Do It For The Process



Empowering you to live creatively and to THRIVE while doing so! A Podcast by Emily Jeffords,


  • The Artist's Year of Growth (part 1)

    09/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    Welcome to 2020!  The Year of growth and expansion.   In this podcast, we explore the importance of dreams (how can you grow without vision?) and then dive into practical ways to grow your business, nourish your creativity, and fall in LOVE with the process.   There is a BEAUTIFUL free 28-page workbook that goes along with this two-part episode series.  Download it here.  It is designed for your success and I can't wait to hear how it impacts your bottom line + creativity this year!    

  • How to Feel ALIVE In Your Creative Process (and create better work!)

    13/12/2019 Duration: 18min

    Whew!  We're nearly there.  It's almost time to stuff some stockings and eat fruit cake -- the holiday sales season is wrapping up soon!   I first shared this exercise with The Collective (a mentorship I offer for creatives and artists) but I wanted to share it with you too!        Regardless of how you are taking on this season (aiming for record sales goals or sitting this one out) the energy in the air can be a bit much sometimes.  Am I right?   And here's a little secret for you: the energy you feel affects your work.  And the energy you bring to your creative process affects the quality of the work.  And the energy you feel towards your work affects its success in the world.   Did you follow all of that?   It's a whole cycle of input and output and if you are not keeping yourself well balanced the cycle fails.     So we're going to take a moment in the middle of all the hubbub and come back to the heart of it all.  Now.  In the craziness.  Because this is when we need it most.     This creative prompt is

  • 5 Tips for AMAZING Holiday Sales

    20/11/2019 Duration: 22min

    The holidays are (nearly) here and it's time for your creativity to SHINE!  In this episode, I share 5 tips that will majorly increase your holiday sales: 1. Think of your website like a storefront.  Make it beautiful, tidy, enchanting, and easy to navigate. 2. Be consistent and constant.  Remember that, during normal times of the year, if you say something five times, your audience is just beginning to hear you. During the holidays I recommend saying something at least 7 to 10 times in order to be heard!  It might feel like too much to you, but it doesn't feel that way to your customers. 3. Photography, photography, photography!  You can do it yourself or hire a pro, but having good photos is really the only way to stay in business these days. 4. Offer a variety of price points to meet a variety of your customer's needs 5. Make your gifting easy. Curated collections, suggestions for different people, bundles…   BONUS: find joy in the season.  You really have to store up energy and bring it during this time o

  • What To Do When Someone Copies Your Work (part 2)

    25/09/2019 Duration: 48min

    Welcome to part two of our creating authentic art conversation: What do you do when someone COPIES your work?    I'm coming to you from Europe today but before we begin this episode, go download the FREE GUIDE TO SELL YOUR OWN WORK. “How to Sell Art Online” This guide is going to make the whole process of bringing your work to the world clear and inspiring.   Two weeks ago we talked about ways to create authentic art that is pure and from YOUR inspiration     Before we dive into this too far, we need to lay a foundation:  EVERYTHING IS A REMIX Everything builds on something that came before. Acknowledge the massive amount of inspiration that went into the formation, creation, and execution of your own work. You and I are part of a long, long lineage of artists building on ideas and working within mediums. What an honor!     Thoughts travel at the speed of light in our connected world If your ideas are good, and if you share them (which you should) they WILL travel

  • How to Create Authentic Art (Copying in Art, Part 1)

    11/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    Having been in the creative world for quite a few years with a pretty wide audience, I've had the "honor" (lol) of having my work copied many, many times.   In this episode, I get into why copying someone's work is harmful to not only the original artist but also for the person who is being heavily inspired.   We also get into mental shifts and practical tips for creating good, authentic, ORIGINAL art that is going to help your work thrive.  Creating work you are proud of and that speaks from your point of view and personal aesthetic leads to great success in your career.   This topic is sensitive, and I want to approach it with love and understanding, but I also want our industry to grow and improve, and the only way we can do that is by exposing our wounds and allowing them to heal.   Keep creating good work.  XO   Learn more about Emily Jeffords:     

  • Want to Know Our Secret to Success? Creative Community.

    28/08/2019 Duration: 39min

    Shouldn't we be competing?  Shouldn't we keep everything locked away and behind closed doors?  What if I were to tell you that honesty and transparency in your creative business could be the key to your success?  What if I were to tell you that it was my key to success?  Would you go for it?     In this episode we hear from 6 women who have been a vibrant and powerful part of my creative community: Jan McCarthy ( Jennifer Allevato ( Katherine Corden (  Lucy Reiser ( Joyce Chiang ( Sarah Bourne Rafferty (    After these beautiful artists share their perspective, I dive into the benefits of Community and some ideas to help you form your own.     Rate + Review this podcast if you have a second!  I will love you forever. And share it on your IG stories!   xox

  • The Artist's Success Path!

    22/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    Yes, you read that correctly.  A path that your creative career can move and evolve through so that you can just create and rest in the knowledge that you and your business are exactly where you need to be!   Where does your business fall right now? Hobbyist, Emerging Artist, Pioneering Artist, Aficionado, and Creative Maven.   Learn SO much more about each phase in the booklet and video series.     Join us on this journey at  You can find all the links to the success path right on the homepage.  

