Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ephesians to show us the goodness of sex and how it relates to the glory of God and the Gospel. Ultimately, Caleb shows us that the good gift of sex, like all good gifts, is meant to point us back to our greatest joy of all: God Himself.

  • Divorce and Remarriage (Relationships)

    28/07/2023 Duration: 51min

    Few topics are more difficult and personal than divorce and remarriage. Yet, few topics are less preached on. At Twenty-Somethings, we don't believe in avoiding tough topics. We believe God's Word is our ultimate guide for life and doctrine. In tonight's message, Caleb Eissler addresses these topics by answering questions such as the following: What is the purpose of marriage according to the Bible? Is divorce ever permissible? Is remarriage ever permissible? How does divorce differ from the Bible's vision of marriage? How does abuse relate to this conversation? What Gospel-hope do we in the midst of divorce? Caleb closed the message with some live Q&A to help bring the content home.

  • A Practical Look at Marriage: Teaching + Panel (Relationships)

    21/07/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    After talking about the Bible's theology of marriage last week, we thought it would be important to talk about the practical side of marriage. What is marriage really like? What are some myths about marriage? What are the joys of marriage? What should a Christian marriage look like? Listen in as Jay and Jane Minnick walk us through a practical teaching on marriage. After this teaching, the Minnicks host a panel of two newly married couples from Twenty-Somethings: Eli and Paige Gaitley plus Lake and Ellie McGinty.

  • A Theology of Marriage (Relationships)

    14/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    What does the Bible teach about marriage? How does the Bible's teaching differ from our modern, Western, secular view of marriage? How does the Gospel relate to marriage? How can our marriages be a picture of the Gospel? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers all of these questions and more in this next installment in our Relationships message series.

  • Dating (Relationships)

    16/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    What wisdom does the Bible have about dating? Is dating even a biblical concept? How should the Gospel inform our views of dating? What is the end goal of dating? What are some practical bits of biblical advice about dating? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers these questions and more in this next message in our Relationships series.

  • The Bible's Radical Vision For Singleness (Relationships)

    09/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    While the modern, Western Church can often times exalt marriage and children above all else while minimizing the value of singleness, the Bible's radical vision for singleness stands in stark contrast to what we typically see in our churches today. Listen in as Caleb Eissler shows us the Bible's incredible vision for singleness from the Old Testament to the New in this next installment in our Relationships series.

  • God at the Center: The Foundation and Example For All of Our Relationships (Relationships)

    02/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    Listen in as Caleb Eissler kicks off our summer message series on relationships! In this message, Caleb explains that we cannot understand or flourish in our relationships until we see God as the foundation and example in them all. Our relationships flourish best when God is at the center.

  • The God of All Glory: The Astonishing Truth That Changes Everything About Our Lives (Isaiah 48:9-11)

    31/03/2023 Duration: 42min

    What is your purpose in life? What does it mean that God pursues His own glory? How does this relate to God's love for us? What does it mean that we are made in the image of God? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers these questions and more from Isaiah 48:9-11.

  • Pastoral Prayer on the Occasion of the Nashville School Mass Shooting

    31/03/2023 Duration: 07min

    In response to the horrific mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville on March 27th, we took time to pray together as a ministry and then Caleb Eissler led us through a pastoral prayer related to many facets of the tragedy.

  • The God of All Comfort (Isaiah 40-43) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    24/03/2023 Duration: 55min

    How does God comfort His people? Can I really trust Him with my pains and sorrows? What does it look like to trust the comfort of God? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers these questions and more from Isaiah 40-43.

  • Who Are You Trusting? (Isaiah 36-37) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    17/03/2023 Duration: 50min

    Are you really trusting in God or are you trusting in something else in your big decisions? How can you know you're trusting in God? Is God really trustworthy? What next step is God calling you to trust Him in right now? Listen in as Caleb Eissler helps us think through these questions and more from Isaiah 36-37.

  • A Tale of Two Cities (Isaiah 24-27) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    24/02/2023 Duration: 58min

    Why are the ways of the world so seductive to us? How can we remain faithful to God in the midst of the temptations of the world? What end awaits those who reject God? Is it really worth it to follow God? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers these questions and more as he preaches from Isaiah 24-27 for our Isaiah message series.

  • In God We Trust? (Isaiah 21-23) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    17/02/2023 Duration: 43min

    Where does our true trust lie? How can understanding the shape of Scripture's narrative help us understand the teachings of Scripture? How can understanding the story of Scripture help us learn to trust God more? Listen in as Nick Monroe answers these questions and more through Isaiah 21-23 in this next installment in our Gospel According to Isaiah message series.

  • Trusting in the Sovereignty of God (Isaiah 10-12) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    03/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    With so much craziness going on in our world today, is God actually in control? Can He use tough circumstances for good? What does this all mean for your life? Listen in as Brad Bartlett answers these questions and more as he teaches through Isaiah 10-12.

  • The God of Isaiah (Isaiah 7-9) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    27/01/2023 Duration: 39min

    What is God like? How does He relate to us? How can we feel His presence and hear His voice? Listen in as Austin Hey answers these questions and more from Isaiah 7-9.

  • Encountering God: Experiencing and Responding to the Holiness of God (Isaiah 6) [The Gospel According to Isaiah]

    20/01/2023 Duration: 55min

    What does it look like to encounter God? What is the holiness of God? What should our response be to encountering God? How can we tell if we had a genuine encounter with God? Listen in as Caleb Eissler answers all of these questions and more from Isaiah 6.

  • Everything We Need For a Life of Godliness (Isaiah 2-5) [The Gospel According to Isaiah ]

    17/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    What do we need to live a life of godliness? How has God provided? How does God deal with our pride as we follow Him? What can we learn from God's people in Isaiah? Listen in as Jay Minnick answers these questions and more in this next installment in our message series in Isaiah.

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