  • 13: So you want to be an expert? Guess what...?

    14/08/2019 Duration: 48min

    Oooo!  I LOVE this conversation.  Today we're discussing what it means to be an "expert", when you can call yourself one, and how you can up-level really, really quickly.     I'm coming to you from my home studio and this podcast includes a little painting as well!   This episode is sponsored by "The Collective; my brand new, totally beautiful membership for artists and creative entrepreneurs.  Enrollment opens August 20th.  Learn more at

  • 12: How to Come Back to the Process

    31/07/2019 Duration: 32min

    Coming back to your creative work can be harder than one might expect.  Whether you took a week off for vacation or 20 years to raise a family, your creative work is calling to you, but what do you do when you feel unsure in the process?  I'm speaking on this topic from experience today!  links mentioned in this episode:     

  • Season 2 is Coming Soon!

    24/07/2019 Duration: 02min

    So excited to announce that Season 2 of the Do It For the Process Podcast is returning next Wednesday!    This season is going to be full of good conversations and honest discussion on creative life and entrepreneurship.      See you then!  xo

  • 11: Five Ways to Improve Your Instagram Stories

    03/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    Instagram is one of the platforms I LOVE most -- and that is, in large part, due to Instagram Stories!  Instagram Stories bring community and friendship to the platform.  It allows us to connect on a more human and personal level and brings the intimacy of the creative practice right into the hearts and minds of our audience.     In this podcast I offer 5 tips for using this platform really well.  Download the guide here. 

  • 10: Can artists Make It On Their Own? The Mindset Shifts Needed To Be a Creative Entrepreneur

    27/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    Can artists make it on their own?  I mean, really.  We are supposed to be dependent on others and suffering and starving... but no.  Nope.  I'm having none of that.  In this episode, we get into the mindset shifts needed to create a sustainable creative career.     Visit to find out more about the podcast, Emily Jeffords, and Making Art Work.  Enrollment will reopen in early 2020.  

  • 9: My Five favorite Photo Editing Apps

    20/03/2019 Duration: 15min

    Making Art Work is OPEN!  Visit to learn more and to JOIN US! Your ability to edit photos on the go has NEVER been easier -- but which apps to use?  I list my 5 favorite apps, reasons I chose them, and tips to use them well for your own photos!     Get the guide HERE

  • The Studio Series

    15/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    Join me in a 5-part VIDEO series, The Studio Series!  This is a mini-course designed to bring clarity & inspiration and to your creative practice.   Join us!  The course launched TODAY and will available through the 27th of March!       

  • 8: Can Artists Really Sell Artwork Online?

    13/03/2019 Duration: 38min

    Can artists actually sell artwork online?  Really...?   In this podcast we delve into: Communicating well with your audience Removing doubt + allowing your audience to trust you Sharing a lifestyle, not a product Connecting genuinely and authentically BROUGHT TO YOU BY MY UPCOMING COURSE: Making Art Work -- a 3 month, 12-week intensive course and community for artists and creatives wanting to grow their creative practice into a thriving, sustainable business. Download the Worksheet that accompanies this podcast here  

  • 7: Five Books that are changing the way I think about my creative practice

    06/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    Download the PDF with links to each of these books here 5 books that are changing the way I think about marketing, the creative process, and WHY I chose to lead this beautiful, complex, vibrant lifestyle.  I hope they encourage and inspire you as well!

  • 6: Instagram for Artists (part 2): tips for creating a VIBRANT and ENGAGING account

    28/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    What makes some Instagram accounts come ALIVE?  Why do some people seem to have ALL the engagement while your account gets crickets?  This episode dives into engagement across the whole Instagram platform and how to really add value to your community.  I'm getting a bit nerdy in this episode to bring you ALL the goodness and growth (and the exact method I used to grow my account from 0 to 70,000+). Download the PDF workbook that accompanies this conversation HERE. PS. visit Emily_Jeffords on IG for a visual example of what we're discussing.  xo    

  • 5: Instagram for Artists (part 1): tips for creating a VIBRANT and ENGAGING account

    27/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever thought about the psychology of an engaging Instagram account?  How about the aesthetic flow and community-centered conversation?  I'm getting a bit nerdy in this episode to bring you ALL the goodness and growth (and the exact method I used to grow my account from 0 to 70,000+). Get the PDF workbook "Instagram for Creatives" HERE. PS. visit Emily_Jeffords on IG for a visual example of what we're discussing.  xo

  • 4: Mother + Artist: can creativity coexist with parenting?

    20/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    Can creativity live alongside motherhood?  We address this question and delve into mindset shifts and practical tips to make this challenging task even more rewarding.     "Allow your children to find space within your life --but don’t remove all other loves in the process.  Your heart is big enough for all of it."    xo, Emily Jeffords

  • 2: My journey from starving artist to six-figure business owner AND the power of small, consistent steps

    13/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    In this podcast, we discuss topics like overcoming fear embracing the bravery needed to share journey and work My journey from starving artist to 6-figure business owner the power of small consistent steps. I'm your host, Emily Jeffords and I'm so glad you're here.  Welcome to #DoitfortheProcess

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